A Rising Bull Illustrates Ken Fisher's 'Pessimism of Disbelief'

Market Minder, Fisher

Sour sentiment and better-than-expected economic results are a normal bull market backdrop.


Some Risk Factors For Stock Market In 2023

Brian O'Connell, U.S. News & World Report

Through the first quarter of 2023, the S&P 500 is up about 7%. Considering the S&P was down 19.4% for 2022, the stock market is experiencing a robust rebound in the first three months of the year.


More FDIC Is a Bad Solution In Search of a Problem

John Tamny, RealClearMarkets

There's a saying about banking that the key to success is to never, ever lend money to those who need it. Translated, the loans banks make must perform. That's the business model. Banks don't have...


GOP Can't Agree On Path Out of Its Own Debt Crisis

David Firestone, New York Times

House Republicans have become so factionalized that their leaders cannot speak in one voice.


Two Scenarios Threaten a Robust Economic Recovery

Steve Forbes, What's Ahead

Steve Forbes warns of two new brewing crises — massive, unsustainable corporate debts, and the over-indebtedness of many countries — and explains why we are ...


Artificial Intelligence Must Be Regulated. But By Whom?

Thomas Vartanian, The Hill

The world of machine intelligence should evolve with human standards, rules, governance and enforcement superimposed.


New IRS Likely Won't Hassle Until 2024-25

Robert Wright, Am. Inst. for Econ. Research

"For political reasons, the beefed-up IRS probably will not cause serious trouble until processing 2024 returns in 2025. Unless, that is, taxpayers rebel the only way they still can, via the...


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