
After the Coronavirus Pandemic, a Global Hunger Crisis

Arif Husain, New York Times

The loss of income caused by the pandemic could increase the number of people suffering acute hunger to more than quarter a billion by December.

Modelers Thought of Lots Save Reality

Editors, American Institute for Economic Research

As a site focused on economics, AIER would rather have stayed away from commentary on diseases and their mitigation. In normal times, we would have. The archives of AIER dating back to 1933 show that we had no comments on the polio epidemic (1948-1951), the Asian Flu (1957-59), the Hong Kong flu (1968-69), the Avian bird flu (2006), or the Swine flu pandemic of 2009, which was a strain most like 1918 and therefore, one might suppose, would have caused panic but did not.

If Tragically Lethal, Markets Would Have Corrected In January

John Tamny, RCM

Strategas's Jason Trennert has pointed out over the years that ADP, a payroll processing company, produces at no cost to the taxpayer an extraordinarily thorough accounting of U.S. employment...

Investors Should Stay Cool Amid 2nd-Wave Worries

Market Minder, Fisher Investments

No recovery is a straight line upâ?"for stocks or society's fight against COVID-19.

How Utah's Tech Industry Tried to Disrupt C19 Testing

Robert Baird, The New Yorker

Low-information 'Investors' Rule Market Until They Lose

Howard Gold, MarketWatch

Robinhood and day-trading newbies already are getting their comeuppance

Investment Strategies To Consider Amid Econ. Recovery

Nancy Tengler, USA Today

A tip of the hat to my fellow Americans. You are a resilient bunch. These past months have been grueling, and our hearts go out to those who have lost loved ones, businesses and livelihoods. We will rebuild, of course, with time and determination. There is, however, a bit of good news. The American consumer is in surprisingly good shape, and investors should take note.

It's Not Time For a Government Bankruptcy Facility

Elliot Ganz & David Smith, RCM

The COVID-19 pandemic has wreaked havoc on U.S. companies of all sizes. As businesses deplete their cash balances and funding options, experts are predicting a surge in bankruptcy filings. In...

An Apocalyptic Collapse In State & Local Gov't Employment

Michael Hiltzik, LAT

State and local employment collapsed for the second month in a row, raising doubts about a national recovery

Jobs Report Says Relief, Not Stimulus, Is Proper Response

Andrew Wilford, RCM

By any measure, the May jobs report is excellent news. Despite Wall Street estimates that it would show a nearly 20 percent unemployment rate and more than 8 million more Americans out of a...

Use These Rich Taxpayers' Tricks to Lower Taxes

Paul Katzeff, Investor's Business Daily

Tick, tock! The new 2019 tax deadline for filing federal tax returns and paying your taxes is fast approaching. So why not learn some of the savvy moves that rich taxpayers learn from shrewd financial advisors? Those legit tricks help rich taxpayers cut their taxes.

Corporate America Stands Against Injustice, Except In China

Jenny Wang, The Hill

By complying with the Chinese government's political sensitivities at all costs, foreign companies that operate in China give aid to an authoritarian government that tightly controls what information its citizens can consume.

Should Smart Money Be Overweight NY Apartments?

Jerry Bowyer, Vident Financial

Trump's Views on C-19 Testing Are Wiser Than You Think

Michael Keane, SSRN

Many academics are advocating for the strict adherence to randomized controlled trials (RCTs) in order to find treatments for CoViD-19. The prevailing orthodoxy

A Mad Dash for Cash

Brett Ryan, Deutsche Bank Group

The Market's Headed For Choppier Waters

Pat O'Hare, Briefing.com

Better Jobless Insurance Program for Re-Opened U.S.

Chris Pope, Manhattan Institute

Businesses are having a difficult time getting people back to work in part to unemployment benefits.

The Source of Europe's Recent Green Shoots

Market Minder, Fisher Investments

Economic reopeningsâ?"not policymakers' spending plansâ?"matter more to stocks, in our view.

Fed and Watered: Rates to Stay Near Zero

Liz Ann Sonders, Charles Schwab

As expected, the Federal Reserve kept rates near zero, plans to keep them there until 2022, and established a floor under its large-scale asset purchases.

Why Does the Fed Chairman Talk So Much?

Daniel Tenreiro, National Review

Overly expansive public communications reinforce the view that the Fed micromanages the economy, and lead to unnecessary market volatility.

Uh Oh, Private Equity May Be Coming To Your 401(k)

Brett Arends, MarketWatch

New regulations look like more risk than opportunity

Don't Lose Your Head

David Merkel, The Aleph Blog

Investor, know thyself.

Pump & Dump? Davey's Miraculous Nano-Cap Trade

Jamie Powell, FT Alphaville

How did Davey Day Trader get into and out of this tiny stock?

Low Information Investors Rule The Market - For Now

Howard Gold, MarketWatch

Robinhood and day-trading newbies already are getting their comeuppance

How PE Firms Profit From Marking Up ER Bills

Isaac Arnsdorf, Pro Publica

TeamHealth, a medical staffing firm owned by private-equity giant Blackstone, charges multiples more than the cost of ER care. All the money left over after covering costs goes to the company, not the doctors who treated the patients.

Who Benefits When Stocks Go Up? Not The Typical American

Annie Nova, CNBC

The stock market is doing relatively well considering that we're in a recession. But that won't help Americans hardest hit by the pandemic.

Employment Report: Misfortune or Carelessness?

Ben Hunt, Epsilon Theory

The employment numbers aren't what they appear.

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Is It Time To Rebalance?

Christine Benz, Morningstar

Hands-off investors are apt to find that it's time to rebalance not just to bonds from stocks but also to value from growth and to non-U.S from U.S.

The Second Time As Farce

Scott Sumner, The Money Illusion

Am I half right?

The Troubles of Hedging Inflation in Retirement

David Merkel, The Aleph Blog

Even with low inflation, money shrinks. Wages move with inflation, few assets do. There's no free lunch.

The 1793 Project Unmasked

Robby Soave, Reason

The campus left was just getting started.

Where Are All The Robots?

Rajat Bhageria, TechCrunch

Instead of Terminator or WALL-E or HAL 900 or R2-D2, all we got is Facebook serving us ads we don't want to click on, Netflix recommending us another movie that we probably shouldn't stay up to watch, and iRobot's Roomba.

Six Signs Summer Travel Is Rebounding

Jordan Valinsky, CNN Business

The summer travel season, which was all but written off just weeks ago, seem to have some peeks of sunshine after all.

Here Come The Crony Capitalists, Part 2

Joseph Calhoun, RealClearMarkets

Can you still call it crony capitalism if the crony is a foreign company?
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