
A Dark Tunnel of Ignorance Created by Your Professed Savior

Jeffrey Tucker, AIER

Uncharted Territory Beyond Covid-19 Recession

Mohamed A. El-Erian, Foreign Affairs

The coming coronavirus recession will take the global economy into uncharted territory.

Urgent Steps To Consider For a COVID-19-Battered Economy

Steve Forbes, Forbes

Here are big, constructive steps that can meaningfully lessen our economic suffering from the COVID-19 crisis.

Bailouts Don't "Distort" Market. They Address Market Failure

Daniel Tenreiro, NRO

In defense of everyone's least favorite measure of last resort.

Dear Conservatives, If You Bail Out Them All You Bail Out None

John Tamny, RCM

It's sad any of this needs to be said or written, but it cannot be stressed enough that government outlays are a consequence of growth that's already taken place. The federal budget in...

Coronavirus Calls for Wartime Economic Thinking

John Cassidy, The New Yorker

A Deeply Contrarian Case Against Covid Alarmism

Richard Epstein, Hoover Institution

The evidence does not support our panicked inferences.

Something 'More Severe Than the Great Recession'

David Leonhardt, New York Times

Time to get creative on stimulus.

Coronavirus Crisis Calls for Small Business Saturday 2.0

Andy Puzder, Fox Business

Over the next two to four weeks â?" and possibly longer â?" small businesses will continue to contend with depressed sales, especially now that states are beginning to issue orders for bars and restaurants to temporarily close.

Anatomy of the 2020 Market Crash

Peter Earle, American Institute for Economic Research

Keep Markets Open. Shutdown Would Be Painful

Erich Reimer, The American Spectator

While our nation fights the novel coronavirus for our health, many Americans are also waging a daily battle in the financial markets during a time of historic and unprecedented volatility. Many investors can only be left in a constantly shifting...

Gov't Should Tell Business, 'No Layoffs'

Emmanuel Saez & Gabriel Zucman, MarketWatch

Lost income of workers and businesses should be replaced by new form of social insurance

Ideas For Boosting Economy In Age of Coronavirus

Tyler Cowen, Marginal Revolution

Plans for economic mitigation from the coronavirus -- by Tyler Cowen We need a series of policies to achieve some rather complex ends, and in conjunction. Other than the obvious goals (?minimize human suffering?), these ends are: Scale down economic activity in a rapid way to keep people at ho...

Retail Sales Down 0.5% In February

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

How to Think About the Covid Pandemic

Brad McMillan, Commonwealth Financial Network

Fed May Use Dsct. Rate More Aggressively

Steve Englander, Standard Chartered Bank

The Economic Policy Response to Covid-19

Jay Shambaugh, Brookings Institution

The Hamilton Project seeks to advance America's promise of opportunity, prosperity, and growth.

Those Who Sell Now May Regret It

Brian Wesbury & Robert Stein, First Trust Advisors

Federal Reserve Cuts 100 Basis Points

Steven Englander, Standard Chartered Bank

Executives Taking Advantage of Stock Bargains: Their Own

Michael Brush, MW

The COVID-19 outbreak spells opportunity for executives who have faith in their companies

How Bad Will Economy Be Damaged By the Coronavirus?

Joseph Minarik, The Hill

The last few weeks have been a whirlwind for the financial market...

Economics SHOULD be Prioritized During Covid-19

John Lancaster, John A. Lancaster

Photo by Jérémy Stenuit on Unsplash The tragic outbreak of the Coronavirus has aroused an ever growing sentiment that "economics" ought take a back seat to the general welfare of humanity. History professor Cindy Ermus claimed in the Washington Post, We must demand more from our leaders than we have received to date, and they must prioritize containing?

Business Survival Strategies In the Perilous Time of Covid

Paul Blanchard, Worth

Every crisis is an opportunity, and the coronavirus outbreak is no exception. Here's how to make your business pandemic-proof.

This Business Owner Losing $100K/Month Amid Hysteria

Vanessa Yurkevich, CNN

In his 47 years as a small business owner, Larry Birnbaum says he's never experienced anything like what's happening with his wholesale light bulb business today.

As Covid-19 Spreads, 'Will Mortgage Rates Stay Low?'

Ann Carrns, New York Times

Readers are concerned about managing their finances as anxiety over the virus climbs. We have answers.

Econ Lessons We Ideally Take From the Coronavirus Scare

Don Boudreaux, AIER

Intellectuals who write regularly for non-specialized publications are expected to dispense clever opinions about almost everything, and certainly about topics that are in the day’s headlines. Unfortunately for me, I know next to nothing about pandemics in general, or about the coronavirus specifically.

What Happens When You Panic,Sell 401(k) Investments

Catherine Brock, Motley Fool

Philosopher Daniel Dennett said, "As every scuba diver knows, panic is your worst enemy: When it hits, your mind starts to thrash, and you are likely to do something really stupid and self-destructive." His conclusion is not exclusive to scuba diving – and is particularly relevant in the current stock market environment.

The Unintended Consequences of Paid Sick Leave

Dan Mitchell, International Liberty

Back in 2008, the soon-to-be Chief of Staff for President Obama infamously stated that, "You never want a serious crisis to go to waste." Sure enough, the Obama Administration - elected in the aftermath of the financial crisis - quickly rammed through a so-called stimulus, followed by Obamacare and Dodd-Frank. Now it's happening again. Politicians?

Buffett's Latest Advice Could Help You Retire Richer

Mitch Tuchman, MarketWatch

Even the Oracle is bad at some things â?Â" and he knows it

Covid Story Not Free Market One

Richard Ebeling, American Institute for Economic Research

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Character in the Time of Coronavirus

Kevin Williamson, National Review

The character issue is not some lofty, rarefied concern for philosophy seminars. It has practical, urgent, day-to-day consequences that we ignore at our now literal peril.

The Fed's Rate Cut: A Useless & Desperate Move

Lakshman Achuthan, CNN

By exhausting its rate-cut ammunition, the Fed has doomed itself to irrelevance, a predicament it will stay in for years to come, write Lakshman Achuthan and Anirvan Banerji, co-founders of the Economic Cycle Research Institute.

Set Your Egg Timer To Six Months

Vitaliy Katsenelson, Contrarian Edge

The silver lining of the coronavirus lockdown.

Why We May Get An Extended Halt to Stock Trading

Jon C. Ogg, 24/7 Wall St.

How will regulators tame the mayhem in stocks.

Was There Any Escape?

John Rekenthaler, Morningstar

Little indeed: When the going got tough, diversification did not get going.

What Has Big Tech Ever Done for Us? Part I

Dirk Auer, Truth On The Market

What have the brightest minds in the country given this country?

Coronavirus Is Devastating The Restaurant Business

Rani Molla, Vox

Mandatory closures will only make this worse.
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