
100 Days to Asphyxiate Global Econ

Peter Earle, American Institute for Economic Research

One hundred days ago, on December 31, 2019 — not long past noon, which is to say less than twelve hours before the new year 2020 would ring in — a website run by the Chinese government reported that a “pneumonia of unknown cause” was sweeping through Wuhan, an industrial city which is home to over 11 million people.

This Health Crisis May Turn Into a Housing Crisis

Calhoun, Parrott and Zandi, CNN

Unfortunately for the mortgage servicers who collect these payments, they are still on the hook to the investors who provided the cash lent to mortgage borrowers.

Dear Fed Hagiographers, "Liquidity" Can't Be Decreed

John Tamny, RealClearMarkets

No act of saving ever subtracts from demand. Ever. Short of a saver literally stuffing unspent wealth under a mattress, saving is merely the act of shifting consumptive ability to someone else with...

Don't Take the Government Money If You Don't Need It

Juleanna Glover, USA Today

Who Is Telling Trump to Reopen the Economy?

Aaron Blake, The Washington Post

Some of the pressure is coming from Trump?s conservative media allies, but as we?re increasingly learning, it?s also coming from within his administration.

Why Are We Destroying the Economy for This?

Arthur Petersen, RealClearMarkets

DON'T LIVE - YOU MAY DIE (or Why are we destroying the economy for this?) Note: All figures below are from the CDC, National Health Center and worldometerinfo As of April 8, 2020, there have...

Jump-Start Economy Now with Cap Gains Cut

Bruce Thompson, Washington Examiner

As Congress and the Trump administration work on a phase four economic stimulus package, they should seriously consider one more bold step to jump-start the economy: a capital gains tax rate cut. In fact, they should implement a zero capital gains tax rate for all investments made through the end of next year.

Prepare for Massive New Opportunities in Stock Market

Nigam Arora, MarketWatch

There will be a big shift in the economy, helping the likes of biotechnology and semiconductor stocks

Covid-19 Reminds Us of Big Tech's Genius

Kirk Arner & Harold Furchtgott-Roth, RCM

Coronavirus May Kill Our Fracking Fever Dream

Bethany McLean, The New York Times

America's energy independence was an illusion created by cheap debt. All that's left to tally is the damage.

Biden's Fracking Ban Will Derail Environmental, Econ Gains

Nick DeIuliis, The Hill

The Ways the CARES Act Impacts Your Retirement Planning

Jamie Hopkins, Forbes

5 Ways The CARES Act Impacts Retirement Planning

This Past Month Has Been a Great Experiment

David Henderson, Hoover Institution

With all the mistakes by government, one thing that's working really well is the free market.

The Federal Reserve's Finest Hour

Brett Ryan, Deutsche Bank Group

States With the Most Healthcare Workers Per Capita

Jeff Smith, Self

Short on Cash? Carefully Consider Options

Carrie Schwab-Pomerantz, Charles Schwab

Worried about selling in a down market? There's more than one way to come up with cash when you need it, says Carrie Schwab-Pomerantz.

Public Colleges Whose Students Earn the Most Post-Grad

Kevin Fowler, Volusion

See which public colleges boast the highest earnings for students post-graduation

The Best Ways of Expressing Risk-On & Risk-Off?

Ilya Gofshteyn, Standard Chartered

U.S. Cities Investing the Most in New Housing

Brandon Medina, Construction Coverage

Lessons from Crises Past

George P. Shultz & Michael Boskin & John Taylor, Proj. Syndicate

Government policies restricting the operation of markets usually do more harm than good. Even in times of crisis, such as the current coronavirus pandemic, policymakers should do everything possible to keep markets working and private incentives strong.

Every Business Is Essential to Its Founder, and Its Employees

Noah Wall, RCM

To flatten the COVID-19 curve, state governments have shut down the operation of thousands?maybe millions?of small businesses across the United States. Similar to a federal government...

What Next? (Two Big Questions)

Morgan Housel, Collaborative Fund

Desire for economic forecasts surges right when our ability to accurately forecast plunges.

Why the Politicians Freaked Out

Robert Wright, American Institute for Economic Research

It’s unsurprising that governments around the world have reacted so strongly to COVID-19. I think the game-theoretic model below explains the first round nicely. It also provides insight into what round two might look like. For game theory aficionados out there, I am not saying that this is the best way to model the world. I think, though, it is the way most politicians and their advisors think.

Coronavirus Is Our 21st Century Dust Bowl

Christopher Schelling, Institutional Investor

And here's what will be hit the hardest.

How We Should Finance a Coronavirus Response

Allison Schrager, Manhattan Institute

Stocks May Go Lower. We're Buying Anyway

Howard Marks, Oaktree Capital

It may not be THE bottom but there is value available in the market.

The Truth About Empty Shelves & Toilet Paper Shortages

Nathanael Johnson, Grist

The sudden shift in the way Americans shop is stunning.

Just Another Excuse to Increase Spending?

Veronique de Rugy, National Review

While our country is in the middle of a pandemic, with a quarantine, deaths, and an economic nightmare, politicians are using the crisis to promote big-government schemes.

Don't Tap Into Retirement Without a Plan

Maryalene LaPonsie, U.S. News & World Report

SAVING MONEY TO YOUR retirement fund is only part of ensuring a financially secure future. The other half involves making smart decisions about when and how to withdraw cash.

Is This The Retirement Apocalypse?

Howard Gold, MarketWatch

15 top planners tell us what people retiring soon should do now

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

"A Full Blown Soviet Sausage Factory"

Macromon, Global Macro Monitor

The Fed announced it is bailing out junk bonds today, Wall Street has now morphed into a full-blown "Soviet Sausage Factory."

Finally, a Problem You Really Can Just Throw Money At

Kevin Williamson, NR

The current economic crisis doesn't have to be existential.

Don't Expect a Coronavirus Baby Boom

Fiona Zublin, Ozy

This pandemic is unlikely to lead to many bundles of joy.

We Still Need A Back To Work Plan

John Cochrane, The Grumpy Economist

Getting American back to work is going to be a huge job.

A Checklist for Volatile Markets: Retirement Saver Edition

Christine Benz, MStar

Running through our six-step checklist can provide peace of mind with your portfolio and plan if volatility persists.

When Will The Economy Be Good Again?

Dylan Scott & Emily Stewart, Vox

It will be a long time before the economy recovers â?" and it won't be the same.

This Isn't The Next Great Depression

Cullen Roche, Pragmatic Capitalism

The US economy is a lot different now.
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