Top stories for IT leaders

CIO First Look

July 15, 2021

Quantum Delta head lays out path for Netherlands tech leadership

Freeke Heijman, cofounding director of Quantum Delta Netherlands, said bridging the diversity gap in technology and bringing innovation out of the lab and into the commercial market are keys to success for Holland’s massive investment in quantum technologies. Read more ▶

Image: 7 new rules of project management

7 new rules of project management

COVID-19 has greatly affected the future of work and how teams collaborate to get projects done, resulting in significant changes in the skills and strategies necessary to succeed as a project manager. Read more ▶

6 IT management traps to avoid

When the work gets stressful, it’s easy to fall prey to quick management fixes that can harden into habits that do more harm than good. Read more ▶

6 best practices for good data governance

Data governance is becoming a key strategic initiative. Here’s how to ensure critical data assets are reliable, secure, and available for your business. Read more ▶

Image: What is iPaaS? Integrating data flows to create new services

What is iPaaS? Integrating data flows to create new services

An integration platform as a service (iPaaS) is a cloud-based tool for linking existing applications and data flows into new services. Here are the key use cases, examples, and vendors. Read more ▶

Rethinking IT governance for agility and innovation

To meet today’s need for constant innovation, IT leaders must take a different approach to IT governance centered around flexibility and agility — without sacrificing stability and security. Read more ▶

CAPM certification: Cost, salary, training, and more

The Certified Associate Project Manager (CAPM) certification is a great starting point for accelerate your project management career. Cost, salary expectations, training — here’s what you need to know. Read more ▶

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