TODAY'S TOP STORIES - August 7, 2017

The Essentials: 11 Steps States Could Take To Rein In Healthcare Costs While Building Toward Single-Payer Universal Coverage

By Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet

The biggest cost drivers are drug prices and the medical billing industrial complex. READ MORE»

Trump’s Malignant Pattern: He Woos People, Rips them Off and then Abandons Them—and He Won’t Stop

By Paul Rosenberg, Salon

Trump has followed the same manipulative script over and over again, in politics as in business. We're the marks READ MORE»

Anti-Vaxxer Dog Owners Are Now Putting Their—and Your—Pets' Health at Risk

By Kali Holloway, AlterNet

The anti-science crowd has infected a whole new community.  READ MORE»

DPA Study: New York City Remains the World's Marijuana Arrest Capital, and It's Still Mainly Black and Brown People Getting Popped

By Phillip Smith, AlterNet

In bid to defend thousands of racially biased pot arrests, de Blasio attacks drug reformers.  READ MORE»

Rampant White Supremacy at the White House As Trump Tries to Distract His Base

By Amanda Marcotte, Salon

Trump's overt racism isn't aimed at liberals—it's about distracting his base away from the Russia scandal. READ MORE»

The Cronies Behind the Energy Industry's Deliberate Misinformation Campaigns

By Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Dick Russell, Hot Books

Authors Dick Russell and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. expose the energy moguls covering up catastrophic climate change for their own gain.  READ MORE»

Trump's Main Business—Golf—Is the Symbol of All That Is Retrograde and Exclusionary in American Life

By Robert Lipsyte, TomDispatch

For successful greedheads and their wannabes, golf is the most "sacred" of sports. READ MORE»

Trump’s Immigration Ploy Is to Pit Black and Brown Workers Against Each Other

By Isiah J. Poole, Campaign for America's Future

The overwhelming majority of African Americans don’t want Trump's faux paternalism at the expense of their immigrant brothers and sisters. READ MORE»

'An Inconvenient Sequel' Conveniently Leaves Out One Big Truth

By Rachel Krantz, AlterNet

It's our diets, stupid. READ MORE»

Why the NAACP Said 'Enough' to School Privatization

By Rann Miller, AlterNet

School privatization has allowed public officials to wash their hands of the obligation to educate children of color, especially the poor. READ MORE»

Doctor Murdered for NOT Prescribing Opioids

By Victoria Kim, The Fix

The doctor was shot in a hospital parking lot by the enraged spouse of a chronic pain patient. READ MORE»

Here’s How Trump Transferred Wealth to His Son While Avoiding the Usual Taxes

By Derek Kravitz, Cezary Podkul, Will Parker , ProPublica

Donald Trump sold two condos to Eric in April 2016 at a steep discount. But he doesn’t appear to be on the hook for gift taxes.  READ MORE»

Americans Might Be Having Less Sex Due to ‘Helicopter Parenting’: Study

By Shreesha Ghosh, International Business Times

Why are American adults having less sex compared to what they were having around 20 years ago? READ MORE»

Reflections on the 'Dangerous Delusions of Richard Dawkins'

By Jeremy Lent, AlterNet

An AlterNet article stirs up a hornet’s nest of controversy. READ MORE»

What Happens If You Smoke Cannabis For A Year to Relieve Chronic Pain

By Brea Mosley, The Fresh Toast

Hint: It’s safe and effective READ MORE»

Thousands of Students Were Defrauded by For-Profit Colleges. DeVos Hasn't Provided Debt Relief to a Single One

By Brett Robertson , Media Matters

DeVos hasn’t approved any applications for debt relief from defrauded students. Media reports reveal the human cost. READ MORE»

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