
America Is Failing Its Workforce, But Not In The Way You Think

Jeb Bush, CNN

America doesn't have a jobs problem. It has a pathways-to-jobs problem. Our economy is producing jobs -- there were 7.4 million open jobs as of February in the midst of a pandemic -- but our education system isn't preparing people to fill those jobs.

Billionaires Are Biden's Unlikely Allies In Taxation Battle

Ryan Cooper, The Week

Billionaires who want to ... raise their own taxes?

Biden Errs In Pursuing Corporate Tax Hikes Over User Fees

Rick Geddes, RCM

The announced goal of the Biden's administration newly released plan to spend over $2.3 trillion to improve America's aging physical infrastructure seems laudable. However, upon closer inspection, many of the assorted activities included in the proposed legislation will go to projects not defined as infrastructure. "Less than 6% of this massive proposal goes to roads and bridges," according to Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY). Worse yet, the proposal sharply increases corporate taxes to cover the plan's massive cost while ruling out higher fuel taxes or mileage-based user fees. It abandons the...

Joe Biden's Big Bet to Bring Back the American Economy

Brad Bannon, The Hill

President Biden's big bet is that if he solves the two biggest problems plaguing the nation — the COVID-19 pandemic and the economic crisis — voters will likely reward him in the midterm elections.

What Does Raising Corp. Tax Have to Do w/Job Creation?

Brian Johnson, RCM

President Biden recently proposed a massive infrastructure package, The American Jobs Plan, which will be funded by the Administration's Made in America Tax Plan. There are a lot of policy goals outlined in this proposal that will create jobs in certain sectors and move the country toward an economy the President has repeatedly stated he supports over the current one we have now. An economy and tax code that chooses specific jobs over others. A claim that, with respect to energy policy, he has made multiple times on the campaign trail, and an economy that provides tax incentives to keep...

Biden's Crony Anti-Infrastructure Plan

Veronique de Rugy, The American Spectator

"A crony anti-infrastructure plan" is, sadly, the best description of the Biden administration's proposed $2.3 trillion infrastructure plan.

The Moral Agony of the Corporate Republican

Jonathan Chait, New York Magazine

They expected to be off moral probation after Trump. Then came Georgia.

The Almighty & the Dollar: Religion and Econ Life -

Samuel Gregg, Law & Liberty

Contributing Editor Sam Gregg reviews Benjamin Friedman's Religion and the Rise of Capitalism.

Teaching Kids Money Is Crucial. But How?

Geoff Williams, U.S. News & World Report

Slight, But Only Slight, Movement In Understanding of Rates

Jeff Snider, RCM

Always, always the interest rate fallacy. Like last week my examination of Economics tardily discovering interesting and key facts on collateral in the world's primary monetary arrangements, there's some (very slight) movement in the direction of solving the related "puzzle" over persistently low rates. These are textbook stimulus yet the world hasn't reacted to them at all in the way predicted. This has been a long-sought problem, an unforced error in the forced transition from money-based understanding to expectations-based manipulation central banks had begun by default half a century ago....

Gov't Was the Corona-Crisis: Int. with/John Tamny

Emily Jashinsky, The Federalist

The "one-size-fits-all" response to the pandemic did nothing but destroy the economy, said author John Tamny on the Federalist Radio Hour.

Why the Captain of the Ever Given Should Get a Major Award

Tom Palmer, FEE

The captain of the ship that blocked the Suez canal for six days deserves an award. In mere minutes, he did what protectionists have been struggling to do for decades.

Janet Yellen Is Incorrect on Tax Competition

Chris Edwards, Cato Institute

Nations competing to have better policy is not a zero‐​sum game.

Managing Credit: How We Fool Ourselves

Carrie Schwab-Pomerantz, Charles Schwab

When it comes to maintaining good credit, don't let myths and misconceptions fool you into bad decisions.

