Hey, Just in case you missed it, I wanted to send a quick reminder about this message (below) we sent you last week. Donate now to join the community of people like you who have already supported DeSmog in 2020. We’re dedicated to independent journalism in the public interest, and couldn’t do it without your help! Thanks, Dear reader, For over 14 years, DeSmog has been exposing the people and organizations seeking to block climate action and a just transition to a clean energy future. We do that both in our pull-no-punches investigative reporting and our extensive databases on Climate Disinformation, the Koch Network, COVIDenial, and our brand new Agribusiness Database. All of this is made possible by readers like you. Thank you! As we look ahead to the huge climate and energy challenges the world faces in 2021, we continue to believe in the potential for people-powered media to hold wealthy polluters accountable for climate inaction. This year, DeSmog has stayed on top of climate deniers as they began peddling dangerous misinformation about COVID-19 and the U.S. elections. Our hard-hitting investigations and database expansions are DeSmog’s priority, and well, they don’t come cheap. We are constantly searching for the resources to keep up this essential work. Please become a DeSmog donor today, and ensure DeSmog can continue exposing climate science denial and fossil fuel industry-funded misinformation? Sincerely, |