Plus: Decolonize the lithium boom, and more...

May 12, 2021
Rahm Emanuel Gets Another Job He Doesn’t Deserve
The failed former Chicago mayor will be shipped off to serve as the U.S. Ambassador to Japan, for some reason.
by Matt Ford
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Rhetoric about American energy independence has long been used to trample Indigenous rights. The new era of renewables should be different.
by Nick Martin
Rather than shred Trump’s immigration restrictions, Biden is responding with his own regulations that may only make things worse.
by Felipe De La Hoz


Facebook is driving content moderators toward despair through mismanagement, vague policies, and overwork. I’d had enough.
by Josh Sklar and Jacob Silverman
The Republican coup against her is an irresistible story, but it’s hardly a national referendum on Trump.
by Walter Shapiro


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