RealClearInvestigations Daily Top 8
Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Kalev Leetaru 

April 19, 2022

How Big Of A Role Do Verified Users Play On Twitter?

How large of a role do verified users play in driving the conversation on Twitter? While the company itself does not publish daily statistics about its service, we can construct an estimate of the...
April 18, 2022

How Big Is Twitter?

Just how big is Twitter? While the company itself does not publish daily statistics about its service, we can construct an estimate of the platform's size and characteristics using its "Spritzer"...



April 19, 2022

HHS Had Over $2B in Questioned Costs, $16.2B in Funds Put to Better Use

Between April 1 and September 31, 2021, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services accrued over $2 billion in questioned costs, along with over $16.2 billion in funds that could have been put to better use,...
April 18, 2022

U.S. Will Spend $30K to Translate American Books into Kyrgyz

A new grant notice from the U.S. State Department shows that the U.S. will spend $30,000 to translate books into Kyrgyz for distribution in Kyrgyzstan. The grant states that the program focuses on “the translation...

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