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Delta Power Solutions News
2018 May Issue Europe, Middle East & Africa ver.

Quickly Enabling DCIM to Optimize Your Data Center Operation

At many enterprises the data center has long been the organization’s most valuable asset. Demand for computing and storage resources is increasing, and so are electricity rates, which is why the benefit of optimizing data center infrastructure operations is obvious — it’s a way to reduce costs. Beyond minimizing data center operating expenses, the transformative impact of DCIM lies within its ability help a business achieve its operating objectives and strategic plans for the future.

What does DCIM start with?

Generally speaking, there are many reasons to implement DCIM at a data center — better capacity management, detecting problems that can limit availability, reducing energy consumption, increasing asset utilization, and reducing staffing needs are all advantages that can be gained from a successful DCIM implementation.

However, faced with different types of hurdles, it often makes sense to start with the highest priority first and then go from there. This can be the most critical pain point or the highest value opportunity that a DCIM solution can address. Modular DCIM solutions make this type of phased implementation possible. After the first module has been rolled out, subsequent modules can be taken on step-by-step.
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Partner with an experienced DCIM vendor that fulfils your prioritized needs

It can be a challenge to assess the veracity of a software vendor’s claims. With such a critical element determining a business’s success, the choice of vendor must be carefully considered. It’s best to trust a vendor that is on solid financial footing and has a long track record of supporting its products.

Delta InfraSuite Manager belongs among the ranks of the truly comprehensive DCIM solutions that are designed to cover all of the enterprise’s infrastructure management needs. InfraSuite Manager was designed with a modular structure, including seven modules, to ease implementation and simplify later upgrades. 
Summary of DCIM benefits

Data centers that use DCIM to gain visibility and understand their actual capacity needs will be able to significantly limit this costly downtime. DCIM can also help a company that is approaching the limits of its datacenter’s capacity to get the most from the power available and potentially defer large capital expenditures on new facilities.

From our customer successful cases, they show that InfraSuite Manager can handle the infrastructure management requirements of any organization — from small hosting providers to global collocation and telecommunications market leaders. Moreover, Delta’s DCIM solution is capable of solving data center problems and delivering ROI quickly in a multitude of other scenarios and industries.

The synergy of a DCIM implementation can only be achieved once a holistic view of the entire data center, including environmental, power, and capacity information, is available. At that point, companies gain the ability to plan their capacity. That’s crucial to the success of any business. At the same time, unnecessary capital investments in new datacenters represent a financial risk. As the majority of datacenter operators have discovered, the reasons to deploy a DCIM solution have already become too numerous to ignore.

If you haven’t already, it’s time to start identifying your organization’s quick wins and then fast track to ROI with a modular yet comprehensive DCIM suite. Contact Delta today for a free consultation to get started on your path to strategic data center management, step by modular step.