BU Today

Wednesday, October 19th

Top Headlines
Dino Christenson, CAS professor of political science and an expert on American political behavior

CAS Political Scholar Decries Horse-Race Election Coverage

Offers insights on how this presidential contest is, and isn’t, different

Angela Jackson, Associate Dean, Boston University School of Medicine

Office Artifacts: Angela Jackson

MED associate dean shares Boston City Hospital memorabilia

Angela Yuan (CAS’18) looks at a bag of vegetables at BU Farmers Market

BU’s Farmers Market Supports Local Businesses

A chance to buy fresh on Thursdays through October

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Cameron Dacey (CGS '20), Noelle Monge (CAS '20), Rae Bettenweiser (CAS '19) and Phoebe Nelson (CAS '19) speak to a student about registering to vote

Today, October 19, is the last day to register to vote in Massachusetts in the November 8 election. BU Students for Reproductive Justice offered a quick, painless opportunity to register yesterday at the GSU for those procrastinators (and they are legion) among us. Photo by Alexandra Wimley (COM'17)

Featured Video
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David C. Roy creating and assembling kinetic sculptures in his workshop

Art in Motion

David C. Roy’s kinetic sculptures are hypnotic. The Connecticut-based artist’s self-powered creations swirl, swoop, and glide—visual symphonies of engineering. Physics alum Roy (CAS’74) uses his aptitude for mechanics to turn precisely-placed wood, springs, and brass weights into absorbing art.

Upcoming Events
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Entrepreneurship Night

October 19 at 6:00 pm
The Buzzlab, 4th floor, 143 Bay State Rd.

Sargent Choice Test Kitchen

October 19 at 8:00 pm
StuVi2, 2302, 33 Harry Agganis Way

Presidential Debate Party

October 19 at 8:30pm
BU Central, GSU, Lower Level, 775 Commonwealth Ave.

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Series Spotlight
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Campus Life 101

Tips on how to navigate the basics of college life.

View Series
Campus Life 101, basics of college life, lifestyle basics for college students

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