
$1.9 Trillion Glimmers of Gridlock Greatness for Stocks

Ken Fisher, RealClearMarkets

The Green New Deal. Medicare for All. Huge income and capital gains tax hikes. Wealth taxes. These policy ideas, and similar others, plagued many investors since 2020's election campaign kicked off. Now, halfway through the Democrat-"controlled" government's first 100 days, the recent debate over the administration's $1.9 trillion COVID aid package showed you again those extreme ideas stand no chance. Gridlock rules Washington—a positive for stocks.

Stock Market Indicators That Bear Watching

Matt Whittaker, U.S. News & World Report

IF THERE'S ONE SURE thing in investing, it's that past performance doesn't necessarily indicate future success. Yet experts and amateurs alike constantly make stock market predictions.

Market Behavior: Bullish, Bearish, Something Else?

Lawrence McMillan, MarketWatch

The ?stodgy? side of the market is leading, while volatility is unusually high.

Private Equity Wants to Join S&P Firms It Used to Purchase

Antoine Gara, Forbes

Private equity giants KKR and Blackstone Group have made subtle changes to their corporate structure, which makes them eligible for the S&P 500 Index. Get ready to add private equity to your 401k.

They Escaped New York During Covid. Make Them Pay.

Luke Winkie, New York Times

Mayor de Blasio, here's what to do with all the people returning to the city from log cabins and beach houses.

The Massive $1.9 Trillion Bill Is a Blue State Bailout

Michael Hendrix, New York Post

President Joe Biden's blue state bailout, which he's expected to sign Friday, is a monstrosity â?" so large it leaves America's states with a surplus after one of the costliest pandemics in history.

C19 Spending Is $42,000 Per Taxpayer

Brad Polumbo, Foundation for Economic Education

President Biden just signed his sweeping $1.9 trillion spending packageinto law. Once this bill hits the books, total taxpayer expenditure on (ostensibly) COVID relief will hit $6 trillion—which, roughly estimated, comes out to $41,870 in spending per federal taxpayer.

Investment Banking Great Aims to Revive NYC Life Quality

Jonathan Russo, Worth

"Quality of life will determine the future of all urban areas, especially as we try to recapture the people, businesses and revenue that have left our cities."

A Reasonable Alternative to Internet Public Utility Regulation

Randolph May, RCM

There is no need for the Federal Communications Commission to take any action to reimpose so-called "Title II" public utility-like net neutrality regulation on Internet service providers. Such heavy-handed regulation was eliminated by the agency's December 2017 Restoring Internet Freedom Order (RIF Order). Since then, there has been no meaningful evidence of consumer or competitive harm attributable to the agency's deregulatory action. Nevertheless, it's likely that once a newly reconstituted FCC secures a 3-2 Democratic majority, whoever chairs the agency at the time will "feel" compelled...

Will Electric Vehicles Make Gasoline Yesterday's News?

Nathan Bomey, USA Today

After years of sluggish adoption, electric vehicles are poised for a sharp increase in sales, new products and investments that could eventually make the gasoline engine a thing of the past. Look no further than Wall Street, where investors are positively giddy about the prospect of established automakers offeringfull lineups of electric vehicles, like General Motors, and about the chances of startups like Lucid Motors and Rivian that are promising groundbreaking EVs to come.

Oversight Board Keeps Working On Puerto Rico's Insolvency

Alex Pollock, RCM

The government of Puerto Rico continues to hold the all-time record for a municipal insolvency, having gone broke with over $120 billion in total debt, six times as much as the second-place holder, the City of Detroit. Faced with this huge, complex, and highly politicized financial mess, and with normal Chapter 9 municipal bankruptcy legally not available, the Congress wisely enacted a special law to govern the reorganization of Puerto Rico's debts. "PROMESA," or the Puerto Rico Oversight, Management, and Economic Stability Act, provided for a formal process supervised by the federal courts,...

401(k) vs. IRA vs. Roth IRA

Christy Bieber & Maurie Backman & Katie Brockman, Motley Fool

When it comes to investing for retirement, there are multiple tax-advantaged accounts to choose from. It can be confusing to pick which one is best, especially when they each have their own pros and cons. To help you out, three Motley Fool retirement experts each made the case for one of three common types of retirement accounts: 401(k)s, traditional IRAs, and Roth IRAs. Check out the arguments for each and see which one seems like the best fit to meet your needs.

Bond Yield Spike Denting Euphoric Sentiment

Liz Ann Sonders, Charles Schwab

Sentiment has been a problem; higher yields was the catalyst for a bit of a reset.

