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Scientists Discover Rare Neurological Disease that Could Impact Alzheimer's Treatment

An article published in the journal Science indicates that a substantial proportion of Americans are willing to use an essentially unregulated reproductive genetic technology to increase the chances of having a baby who is someday admitted to a top-100 ranked college.

Using a drug previously used to treat seizures, researchers have found a way to reprogram donor hearts to boost the production of a beneficial enzyme that both increases the amount of time they can be stored and transported.

People with severe peanut allergies may now be able to avoid reactions through treatment that blocks anaphylaxis caused by peanut allergies.

Researchers can only identify DNA sequences that are already in the databases – a fact that may severely compromise the reliability of microbiome data in unexpected ways.

A new paper explores the potential of using moon dust to block just enough of the sun’s radiation to mitigate the effects of global warming.

The AB Series Ductless Fume Hood provides a safe work environment forlab staff working with acids

PHCbi VIP ultra-low temperature laboratory freezers represent the complete combination of

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