What's the impact of Snapchat and how do you at it to MMM?
Adweek Webinar



Quantify the Value of Snapchat Advertising

Best Practices for Marketing Measurement
November 15, 2018
1PM ET | 10AM PT
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Snapchat—with its filters, lenses, ad options and sponsored stories, not to mention its Gen Z and millennial users—is a unique platform that is constantly innovating for brand advertisers. Still, marketers managing multichannel campaigns need guidance to measure the impact of these activities accurately. As an inaugural Snap MMM partner since August 2017, Nielsen has been at the forefront of incorporating marketing activity data from Snap into marketing mix models for advertisers.


Get insights and best practices on measuring the impact of Snap advertising directly from Snap and Nielsen, along the findings from an analysis of Snap advertising performance for five brands in the beer category.

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