For 12 straight months, the Creighton University Rural Mainstreet Index (RMI) has remained above growth neutral. For November 2021, the RMI rose to 67.7 from October’s 66.1.
Montana Senator Jon Tester introduced a bill that would halt imports of beef from Brazil after repeated issues with delayed reporting of BSE. The bill has support from U.S. cattle organizations.
Has there been a time when the acreage mix for the next crop year has been so hotly debated during the current harvest? What is your take on 2022 acres?
In high school, John Phipps was "forced" to read "Return of the Native," a Victorian novel set in 1850 rural England. Two things remained in his mind all these years — the opening and the language skills — so he re-read it.
Austria announces lockdown and Germany might follow; CBO estimates the BBB package would increase the deficit; and USDA will release its Cattle On Feed report this afternoon.
According to AAA the national average for a gallon of gas is leveling off at $3.41 a gallon, but it could soon be dropping. Details in today's AgDay Minute.