Clarence Thomas Asks Central Texh Qs

Bret Swanson, American Enterprise Institute

Picking Up the Labor Market Pace, But Far To Go

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

Economic Data Springing Higher, But Stay Level-Headed

Market Minder, Fisher

The latest data are fueling rather rosy expectations for the US economy. Take it with a big grain of salt.

3 Reasons to Reject Biden's Tax Harmonization

Dan Mitchell, International Liberty

Way back in 2007, I narrated this video to explain why tax competition is very desirable because politicians are likely to overtax and overspend ("Goldfish Government") if they think ta…

4 Efficient Investing Questions

Solomon Teller, Green Harvest Asset Management

The Misleading Push for Corporate Tax Hikes

Andrew Wilford, Reason

Corporations get attacked for not paying taxes in a certain year, but they're just spreading out their losses.

Corporate Tax: Don't Raise The Rate, Close Loopholes

Allison Schrager, CJ

If President Biden really wants to raise revenue, there are better ways to do it.

Behind the Rise and Fall of an Esteemed Value Shop

Gregg Wolper, MStar

IVA had an auspicious launch, an unusual life, and a startling end.

Why This is Not Another Housing Bubble

Ben Carlson, A Wealth Of Common Sense

There's no question residential real estate in the United States is on fire. The latest Case-Shiller Index data showed an 11% year-over-year increase:And this data is only through January.

How To Solve The Global Vaccine Shortfall

Caleb Watney, Agglomerations

We need to rapidly expand vaccine manufacturing around the world — are IP suspensions the best way to do it?

Rio Tinto Went Looking For Gold & Found Something Better

Editors, OilPrice.com

Rio Tinto has kicked off lithium production from waste rock at a plant located at a borates mine it controls in California

The End of Amateur Hour for the NCAA

Eric Posner, Project Syndicate

The NCAA is asking the US Supreme Court to endorse the fiction that it is preserving amateurism in athletics, rather than presiding over a profitable scheme of labor exploitation. But the fact is that the NCAA's behavior in any other part of the economy would be illegal.

33 Undervalued Stocks for the Second Quarter

Susan Dziubinski, Morningstar

Here are our analysts' top ideas in each sector for the coming quarter.

The Cronyism Of Biden's Infrastructure Plan

Peter Suderman, Reason

When everything's infrastructure, nothing is.

Out of the Pandemic, Chances for Another Future

Eilene Zimmerman, NY Times

When life is disrupted by crisis, some people see opportunities — for change, action, introspection — they might not otherwise.

Will the Economic Boom of 2021 Last?

Jim O'Neill, Project Syndicate

After last year's economic collapse, the prospects for a strong cyclical recovery have always been strong. And judging by a series of must-watch high-frequency indicators, the long-awaited boom has arrived and seems likely to continue building – at least in the near term.

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

More Is Better? Subtracting Often Adds Up

John Timmer, Ars Technica

Across many experiments, participants tried to fix problems by adding stuff.

We Aren't That Much Different Than Bill Hwang

David Merkel, The Aleph Blog

Our culture thinks prosperity is its birthright, and so we incur many debts.

Short Sellers Are Bleeding Assets

Michelle Celarier, Institutional Investor

Jim Chanos' Kynikos Associates and Jim Carruthers' Sophos Capital got much smaller in 2020, according to new regulatory filings.

Biden's Clever Solution To Rising Housing Prices

Jerusalem Demsas, Vox

Housing prices are out of control. Biden's infrastructure bill could be the first step — of many — to changing that.

US Spies Peer Into the Future & It Doesn't Look Good

Gordon Corera, BBC News

Their predictions include growing uncertainty and instability, and more polarisation and populism.

Getting Back To Pre-COVID GDP Levels

Macromon, Global Macro Monitor

How much does it take to get US GDP back to its pre-COVID level?

Will We Even Need Vaccine Passports?

Joel Zinberg, City Journal

An idea whose time may never come
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