
Always Remember 'Rob Rule' Trumps 'Science' Of Economics

Rob Smith, RCM

I don't agree that economics is really a "hard" science. Economics is a function of human behavior, period. Now, if you go to a fancy Ivy League university, major in economics and then go on to get a economics PHD and teach at Harvard, do you really know more than I do about how to run the country? I doubt it. My observation is the more elevated someone's academic status is, the more impressed policy makers are in that someone's opinions. You've heard of the Phillips Curve, Moore's Law and Occam's Razor. Well here is a new axiom to consider that should be part of your economic vernacular,...

Biden Is Asking for $4T. Congress Shouldn't Give It to Him.

Michael Strain, NYT

The president's economic plan would risk making inflation worse.

Federal Debt Is Now Larger Than Entire Economy

Charles C.W. Cooke, USA Today

The federal government debt, which is higher than it has been at any point since World War II, is now larger than the entire American economy.

Why Lockdowns Mostly Harm Poor

Michael Peterson, Am. Inst. for Economic Research

"These irresponsible government actions are especially acute and more harmful in developing countries and among the poor because most workers can't afford to sacrifice weeks or perhaps months of income, only to be confined to what is effectively house arrest." ~ Michael N. Peterson

Bull Stock Market That Just Keeps Calm, & Carries On

Pat O'Hare, Briefing.com

COVID cases tied to the Delta variant are increasing around the world. That realization ostensibly led to some broad-based selling this past Monday that had the Dow Jones Industrial Average down as many as 946 points, or 2.7%, the Nasdaq Composite down 248 points, or 1.7%, the S&P 500 down 94 points, or 2.2%, and the Russell 2000 down 56 points or 2.6%. It was an ugly start to the week alright, but it was just a start -- literally.

Don't Be Tempted by Robinhood's Huge IPO

Kim Iskyan, American Consequences

July 23, 2021 - Robinhood has been in the spotlight (and under the microscope) the past few years, most recently for its role in the GameStop meme-stock frenzy. So should you buy in? Or run for the hills? It's complicated...

Social Security: How to Make Up the Retirement Difference

Maurie Backman, MF

Social Security will only go so far in retirement. Here are ways to make up for the shortfall, including maxing out your IRA and saving money in HSAs.

Inflation Is Worrisome, But It Can Be Hedged Against

Clara Del Villar, Newsmax

We may now be facing a worrisome variation on Franklin's observation. Not only are significant tax increase proposals on the radar, but we are now experiencing the return of inflation.

Why Inflation Could Linger Even If It's Just 'Temporary'

Jordan Weissmann, Slate

Even if it's only "temporary."

We're Not Going to Masks and Lockdowns Again

Karol Markowicz, New York Post

Are we really doing this again? Are we really talking about returning to masking? Again?

Time for America to Answer Workers' Calls for Change

Sergio Galeano, The Hill

The call of American workers for a change in their careers or an opportunity to invest in themselves and their livelihoods should be met with a genuine, effective and to-scale response.

Companies That Make Employees Return Will Lose Employees

Rani Molla, Vox

The future of work, according to a remote work expert.

Where To Invest Now: COVID and Correlation

Jeffrey Kleintop, Charles Schwab

COVID-19 resurgences appear to be the primary driver of moves across many markets this year.

Existing Home Sales: Supply/Affordability a Challenge

Richard Moody, Regions

Strong Growth In 2nd Quarter

Brian Wesbury & Robert Stein, First Trust Advisors

Is the Coronavirus Recession Over?

Brad McMillan, Commonwealth Financial Network

According to NBER, the COVID recession is over. But is it? Commonwealth CIO Brad McMillan weighs in.

Residential Const.: Upside Surprise Leaves Questions

Richard Moody, Regions

Economic Preview for the Week of July 18th

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

The Dangers of US/China Decoupling

Daron Acemoglu, Project Syndicate

With Sino-American relations increasingly coming to resemble the geopolitical dynamics of the original Cold War, the world is heading toward a fraught new equilibrium. While some in the West long for a new "Sputnik moment" to motivate investments and reform, they should be careful what they wish for.

Just How Cheap is Europe vs. the US?

Drew Dickson, Albert Bridge Capital

As it turns out, it isn't that the people are paying a bigger growth premium for US Growth over European Growth; but instead it is that people are paying a (much) bigger multiple for US Value than for European Value.

How Tech Won the Pandemic & May Never Lose

David Streitfeld, New York Times

As the world reeled, Silicon Valley supplied the tools that made life and work possible. Now tech companies are awash in money — and questions about what it means to win amid so much loss.

Money's Quantum Time Bomb

Izabella Kaminska, FT Alphaville

Efforts are under way to protect the world's financial networks from a quantum attack. But some question if the threat to crypto assets is really as existential as feared.

Sick Joke: Outsourcing In The Pandemic Age

Laura Flanders, The Nation

But Joe Manchin's daughter, a company executive, is laughing all the way to the bank.

Are We Living In An MMT World? Not Yet.

Ben Holland, BusinessWeek

Sure, Congress wrote some giant checks during the pandemic. But the architects of Modern Monetary Theory say tolerance for deficits and spending is only part of their mission.

Why The Ivy League Operates Like A Monopoly

Robert Litan, The New Republic

A little-known law allows the most prestigious schools in America to cap the aid they offer to the most sought-after applicants, a provision that harms students of color.

Is the U.S. Economy Too Hot or Too Cold? Yes.

Neil Irwin, New York Times

The economy is a riddle, but clearly it's having a harder time rebooting itself than had seemed possible in the spring.

Bubbles Everywhere: Grantham On The Bust Ahead

Chris Taylor, Reuters

In this manic era of meme stocks, cryptocurrencies and real-estate bidding wars, studying the history of financial markets might seem a little dry and old-fashioned. Except to Jeremy Grantham.

How Biden Can Reinvent Big Pharma

Sandeep Vaheesan, The American Prospect

So it can't buy off competitors to keep prices high

The Fallacy of Climate Financial Risk ]

John H. Cochrane, Project Syndicate

The idea that climate change poses a threat to the financial system is absurd, not least because everyone already knows that global warming is happening and that fossil fuels are being phased out. The new push for climate-related financial regulation is not really about risk; it is about a political agenda.

11 Superior Foreign Stocks to Buy

Susan Dziubinski, Morningstar

These undervalued wide- and narrow-moat names were recently added to the Morningstar Global Markets ex-US Moat Focus Index.

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Star Trek 's Warp Drive Leads to New Physics

Robert Gast, Scientific American

Researchers are taking a closer look at this science-fiction staple—and bringing the idea a little closer to reality

Ignore The Bond Market Flapdoodle

macromon, Global Macro Monitor

What if bonds rally on technical issues and everyone takes it as a real signal?

Housing: Emotions Matter More Than Interest Rates

Ben Carlson, AWOCS

Interest rates have impacted the housing market but emotions have a bigger impact.

Risk, Not Volatility, Is the Real Enemy

Christine Benz, Morningstar

Grant us investors the wisdom to know the difference.

Time To Leave The Country

John Lim, HumbleDollar

ARE THERE TIMES when a near 100% international stock allocation makes sense? I believe there are—and that today is just such a moment.

Fraud on the Farm

Paul Benjamin Osterlund, Rest of World

How a baby faced CEO turned a Farmville clone into a massive ponzi scheme.

When Government Debt Hurts the Most Vulnerable

Veronique de Rugy, Reason

As inflation increases, we need a low-debt environment.
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