#1 fruit for prostate and bladder health
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Do you know which fruit extract relieves urinary symptoms?

Is it...

Image of Blueberries
( ) Blueberries
Image of Blueberries
( ) Cranberries
Image of Blueberries
( ) Kiwi
Image of Blueberries
( ) Blackberries

One clinical study showed an extract from this fruit helped men enjoy a stronger stream, empty their bladders more completely, and pee more easily.

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The “fat” you haven’t heard of could stop MS
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is slowcalculating… and methodical.

This life-shattering autoimmune condition is like a twisted mad scientist that takes no prisoners and causes body-wrecking symptoms like…

Vision loss … the ability to speaknumbness in your limbsdepleted energy levels… even memory issues and pain!

And once MS takes control, you could LOSE your independence in the blink of an eye… with no recognized cure in sight.

To make matters worse, studies have found that the first signs of MS can often go undiagnosed – or even undetected – for YEARS!

But today I’m here to share some good news in the fight against MS…

Because there’s research about a lesser-known “fat” that may be the key to naturally stopping MS dead in its tracks!
If you're interested in CBD and how it could help relieve your discomfort, click here to see this doctor's important update on CBD.

You've probably heard of CBD before. Seniors across America are using it to help their joints feel amazing.

However, before you try CBD for yourself or give any to a loved one, you must see this important CBD news first.

It directly impacts anyone who wants to use CBD.

Click here to see this doctor's CBD update.
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Folks with MS lack the proper amounts of oleic acid in their system – according to a study from Yale University.

Oleic acid is a member of the fatty acid family… but it isn’t widely ‘popular’ compared to other fatty acids (like omega-3 fatty acids).

But this “fat” is actually abundant in common foods like cooking oil, cheese, nuts, eggs, pasta, avocados… and even mouthwatering meats like beef, pork, and chicken.

But what’s the connection between MS and oleic acid?

See, MS causes your body’s natural defenses to rebel against the healthy nerves in your body.

And when there’s a lack of oleic acid, it can cause your body to fail to activate T cells – which your immune system uses to help FIGHT off disease.

Without the ability to properly suppress and regulate T cells, your immune system starts to attack healthy parts of your body… leading to MS.

So, think of oleic acid as the ‘armor’ that protects the nerves that help your brain and body work in harmony.

But introducing more oleic acid into your diet it can help ensure increased levels of T cells and help prevent the onset of MS.

Your best bet of getting enough oleic acid is through your diet: cooking oils, cheese, nuts, and meats are all high in oleic acid.

My go-to oleic acid source is olive oil.

Olive oil is the most bang for your buck when it comes to high amounts of oleic acid. In fact, upwards of 80% of olive oil is comprised of it!

So, go ahead and use olive oil as a cooking oil, or even as base for a salad dressing.

To stopping MS,

Sarah Reagan


Norton, Amy. “First Signs of MS May Often Go Undiagnosed.” https://www.webmd.com/multiple-sclerosis/news/20210625/first-signs-of-ms-may-often-go-undiagnosed

ScienceDirect. “Oleic Acid.” https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/pharmacology-toxicology-and-pharmaceutical-science/oleic-acid

Melore, Chris. “More fatty acids in your diet may help prevent multiple sclerosis.” https://studyfinds.org/fatty-acids-prevent-multiple-sclerosis/
Vibrant nearly 20/20 Vision with THIS Ingredient?
Want eyesight that doesn't worsen with age?

I know it sounds crazy, but one renowned Harvard-trained M.D. says now it's finally possible. 

He's got research that shows seniors can even turn weak, aging eyesight into vibrant nearly 20/20 vision again.

And that may mean NEVER needing reading glasses again.

Just CLICK HERE to see his incredible video while you can.