Book a free call with diversity expert, Kim Clark, to learn how to develop a strategic diversity, equity and inclusion plan that makes real change.

Still reeling from COVID-19 and its economic after-shocks, organizations are now grappling with how to address racial inequalities in the workplace.

The stakes are high.

In a recent Edelman survey, 60% of consumers said that how brands respond to this call to action—and how quickly—will determine if they buy or boycott them in the future. And 60% of employees said that companies with inclusive cultures will attract and retain them.

That’s why we’re offering you the opportunity to speak directly with Kim Clark, our diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I) expert.

Want to benchmark the DE&I I.Q. of your organization? Need to hone your org’s authentic voice on these important issues? Curious how to develop an inclusive language toolkit for your employees and leaders? Check my availability here to schedule your free, no-strings-attached brain picking with Kim.

-Kristin Hart
Follow us on LinkedIn here

P.S. – Fill out your information here to be added to our list for future virtual small group Coffee Klatch discussions on diversity, equity and inclusion with Kim Clark.

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