Radio World NewsBytes


Brett Moss - NewsBytes Editor

Paul McLane - Editor in Chief

  Radio World Newsbytes
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Best of Show Nominations Are Rolling In
This is the week! If you are an exhibitor highlighting a new product at the NAB Show, nominate it now for a NewBay “Best of Show” Award. Companies pay a fee to nominate; winners are selected by panels of professional users and editors, and all nominees are featured in the big post-show Program Guide.
  TOP STORIES - 4/3/17
Public Radio Engineers Honor Dan Mansergh
Congrats to the CTO of KQED(FM/TV), who will be honored by the Association of Public Radio Engineers.
Translator Feed Exception Denied to ENMU
FCC’s Doyle rules in a case involving a New Mexico noncom FM with a Texas translator in the non-reserved band.
EBU’s Dixon Defines Radio
The European Broadcasting Union’s head of radio says the medium is adaptable to technological change because it continues to respond to basic human needs.
NAB SHOW: McLane to Speak at NUG@NAB Event
NAB SNEAK PEEK: Sun’s Out for WorldCast
NAB: Board Election Results Announced
ALERTING: FirstNet Milestone Draws Crowd of Fans, Including White House
NEWS: RTDNA Launches Voice of the First Amendment Task Force
PEOPLE: Dielectric Adds Thomason as Southeast Sales Manager
PEOPLE: Futuri Media Adds National Account Manager

Spotify, Apple Boost Music Business to Best Year in Two Decades (Bloomberg)
The growing popularity of streaming is nursing the music industry back to health after years of declining sales.
Has Spotify Killed the Radio Student DJ? (Study Breaks)
A commentary by Isabella Waldron at Scripps College.
The Top 5 Radio Topics That Get the Phones Ringing (Jacobs Media)
Sheri Lynch of the syndicated “Bob & Sheri Show” shares her insights. Share with your favorite programmer.

Raleigh Amateur Radio Society RARSFest
April 15
North Carolina State Fairgrounds
Raleigh, N.C.

World Amateur Radio Day
April 18

Walker Broadcast Management Institute
April 18–20

NAB Show
April 22–27
Las Vegas

NUG@NAB (Nautel Users Group)
April 23
Vendôme A, Paris Las Vegas Conference Center
Las Vegas

For a full list of upcoming events visit the Radio World calendar page.
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