

Good morning! Today is Tuesday October 17, 2017.
Here is a sampler of some of the latest investigative news from around the country and across the world.

How 'Liberal' Became 'Not Far-Left Enough'
When did seeking a "kinder and gentler society" become "fighting hate with hate"? In RealClearInvestigations, Ashe Schow explores the ideological sea change on the left pitting traditional liberals against much less tolerant progressives.

PBS Airs Anti-Pruitt Doc Funded By Activist Backers
Washingtonk Free Beacon
A new PBS Frontline documentary that paints Environmental Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt as a tool for the fossil fuel industry received major funding from a group that has given hundreds of thousands to environmental advocates like the Sierra Club.

Released: Russian Memo Taken to Trump Tower
Daily Caller
A four-page memo that has been a central focus of the Trump Tower meeting last June between Donald Trump Jr. and a Russian attorney has finally been released. The attorney's
memo suggests that little information about Hillary Clinton was provided to the Trump campaign. Its focus was supporters of a sanctions law against Russia. "It cannot be ruled out" that they financed Clinton's campaign, the memo says.

Welcoming Our New Robot Overlords
New Yorker
Once, robots assisted human workers. Now it's the other way around. At Steelcase Inc. in Michigan, the world's largest manufacturer of office furniture, workers are sometimes called "meat robots." They toil at computerized workstations, called "vision tables," that dictate, step by step, how workers are to assemble a piece of furniture.

Laptop Secrets of an ISIS Wife
Daily Beast
The recovered hard drive of a Belgian ISIS volunteer captured in Raqqa gives insight into her development as a European jihadist. For one thing, it is loaded with more than a terabyte of pornography. But for all that, there is no lack of piety. She repeatedly tunes in to lectures by jihadist clerics such as the American Anwar al Awlaki.

Dead College Donor Used as Football-Marketing Prop
People's hearts were warmed when a long-serving University of New Hampshire librarian, upon his death, left the school $4 million. Less noticed was the troubling decision to funnel only $100,000 of his money to the library -- and $1 million to a video scoreboard for its football stadium. Perhaps most galling was that the school spun the gift deceptively, connecting its gridiron splurge to a fragment of the dead man's life: watching football at an old-age home.

Accused of Stealing $1.2 Million in Fajitas
Brownsville Herald
An employee at the Cameron County Juvenile Justice Department in Texas has been accused of stealing $1.2 million in fajitas over the past nine years. The Tex-Mex grilled meat dish wasn't even on the department's menu; the employee had been placing orders and selling it on the sly. That is, until the meat vendor called to confirm a delivery while he was out for a medical appointment. No word if the ailment was certain type of revenge linked unkindly to such cuisine.

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