What are the things that you hate NOT doing?

What are the things you don’t want to miss... but are

What are you missing out on in life... because you are too busy?

This is important because NO ONE — no matter how driven they are — wants to work their life away.

You were put here for more than that. 

That’s why I wrote my book The Perfect Week Formula to help you build your business around your life instead of your life around your business.

Read that again:

Build your business around your life and not your life around your business.

So I want you to get serious about answering that question and make a list...

Then use these 3 tools from The Perfect Week Formula to make time for what matters most:

1. Time Journal

This exercise will help give you clarity on how your time is really being used right now.

Grab a piece of lined paper or open a fresh google doc.

Use it to create a time sheet in 20 minute increments from the time you wake up…

...to the time you go to sleep.

Now for the next 3 days, you’ll use a sheet like this and a recurring timer on your phone to track your activity, energy, and mood throughout the day.

Each time the timer goes off…

Record what you’ve accomplished in the last 20 minutes, and how you feel your energy and mood to be.

You will likely notice some patterns that need improvement for better use of your time… 

And that’s great because now you know where to start.

PLUS — the secret benefit to this exercise is it shows
you your “magic time”...

The 2-3 hour block during the day where you are up to 10X more focused, energetic, motivated, and productive than at any other time.

Now you can get rid of time “leaks”...

And optimize your schedule for when your body is most efficient to get the hardest work done.

2. Billionaire Time Matrix

To get everything important done and still have time to enjoy life…

You must become the “Oprah” of your business.

Oprah doesn’t adjust the lights or edit the videos… and neither should you.

Ruthlessly guard your time by categorizing things into these 4 quadrants…

I - STOP doing what you hate

Some aspects of work can be awful, yet when you look closely… they’re not even necessary.

If you hate it, and you can avoid it, cut it.

II - STOP doing things no one should do

The most important word in your vocabulary here is “no”.

You must learn to say no to doing extra tasks that do not serve your vision and goals.

Decide if it really presents a valuable opportunity and if it doesn’t… the answer is N-O.

III - STOP doing things that aren’t your job

Delegate. Delegate. Delegate.

Nearly every task in your business and personal life can be delegated.

Your team is there for a reason. Use them.

Fiverr and Upwork are two more great options.

What can you hire out?

IV - Destroy Distractions

Notifications, calls, emails… people.

If random and unnecessary distractions keep popping up…

They’re eating away at your work day and it’s no wonder you’re short on time.

Do whatever it takes to draw boundaries around yourself.

3. Non Negotiables

These are those things you hate NOT doing.

The things in your life that are truly important and bring you joy.

Quality time with your kids… date nights… hobbies and sports… travelling.

The key here is to SCHEDULE them first and commit to actually doing them.

Putting these things at a set time on your calendar and sticking to them is the first step to building your business around your life and not your life around your business.

For a more detailed explanation you can download The Perfect Week Formula here for free.


I promise once you implement these 3 simple strategies…

You’ll notice an immediate increase in the time you have available…

And a major improvement in your quality of life.

We’d love to hear how these help you…

Hit reply and let me know!

Success Loves Speed,


PS - I just dropped a killer podcast episode with my friend JayJay, a social media growth expert…

In it he shares his tips for YouTube growth, getting traction on Clubhouse, and some cool magic tricks!

You can check out the episode of Early to Rise Radio at the link below…

>> Click here to listen to social media growth tips with JayJay


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