
Are You Rich Enough to Survive This Pandemic?

Zak Cheney-Rice, New York Magazine

Those getting the sickest and dying from the coronavirus most frequently and being plunged into dire financial straits at disproportionate rates are the same people who were vulnerable and marginalized before the WHO declared a pandemic.

Kevin Hassett's Jobless Prediction Purposefully Missed Mark

John Crudele, NYP

Once economic restrictions are lifted, the unemployment rate will decline rapidly, although it will not get down to where it had been.

Scott Gottlieb: Alarmist Policy Enthusiast, Enemy of Workers

John Tamny, RCM

"It doesn't make sense." Those are the words of Las Vegas resident Valicia Anderson. Interviewed by New York Times reporter Sabrina Tavernise, Tavernise reports that Anderson...

80 Percent Have Little To Nothing to Fear of C-19

Richard Rahn, Washington Times

Is this much ado about nothing?

Urgent Appeal To Govs: Open Now

Bob Luddy, American Institute for Economic Research

Your executive orders have quarantined healthy individuals for the first time in American history. Small businesses can no longer operate, and their employees are jobless. This may be a solution for your medical advisers, but the results are now devastating nearly every facet of our society.

No, Only Open In Less Crowded Locales

David Rubin & Paul A. Offit, The New York Times

Densely populated areas can have nearly twice the rate of transmission, and can make Covid-19 more deadly. Other areas can open more quickly.

A Bigger Safety Net Explains the Difference From the 1930s

Christine Romans, CNN

Enter the dreaded "D" word.

Trends Indicate the Bear Market Is More Correction

Market Minder, Fisher Investments

Leadership trends suggest this bear market is acting more like a correction.

Stocks Most Beloved by Top Investors Since 2/19

Paul Katzeff, Investor's Business Daily

Bummed because the coronavirus stock market crash pummeled your portfolio? Cheer up. Get ready to find high-quality stocks, held by some of the best mutual funds, that actually rose.

Buffett Will Soon Say What He Thinks Abt Stocks

Lawrence Cunningham, MarketWatch

Berkshire Hathaway chairman is handling the COVID-19 crisis in much the same way as he did the Great Recession

How Trump Admin. Should Structure Gulf Oil Royalty Relief

Benjamin Zycher, RCM

The Trump administration reportedly is considering a proposal to reduce the royalty rate on the future oil and gas production from forthcoming sales of leases for exploration and production...

Forget Veepstakes, Biden Should Make History w/Finance Picks

Jason Gold, Hill

While naming actual nominees now would be politically fraught, he should instead pledge to fill some of the high-ranking economic and financial posts â?" for the first time â?" with minorities.

Addressing An Upside Down World

Solomon Teller, Green Harvest Asset Management

There May Be More From the FOMC: Just Not Yet

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

A Status Check On the Fed's Arsenal

Matthew Luzzetti, Deutsche Bank Group

Earnings Plunging, Stocks Ignoring

Liz Ann Sonders, Charles Schwab

Stocks and earnings don't always move in tandem; with stocks typically leading earnings ? but is the market's rally too much, too soon?

New Home Sales: A Modest Preview of What's Ahead

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

What Happens When Corporate Bond Issuer Defaults?

Collin Martin, Charles Schwab

With the corporate default rate rising, investors may be wondering what they should do if their corporate bond issuer goes bankrupt.

Asset Allocation: The Defensive Risk Rally

Binky Chadha, Deutsche Bank Group

America Shouldn't Have to Play by New York Rules

Bret Stephens, The New York Times

A national lockdown is bad medicine and worse politics.

Will CA Devastation Lead To Its 'Appointment In Samarra"?

Michael Bernick, Forbes

Here's a snapshot of the job devastation from the local level, and why it's time to reopen the economy.

Using the Virus to Keep Out Immigrants Will Hurt Economy

Erin Corcoran, The Hill

The nation needs these critical workers in the labor force.

Hollywood Has Gone Dark, and It's Crushing Thousands

Anna-Maja Rappard, CNN

Hollywood is no stranger to pandemics on the big screen. But for the real life version, there is no script.

Density Has Saved Lives In NYC, and Can Do So Yet Again

Nicole Gelinas, CityLab

Before coronavirus transformed urban life, New York had achieved a massive public health success, thanks in part to the city's now-maligned layout.

How to Know How To Withdraw From Retirement Acct's

Paul Merriman, MarketWatch

The ultimate retirement distribution strategy

Capitalism & Deaths of Despair?

Joakim Book, American Institute for Economic Research

Investors Have $5.1 Trillion Hiding Out in Five Companies

Nigam Arora, MarketWatch

The companies' earnings reports will be interpreted through the lens of confirmation bias

Factors Suggest This Rally Isn't a Real Recovery

Julie Segal, Institutional Investor

Value and small cap normally standouts during recoveries are dismal.

Protectionism Is No Cure for Pandemics

Amina Mohamed, Project Syndicate

Africa has learned the hard way that international cooperation is key to saving lives and extinguishing epidemics. But the mixed global response to the current COVID-19 pandemic, with many countries closing their borders and restricting exports of vital goods, suggests that the world is forgetting this lesson.

The Coronavirus Economy Will Bring Inflation

Nicholas Frankovich, National Review

As supply chains are reconstituted and some production re-domesticated, look for inflation, possibly in double digits.

The American oil boom is over

Nawaf Obaid, CNN Business

The industry has been hit by a perfect storm of historically depressed energy demand due to coronavirus containment efforts and the unwillingness of main oil producing countries to agree to the production cuts necessary to lift prices.

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

The End of the US-China Relationship

Stephen Roach, Project Syndicate

From an unnecessary trade war to an increasingly desperate coronavirus war, two angry countries are trapped in a blame game with no easy way out. Now more than ever, both sides need to contemplate the economic and geopolitical consequences of a full rupture.

This Timing Model Just Turned Bullish

Mark Hulbert, MarketWatch

Value Line survey sees 8% annualized returns between now and April 2024

A Rant Against the Media

David Harsanyi, National Review

It's not a mystery why Trump's fans can so easily dismiss the media.

Funds That Buy Like Buffett, 2020

David Kathman, Morningstar

These mutual funds own the same stocks as the Oracle of Omaha.

The Pace of Dividend Cuts Accelerates

Ironman, Political Calculations

The pace of dividend cuts in the U.S. surged during the past week and a half.

How VW Re-Opened The World's Largest Car Factory

Hanna Ziady, CNN

Volkswagen reopened the world's biggest car factory at Wolfsburg in Germany on Monday after the coronavirus forced it to shut down for the longest period in its 82-year history.

The 21st Century Sucks

Scott Sumner, The Money Illusion

It’s been all downhill since 2001.
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