TODAY'S TOP STORIES - July 15, 2016

Brewing Violence and Racial Anger: Are We Fooling Ourselves to Think That America Is Better Than This?

By Marty Kaplan, AlterNet

If you weren’t whiplashed, heartsick, nauseated, outraged and exhausted last week, you weren’t paying attention. READ MORE»

Republican National Convention Speakers List Revealed: Trump's Barely Famous Friends Set to Take the Stage in Cleveland

By Sophia Tesfaye, Salon

So much for his grand promises of "showbiz" coming to Cleveland. Antonio Sabato Jr.? Really?  READ MORE»

Living (and Dying) While Black: Racism Is Not Going Away, and How We Must Fight It

By D. Watkins, Hot Books

Tired of the repeated story of police violence against black victims, D. Watkins is working to change the story. READ MORE»

Tragedy in France as Over 80 Die After Man Drives Truck into Crowds on National Holiday

By Jessica Camille Aguirre, DPA - German Press Agency

The French nation is reeling after the latest terror attacks. READ MORE»

Caught on Camera: Police Racism

By Peter Dreier, The American Prospect

A recent wave of police violence against African Americans isn’t anything new. It’s just been caught on video. READ MORE»

8 Countries Where Rampant Inequality Has Led to Violence

By Alex Henderson, AlterNet

Dear rich people: drastic inequality is bad for everyone, even you. READ MORE»

Copspeak: 7 Ways Journalists Use Police Jargon to Obscure the Truth

By Adam Johnson, FAIR

Here are some examples of how “copspeak” is internalized by journalists covering police violence. READ MORE»

The U.S. Continues Unquestioned Support of Saudi Arabia Despite Mounting War Crimes

By Sarah Lazare, AlterNet

Human Rights Watch identifies 17 “apparently unlawful” airstrikes on civilian factories, farms and warehouses. READ MORE»

Denver Uses Funds Designated to Help Homeless People to Harass Them Instead

By Robin Scher, AlterNet

It's a cruel irony. READ MORE»

Cop Who Killed Philando Castile Took For-Profit Course Accused of Making Officers 'Paranoid'

By Arturo Garcia, Raw Story

Despite national complaints from law enforcement, the company's CEO says, "We go to bed every night knowing that we did the right thing." READ MORE»

America's a Super Power -- But What Does That Mean If the Entire World Is Falling Apart?

By Tom Engelhardt, TomDispatch

The United States is the default superpower in an ever more recalcitrant world. READ MORE»

How Insidious Laws Are Keeping Many From Participating in the Promising Legal Marijuana Economy

By Shaleen Title, The Influence

The idea behind legalizing weed is to repair the damage of prohibition, not to prolong it, but excluding people with drug convictions does just that.  READ MORE»

5 Eco-Home Development Projects That Are Shaping the Future of Sustainable Design (Video)

By Nathaniel Berman, AlterNet

These visionary projects are changing local lives and having a global impact. READ MORE»

How Pokémon Go Is Changing the Way We Date… and Watch Porn

By Carrie Weisman, AlterNet

In the race to catch em’ all, you might just bag a lay. READ MORE»

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