
'Clarity' Is a Very Costly Word. Stocks Never Wait For It

Ken Fisher, RealClearMarkets

Stocks' surge from March lows may or may not sustain, but the next bull market's base is building now. Few pundits or forecasters agree (citing near endless disastrous news) as most see...

My Bear Forecast for June Is Likely Wrong, but Fear Aug.

Mark Hulbert, MarketWatch

The March lows of the coronavirus crash could still be tested

4 Financial Milestones to Check Ahead of Retirement

Catherine Brock, Motley Fool

Are you ready to retire? You might be looking forward to saying goodbye to the 40-hour work week, but financial readiness is a different thing. In truth, living without a paycheck requires more than some money in the bank and the ability to cash Social Security checks. You also need to have the right financial habits in place.

Will We Receive Second Round of Stimulus Checks?

Ed Kilgore, New York Magazine

Though millions of Americans are still waiting for their first coronavirus stimulus check, Democrats have already proposed a second round of payments â?" but it's unclear if Trump and Republicans will go along. Here's where negotiations stand.

Federal Deficits Don't Matter, Spending Certainly Does

John Tamny, The Daily Caller

Deficits and borrowing are not inherently bad as some budget hawks believe â?" the real problem is government spending.

No Matter How Dire C19 Threat, Fear Isn't the Way Out

Zachary Karabell, Newsweek

The polarized and partisan narrative of "you can kill the economy or you can kill people" has Americans caught in the grip of fear, and it is paralyzing us.

U.S. Never Should Have Closed

Jeffrey Tucker, American Institute for Economic Research

I wanted to celebrate the opening day of breweries in Connecticut. But it was hardly that. Open means freedom of association and commerce. We are nowhere near that point. You had to have reservations for a particular time slot, because they are only allowed a fractional capacity. You can only stay an hour and a half. Beer can only be sold in plastic cups and servers can’t touch the thing after you have touched it. You must bus your own table. You have to sit outside.

GOP Haste to Re-Open Is Sociopathic Class Warfare

Will Wilkinson, New York Times

The liability-protection ruse is an excuse to coerce Americans back to work by refusing desperately needed help.

Silicon Valley Must Live w/o the Modern Office Culture It Defined

Brian Fung, CNN

Tech companies such as Google and Facebook have long been revered as vanguards for office culture. Now, the shift to extended telework policies could have far-reaching consequences for the entire industry,

Don't Fall for All the Predictions of a Post-Covid 'New Normal'

Elizabeth Ames, Fox

It is said that the coronavirus will alter not just our habits, but also our politics.

Pay Cuts Are a Way Some Companies Avoid Layoffs

Nelson Schwartz, New York Times

"Shared sacrifice" in the white-collar ranks aims to avoid the cost of staffing up again. With no end to the crisis in sight, it is a leap of faith.

Fauci Wants U.S. Shut 'Til It Can't Re-Open Again

Rand Paul & Andy Biggs, USA Today

Which Country Stock Markets Did Best, Which Worst

Jerry Bowyer, Vident Financial

Riding the Liquidity Wave

Liz Ann Sonders & Jeffrey Kleintop & Kathy Jones, Charles Schwab

Recent stock action suggests some investor exuberance is being worked off.

A Holiday Shortened Week Brings Top-Tier Releases

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

A "Chartbook" Look at the Economy and Market

Liz Ann Sonders, Charles Schwab

On a day that started with good news on an experimental COVID-19 vaccine, with the stock market showing strong early gains, today's report is more visual and less wordy than normal.

Red States Bailing Out the Blue

Richard Salsman, American Institute for Economic Research

Existing Home Sales: April's Decline Likely Not End

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

Does Manhattan Office Space Face a Reckoning?

Eric Kober, Manhattan Institute

Office-based businesses have long been cutting back on expensive space, as employees switched from offices to cubicles.

The Stock Market's "V" Is Not For Victory

Editors, The Economist

Explaining the stockmarket rally

A $350 Million COVID-19 Crony Capitalist Grift

Eric Boehm, Reason.com

A member of the five-month-old company's board has been touting bogus stats about America's supposed dependency on Chinese-made drugs.

Why Cash Has Become the New Typhoid Mary

James Rainey, Los Angeles Times

Many retailers and consumers fear handling dollars and cents during the coronavirus pandemic. Some experts say it will accelerate the transition to a cash-free U.S. economy.

Sports Will Return, Just As They Did In 1919

Dan Gelston, The Christian Science Monitor

If sports fans return to stadiums, what rules will be in place? With social distancing and masks, history shows football could come back strong. While a full comeback to stadiums is a ways off, one thing is certain: Sports will return – just like they did in 1919.

Elon Musk Is The Hero America Deserves

Ashlee Vance, BusinessWeek

Ashlee Vance interviews the billionaire entrepreneur on his Twitter usage, selling off his possessions, and the historic upcoming launch.

The End Of The Beginning

Demonetized, Epsilon Theory

“Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.” Winston Churchill

In the Time of Virtual Cinema Will Moviegoing Recover?

Stuart Klawans, The Nation

Theaters big and small have moved to streaming models as their physical locations have temporarily shuttered. Will moviegoing fundamentally change as a result?

How Do You Value Stocks When Earnings Are Zero?

Barry Ritholtz, The Big Picture

Market have shrugged off a torrent of horrific economic news. They have powered far above the post pandemic crash lows of March.

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

The One Prediction I'm Confident Making

Joachim Klement, Enterprising Investor

Things usually don't change as much you think they will.

Living & Working In A Worsening World

Jon Evans, TechCrunch

We live in a world that’s getting worse, at least this year, likely next, and maybe beyond.

I Don't Feel Like Buying Stuff Anymore

Anne Helen Petersen, Buzz Feed

Our economy is built on Americans of all class levels buying things. What happens when the ability and desire to do so goes away?

In Praise of Pointy Things

J.D. Tuccille, Reason.com

The gifting of a knife is the entrusting of a reliable tool, perhaps the most useful one that humans have invented and can own.

The Benefits Of More Meatpacking Robots

Megan Molteni, Wired

The coronavirus has hit meat processing plants hard. But not in Denmark, where automation makes for safer slaughterhouses.

The Best Source of Investment Income?

Ben Carlson, A Wealth Of Common Sense

Dividends are one of the most underrated sources of portfolio income.

Occam's Razor & Chinese Conspiracies

Scott Sumner, The Money Illusion

Conspiracy theories are a powerful drug, as Penn Jillette once observed (in a Joe Rogan interview.) So powerful that people rarely stop to consider how implausible many of the claims actually are.
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