
A Worrisome Chain Reaction Care Of Unpaid Rent

Heather Long, The Washington Post

Many shops and restaurants say they'll go out of business if they are forced to pay rent right now. But landlords face bankruptcy if rent doesn't come in. And cities and towns desperately needs the commercial property tax payments this summer and fall.

Looters, Lockdowners & the Law

Jeffrey Tucker, American Institute for Economic Research

For three months, all we heard was the danger to life and civilization presented by a novel virus. Millions will die! Few will be spared! There will be unprecedented suffering unless we completely shatter the normal functioning of life. Lock down, shelter in place, and stand six feet apart – very strange exhortations never before heard in the modern history of annual viruses or any public policy in many lifetimes.

Covid Could Scar Generation of Working Mothers

Patricia Cohen & Tiffany Hsu, NYT

Working from home has highlighted and compounded the heavier domestic burden borne by women. Now office reopenings may force new career sacrifices.

Technological Change Means Remote Work's Time's Come

Matt Clancy, City Journal

Technological change means that working from home won't disappear when the virus does.

Media Express Endless Rage That More Swedes Aren't Dead

Michael Fumento, I & I

Sweden was right; meaning practically the rest of the world was wrong â?" at a terrible, terrible price.

Will We Get Second Round of Coronavirus Stimulus Checks?

Ed Kilgore, New York

Democrats have proposed a second round of stimulus payments â?" but it's unclear if Trump and Republicans will go along, as the sense of urgency in Washington has abated. Here's where negotiations stand.

Mortgage Clarity Is a Must In the C-19 Firestorm

Chris Burns, Washington Examiner

With the unemployment rate now officially hitting double digits and more than 20 million workers losing their jobs in April, families face an ongoing financial dilemma: how to pay for housing every month. Millions of households carrying mortgages see a steady mountain of payments accumulating at their doorstep and wonder how they can ever make it to the other side. While Congress has provided some help in the legislation it has passed to date, many people still face more questions than answers.

Economists Worship Consumption. Beirut Mocks The Religion.

John Tamny, RCM

"I'd rather be an owner of something besides money that can disappear at any time in the bank." That's what Robert T. recently communicated to Wall Street Journal reporters...

Unnecessary Retiree Health Care Spending Burdening CA

David Crane, City Journal

Unnecessary spending on retiree health care is crushing the Golden State.

Digital Taxes Combine Awful Policy With Fatal Legal Flaws

Andrew Wilford, RCM

Even before the pandemic accelerated the process, the digitization of the economy was well underway. This trend has not gone unnoticed by revenue-needy budget planners in other countries, and even...

Can You Achieve Success in Life by Being More Primitive?

Jonathan Russo, Worth

Elon Musk, Arianna Huffington, Marc Benioff and Diddy all have one thing in common.

Pay-Off for a Prestigious Degree Isn't Very Big

Frederick Hess & Joseph Fuller, The Hill

We looked at post-graduation earnings based upon the selectivity of the college they attended

More Green Shoots for Economy

Brian Wesbury & Robert Stein, First Trust Advisors

The Fed's Historical Pandemic Response

Michael Bordo, Manhattan Institute

How does the Fed's monetary policy response to the Covid-19 pandemic relate to historical experience?

ISM Manufacturing: Headline Continues to Outperform

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

ISM Manufacturing & Jobs Report Bookend Busy Week

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

Data So Far Suggest We Will Eat in Restaurants

Allison Schrager, Manhattan Institute

While the increases have been small, data suggests that people are slowly returning to restaurants.

What's Wrong With the Market's Rebound?

Jeffrey Kleintop, Charles Schwab

Cyclicals typically lead the market higher when stocks rebound from a bear market and recessionâ?"but not this time.

A Tale of Two Stock Markets

Binky Chadha, Deutsche Bank Group

Look Hard at Savings, Plans Before Retiring

Rachel Hartman, U.S. News & World Report

MANY PEOPLE DREAM OF AN early retirement at age 50, 40 or even younger. But those who leave behind the office at such a young age might not find retirement fulfilling. The amount in your savings or portfolio may not reflect how enjoyable you’ll find the coming years.

