Radar Ears From Chicken Soup for the Soul: My Clever, Curious, Caring Cat By Melanie Saxton My relationship with cats has saved me from a deadly, pervasive ignorance. ~William S. Burroughs She roams the house and occasionally sneaks through the dog door. But Bella stays in the yard, content to listen to the birds and quarrelsome squirrels. Our Chihuahuas give her plenty of space — no rollicking or chasing back and forth as they sometimes do with our other cats. Then Bella comes back inside and hops onto a bar stool, and without banging her head manages to climb onto the countertop. There's no telling her "No!" because she's earned her place up high, away from the other animals. The fact that she learned to jump, climb, counter surf, and make a nuisance of herself is a complete victory in my book. A complete victory over her blindness. (Keep reading) |