Corporate Bonds: Is a "Zombie" Apocalypse Coming?

Collin Martin, Charles Schwab

With interest rates rising, "zombie companies" may have to refinance debt at higher rates.

Feb. CPI: Faster Inflation Coming, But Is It Staying?

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

The Fed Can't Fix Corona-Lockdowns

Brian Wesbury & Robert Stein, First Trust Advisors

Making Sense of Your Tax Refund

Hayden Adams, Charles Schwab

Was your tax refund smaller than in previous years? Did you owe more than usual? Here's why.

Big Market Delusion: Electric Vehicles

Rob Arnott, Lillian Wu, Brad Cornell @RA_Insights

The siren song of a "big market"â?"opened through innovation or disruption, such as the newly beloved electric vehicles marketâ?"lures investors to enthusiastically push up prices of all firms in the industry as if each will be a major winner. The reality is that as competitors in an evolving industry, some will fail. Pricing each company's stock without regard to this fact is the "big market delusion."

Consumer Spending Set to Surge....Or Not

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

The Retro Fed: Get Ready For A Hard Day's Night

Nick Tomaino, National Review

Monetary policy is heading back to the 1960s when the Phillips Curve ruled. The result will be the same.

Must Have For The Wealthy? Your Own Electrical Grid

Leticia Miranda, NBCNews

As mounting climate-related power failures hammer the country's electrical grid, a growing number of homeowners are building their own power system.

Here Comes the Potential COVID-19 Debt Binge Hangover

Julia Horowitz, CNN

Desperate to save their economies from complete collapse, governments borrowed unprecedented amounts of money on the cheap to support workers and businesses during the pandemic. Now, with recovery in sight, a big risk looms: interest payments.

3 Reasons Biden Should Dump Trump's China Tariffs

shang jin wei, @prosyn

US President Joe Biden will not rescind Donald Trump's tariffs on imported Chinese goods for China's benefit. But he has three stronger reasons to do so: The measures have hurt American workers and firms, failed to reduce the overall US trade deficit, and arguably further weakened respect for global economic rules.

5 Stocks to Spend Your Stimulus Check On

Susan Dziubinski, @MorningstarInc

These familiar brands are all undervalued today.

The Start Of A New Era Of Federal Spending

Peter Suderman, Reason.com

The pandemic relief bill isn't just a one-time splurge.

Pandemic Boom Stocks Get a Reality Check

Steve Lohr, The New York Times

Investors, who flocked to companies like Zoom as the virus spread, have started to look elsewhere.

Is Diversification Finally Working?

Ben Carlson, A Wealth Of Common Sense

One of the strange subplots of the past decade or so in the markets is bad behavior has been rewarded. That may finally be ending.

The Conventional Investor's Guide to Bitcoin

John Rekenthaler, @MorningstarInc

Is the currency worth owning?

Who Needs a Digital Dollar?

Barry Eichengreen, @prosyn

Recently, the idea of a digital greenback elicited support from US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen and Federal Reserve Chair Jay Powell. Ultimately, the advantages of a digital dollar will need to be weighed against the potentially high costs and significant risks to the financial system that come with it.

Speedy Vaccines Are Boosting King Dollar

Julia Horowitz & CNN Business, CNN

Heading into 2021, most of Wall Street was in agreement: the US dollar, which spiked a year ago as Covid-19 sent markets into a tailspin, was poised to stay on the back foot for some time.

Investing: The Greatest Show On Earth

Morgan Housel, Morgan Housel

Investing is a broader field than it looks, and there is so much to learn about it outside of the narrow lens of finance.

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

The Town That Didn't Lock Down

Christian Britschgi, Reason

A Reason reporter went to Paso Robles, California, where many businesses defied state orders to close. He enjoyed it. He also got COVID.

This Is Nuts. This Is a $69m JPG.

Jamie Powell, FT Alphaville

Rent: From Inflation Headwind To Tailwind

Ed Yardeni, Dr. Ed's Blog

A housing shortage is turning rent disinflation around.

This Is A Very Wealthy Country

Scott Grannis, Calafia Beach Pundit

Today the Fed released its estimates of household net worth as of the end of December 2020. Net worth has reached a new record high.

The Simplest Way To Hedge Against Inflation

Ben Carlson, A Wealth Of Common Sense

It isn't that hard.

Google's Plan To Disrupt The College Degree

Justin Bariso, Inc.

Get a first look at Google's new certificate programs and a new feature of Google Search designed to help job seekers everywhere.

Is Value Back? Or Is It An Illusion?

Jack Forehand, Validea

Value has outperformed since the bottom last year but there is more going on here than meets the eye.
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