Dear Senate: Just Forgive Paycheck Protection Program Loans

Gene Marks, Hill

The PPP is a success. So, what's the next, best thing Congress can do? Simply convert the loan program into a grant program.

If Protesters Can March, Can't Businesses Open Too?

Karol Markowicz, New York Post

New York City is still a full five days away from entering Phase 1. This will open up only some industries, like construction and manufacturing and retail on a pickup basis only.

Is Stock Market 'Broken' If It's Rising Amid All the U.S. Turmoil?

Matt Egan, CNN

The stock market is not the economy. But rarely has the gap between Wall Street and Main Street felt so wide.

Minority Businesses Will Suffer Riots the Most

Brad Polumbo, Washington Examiner

Many of the anarchists and radical activists engaging in rioting and looting across the country are, ostensibly, doing so to protest police brutality and racism. But the long-term economic consequences of this destruction will only further the racial inequity rioters detest.

Why Parents Need Family Leave Funds Amid Pandemic

Maggie Cordish, USA Today

Zoom Expects to Be a Force Even After We Go Back to Work

Therese Poletti, MW

CFO calls huge forecast revision ?conservative,? showing belief that Zoom will still be a videoconferencing force after the pandemic

Free Markets and Retaliation

Donald Boudreaux, American Institute for Economic Research

As I and other economists never tire of pointing out, the case for free trade at home does not depend on other governments allowing free trade abroad. Economic prospects of the home country rise whenever the home government adopts a policy of free trade regardless of the policies of other governments. As Paul Krugman – who’s no one’s idea of a libertarian – wrote in 1997,

This Market Rally Refuses to Conform to the Norms

Lawrence McMillan, MarketWatch

The rally in the S&P 500 index remains strong and continues to defy detractors

It's Now Record Ratings & Record Chaos on Cable News

Ben Smith, New York Times

Cable networks are facing threats, and opportunities, in a national crisis. Now, Fox is fighting back and CNBC is looking to the right. CNN is defined by Jeff Zucker, and he may run for mayor.

Will C19 Rules Wreck Theme Parks?

Lawrence Clark, Foundation for Economic Education

With summer coming, theme and amusement parks trying to reopen and rescue their business face immense obstacles, almost all caused by government mandates. These mandates may result in theme parks not opening, closing shortly after opening, or offering a poor customer experience.

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Questions I Can't Answer

Joseph Calhoun, RealClearMarkets

I often hear investors say they want to wait for clarity about some issue before investing. Of course, once clarity is achieved it is too late to profit from it and those investors will inevitably be...

How Germany Saves Workers From Unemployment

Alec MacGillis, ProPublica

The pandemic has cost jobs around the world. Comparing people who lost the same position in the two countries reveals that the U.S. government is spending more on unemployment — but its citizens are getting less.

Liberating Econ Data From The Lockup

Leah McGrath Goodman, Institutional Investor

Inside the world's most important data room.

Deglobalization Will Hurt Growth Everywhere

Kenneth Rogoff, Project Syndicate

Even if the United States turns a blind eye to deglobalization's effects on the rest of the world, it should remember that the current abundant demand for dollar assets depends heavily on the vast trade and financial system that some American politicians aim to shrink. If deglobalization goes too far, no country will be spared.

10 Undervalued Stocks With Momentum

Susan Dziubinski, Morningstar

These quality stocks have gained more than 15% in the last three months yet still look undervalued to us.

Is The Stock Market Broken?

Analysis Matt Egan & Matt Egan, CNN

The stock market is not the economy. But rarely has the gap between Wall Street and Main Street felt so wide.

Just How Weird Are Things Right Now?

Tyler Cowen, Marginal Revolution

If I have learned one thing over the last few weeks, it is that the psychology of the American public is weirder — and perhaps more flexible — than I ever would have thought.
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