AI: New GPT-3 language model takes NLP to new heights; Return to the office virtually with Kinemagic Stratus
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Raspberry Pi: 7 top cases for hacking, stacking and customising your Raspberry Pi

Whether you're looking for additional capacity, heat-absorption or a gaming-inspired retro throwback, we've picked out seven great cases to adorn your Raspberry Pi.

Additional TechRepublic resources

AI: New GPT-3 language model takes NLP to new heights

Return to the office virtually with Kinemagic Stratus

The future of encryption: Getting ready for the quantum computer attack

MIT and Microsoft algorithm determines correlations in vast art collections

AI-powered tool aims to help reduce bias and racially charged language on websites

How to build a quantum workforce

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IT budgets 2021: What impact is COVID-19 having on your organization's plan?

Take this quick, multiple choice survey and tell us about your organization's 2021 IT budget and how it might differ from previous years.

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What are the top priorities in your organization's budget for fiscal calendar year 2021? How has the COVID-19 crisis affected your fiscal 2021 budget planning? We want to know. Take this quick survey.

A special feature from ZDNet and TechRepublic

Robotics in the enterprise

Robots have moved off the assembly line and into warehouses, offices, hospitals, retail shops, and even our homes. ZDNet explores how the explosive growth in robotics is affecting specific industries, like healthcare and logistics, and the enterprise more broadly on issues like hiring and workplace safety.

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