

Good morning! Today is Friday August 18, 2017.
Here is a sampler of some of the latest investigative news from around the country and across the world.

Internet Unites and Emboldens White Nationalists
Wall Street Journal
In the 1990s, joining one white-supremacist group meant being excluded from the others, but in 2017 the internet is uniting disparate hate organizations. The "Unite the Right" rally to protest the removal of a confederate statue in Charlottesville, Virginia is an example of how much easier it is for this small but vocal fringe group to organize from around the U.S. using the internet.

State Police Contradict Va. Governor on Charlottesville
Washington Free Beacon
Virginia Governor Terry McAullife twice contradicted state police in interviews given after the protests in Charlottesville. He said police discovered weapons stashed around the city, which made them hesitant to break up altercations between the factions. He also stated that the police and national guard had inferior body armor to the protestors. Police denied those claims.

More Teen Girls Are Killing Themselves
New CDC statistics show that teen girls are committing suicide at the highest rate since 1975. While the exact cause is unknown, experts cite the 2008 economic crisis. The number of annual suicides doubled between 2007 and 2015 for girls. Along with ubiquitous social media pressure, young girls face increasing stress around paying for college and entering the job market.

Syria Keeps Gassing Its People
Syria promised to surrender its chemical weapons in 2013, but chemical attacks keep happening. The extent the government went to retain its chemical weapons has been kept secret to allow inspectors to try to solve the problems. However, in the face of continued stalling, Reuters received new details about the weapons from diplomats and investigators.

Walmart's Crime Problem Drives Police Crazy
Walmart says that a corporate campaign to bring down crime in the nation's 4,500 stores is working, but local police beg to differ. A violent crime takes place in a Walmart somewhere in the U.S. approximately once every day. Are cost-cutting measures like getting rid of greeters and adding self-checkout lanes to blame?

The American Constipation Epidemic
Almost everyone gets constipated, according to a recent survey showing that 16 percent of Americans suffer from chronic constipation. The number of people who go to the hospital primarily for constipation has more than doubled since 1997. The cost of that care, including what we spend on over-the-counter laxatives, is billions of dollars.

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