

Good morning! Today is Saturday March 31, 2018. Here is a selection of the week's top investigative journalism from across the political spectrum.

RealClearInvestigations' Picks of the Week

March 25 toMarch 31

Featured Investigation

Forty years ago, the United States and China made a landmark deal to allow some students from the communist nation to attend universities in the hotbed of capitalism.

The American dream was that by studying here, Chinese students, future leaders of their country, would become a powerful force for democratic political changeback home.

As Richard Bernstein reports for RealClearInvestigations, China's pivot toward authoritarianism under Communist Party Secretary Xi Jinping - whose daughter attended Harvard - make it increasingly obvious that things haven't worked out that way.

Instead, Bernstein reports, the initiative has exploded into one of history's largest transfers of education and knowledge from one country to another. There are now more than 350,000 Chinese students studying at American colleges; hundreds of thousands of others have gotten their degrees and returned home. More than one-third of all foreign students in the U.S. are from China.

Combing data and interviewing Chinese students, Bernstein asks why American education hasn't created a fifth column of democraticreformers?There are many reasons, he reports:

One is that many Chinese students are actually quite proud of their country's achievements and do not see themselves as pro-democracy dissidents. Another is that their encounter with American life does not always make them think that the U.S. is a model for China. Third, even for those students who favor political change in China, the harsh and sure penalties for advocating it are powerful disincentives against speaking out.

In the view of some, Chinese students remain quiescent because China's system of surveillance and social control extends all the way to American classrooms and dormitories. As one China expert, who preferred not to be identified, put it: "As soon as there are two Chinese students, they tend to stay quiet, because you never know who the spookis."

The result, briefly put, is that while China has gotten what it wanted from the American knowledge industry, the United States has not, at least not in its 40-year-old aim to serve as a sort of political inspirationfor awesternized Chinese elite.

"You don't see the scales falling from people's eyes," Andrew Nathan, a Columbia University professor of political science who has had numerous Chinese students in hisclassroom, said. "You see people who are learning and exploring, but they're not changing fundamentally."

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