
Amazon Should Face Unionization without Support of GOP

Marco Rubio, USAT

Rubio's Bad-Faith Effort to Weaponize Amazon Workers

Jacob Silverman, TNR

When everything's a culture war, then everything's a culture war.

Attempt to Reverse Inequality Leading to Broader Bull Market

Ron Insana, CNBC

The Biden administration has aimed its fiscal firepower at the lower end of the socio-economic ladder.

You Would Be Naive to Presume the $1.9T Is Targeted at Covid

Luke Hogg, RCM

As Congress sends the latest COVID-19 "stimulus" package to the White House for President Biden's signature, the furious and unprecedented pace at which Congress continues to approve new funds has left many observers questioning where all the money has gone. The short answer to this question is that a significant portion of those funds haven't gone anywhere. In fact, according to analysis by the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget (CRFB), an estimated one-quarter of the $4.1 trillion Congress authorized in response to COVID-19 has yet to be disbursed. In other words, while...

Biden Models LBJ's Great Society, Will Fiscal History Repeat?

Nick Sargen, Hill

One thing that is clear is that the pace of increase of federal debt held by the public over the past decade is not sustainable: It has doubled to nearly 80 percent of GDP from less than 40 percent before the 2008 global financial crisis.

Dems Think Tax Hikes Are the Answer to Everything

Grover Norquist, Fox Business

For Democrats today, the solution for every new issue is another tax increase.

Democrats Make a Down Payment on a More Just Economy

Joan Walsh, Nation

The American Rescue Plan goes beyond Covid relief to address the deep inequities the pandemic revealed. Will those changes be a Band-Aid, or heal a broken system?

Rescue Plan' Will Sic the IRS on Anyone in Gig Economy

Eric Boehm, Reason

What does this have to do with the pandemic? Nothing.

As the Covid-19 Pandemic Fades, the Economy Could Soar

Ben Levisohn, Barron´s

As the Covid-19 pandemic starts to wane, the U.S. economy could soar. What that means for investors

How to Invest in America's Nearly $2 Trillion Shot in the Arm

Paul La Monica, CNN

President Joe Biden signed the $1.9 trillion stimulus package Congress passed this week into law Thursday. That's welcome news for Americans in need of aid because of the pandemic. But it's also a big plus for investors.

Fighting Poverty Means More than Just Sending Money to Poor

Oren Cass, CJ

Fighting poverty requires more than just sending money to the poor.

The Pandemic's Billionaire Boom

Nitasha Tiku & Jay Greene, The Washington Post

The wealth of nine of America's top titans has increased by more than $360 billion in the past year. The staggering rise in their gains contrasts with the economic devastation of millions of Americans, amid soaring unemployment and evictions, drawing attention to issues of inequality and distribution of wealth.

Bond Yield Spike Denting Euphoric Sentiment

Liz Ann Sonders, Charles Schwab

Sentiment has been a problem; higher yields was the catalyst for a bit of a reset.

Corporate Bonds: Is a "Zombie" Apocalypse Coming?

Collin Martin, Charles Schwab

With interest rates rising, "zombie companies" may have to refinance debt at higher rates.

Feb. CPI: Faster Inflation Coming, But Is It Staying?

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

The Fed Can't Fix Corona-Lockdowns

Brian Wesbury & Robert Stein, First Trust Advisors

Making Sense of Your Tax Refund

Hayden Adams, Charles Schwab

Was your tax refund smaller than in previous years? Did you owe more than usual? Here's why.

Big Market Delusion: Electric Vehicles

Rob Arnott, Lillian Wu, Brad Cornell @RA_Insights

The siren song of a "big market"â?"opened through innovation or disruption, such as the newly beloved electric vehicles marketâ?"lures investors to enthusiastically push up prices of all firms in the industry as if each will be a major winner. The reality is that as competitors in an evolving industry, some will fail. Pricing each company's stock without regard to this fact is the "big market delusion."

Consumer Spending Set to Surge....Or Not

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

The Federal Gov't Has Forgotten Power of Compound Interest

Joseph Minarik, Hill

This nation and its elected leaders must tackle the deficit.

Warren Wealth Tax Fails as Tax Generator, Fairness Too

Sukhayl Niyazov, City Journal

It fails as a revenue generator and as a tool to deliver fairness.

Biden's Bill Could Lift Millions of Kids Out of Poverty

Andrew Keshner, MarketWatch

President Joe Biden said he?ll sign the bill on Friday

All Else Is Equal (& oh by the way Weighted) In the Market

Pat O'Hare, Briefing.com

It's Best To Make Roth IRA Conversion Early In Retirement

Adam Levy, Motley Fool

Why Value Is In the Eye of the Digital Beholder

Kim Iskyan, American Consequences

Is the new world of blockchain digital collectibles another bubble or no different than the baseball card collections of yesteryear?

The Lego Movie Isn't Really About Freedom

Jeffrey Tucker, Am. Inst. for Econ Research

The first time I saw The Lego Movie (2014) I interpreted it as a soaring hymn to creative entrepreneurship and the terrible results of planning.

The Retro Fed: Get Ready For A Hard Day's Night

Nick Tomaino, National Review

Monetary policy is heading back to the 1960s when the Phillips Curve ruled. The result will be the same.

Must Have For The Wealthy? Your Own Electrical Grid

Leticia Miranda, NBCNews

As mounting climate-related power failures hammer the country's electrical grid, a growing number of homeowners are building their own power system.

Here Comes the Potential COVID-19 Debt Binge Hangover

Julia Horowitz, CNN

Desperate to save their economies from complete collapse, governments borrowed unprecedented amounts of money on the cheap to support workers and businesses during the pandemic. Now, with recovery in sight, a big risk looms: interest payments.

5 Stocks to Spend Your Stimulus Check On

Susan Dziubinski, @MorningstarInc

These familiar brands are all undervalued today.

The Town That Didn't Lock Down

Christian Britschgi, Reason

A Reason reporter went to Paso Robles, California, where many businesses defied state orders to close. He enjoyed it. He also got COVID.

This Is Nuts. This Is a $69m JPG.

Jamie Powell, FT Alphaville

Rent: From Inflation Headwind To Tailwind

Ed Yardeni, Dr. Ed's Blog

A housing shortage is turning rent disinflation around.

This Is A Very Wealthy Country

Scott Grannis, Calafia Beach Pundit

Today the Fed released its estimates of household net worth as of the end of December 2020. Net worth has reached a new record high.

The Simplest Way To Hedge Against Inflation

Ben Carlson, A Wealth Of Common Sense

It isn't that hard.

Google's Plan To Disrupt The College Degree

Justin Bariso, Inc.

Get a first look at Google's new certificate programs and a new feature of Google Search designed to help job seekers everywhere.
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