
Believe Your Eyes About Fauci E-Mails, Not 'Fact Checkers'

Jeffrey Tucker, RCM

Reading through the 4,000-plus pages of Dr. Fauci's emails - where's the bottle of Visine? - has not been the most exciting of literary experiences, but it certainly has been revealing. After all, Dr. Fauci was the US architect of the lockdowns that smashed all that we believed was true in the good ‘ol US of A; namely that we had rights and freedoms and a system of government that protected both. Suddenly we found ourselves housebound by law, prevented from going to concerts, movies, church, or even to the hospital if we didn't have Covid-19 (health care spending fell 6% in 2020). So,...

The Deeper Anxieties of the Inflation Hawks

James K. Galbraith, Project Syndicate

Following an increase in consumer prices during the first quarter of the year, commentators who were already wringing their hands about inflation have now doubled down on their position. But the economic arguments used to justify such fears simply do not stand up to scrutiny.

Facebook: Suppressor of Free Speech

Michael Barone, Washington Examiner

Letting the Economy Create Jobs Is (Sadly) Radical

Eric Levitz, Intelligencer

If Biden executes his plan for full employment, heightened class conflict will ensue.

Workers Simply Aren't Coming Back

Michael R. Strain, National Review

Workers sitting on the sidelines is a serious issue. More is at stake than a bumpy economic ride.

Have You Ever Seen a Poor Person Driving a Tesla?

Brad Polumbo, NRO

Have you ever seen a poor person driving a Tesla?

Is Multi-Yr. High Oil Cause For Concern?

Seth Berenzweig & John Tamny, Capitol Brief

John Tamny of RealClear Markets and Forbes discusses the real pricing of oil with host Seth Berenzweig

On Donald Trump, Facebook Kicks the Can — Again

Jack Shafer, Politico

The social-media giant is getting expert at punting on its biggest political issue.

A Huge Reallocation of People and Work Is Underway

Betsey Stevenson, NYT

The unemployed and potential employers are like single people at a giant mixer — there are opportunities, but most won't find the perfect match right away.

Winners and Losers: The Global Economy After COVID

Kotkin & Krüger, Quillette

The COVID-19 pandemic has transformed the world economy in ways that will be debated by pundits and future historians for decades to come. Yet, as hard as it is to predict a disrupted future accura…

Supply Chain, Labor Issues Are Bad News for Republicans

Gene Marks, Hill

In other words, the cavalry is on its way.

Can the Rich Pay for a Better America?

Paul Krugman, The New York Times

Biden has it mostly right. But will Congress water down his plans?

Inflation Validation (Thus Far)

Ryan Severino, JLL

A Good Market Month, With Ups and Downs

Brad McMillan, Commonwealth

May marked a transition back to normality. How will this success affect us in June? Commonwealth CIO Brad McMillan considers a fitting end to the pandemic.

A June Stock-Market Swoon?

Ryan Detrick, LPL Financial Research

Market Blog Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Inflation Everywhere Except Broadband

Bret Swanson, American Enterprise Institute

How Much Should You Save for Kids' College?

Carrie Schwab-Pomerantz, Schwab

Most families don't pay the sticker price for college, but don't put off saving. Consider a 529—and start early.

1970s Inflation Revisionism

Brian Wesbury & Robert Stein, First Trust Advisors

ISM Manufacturing: Producers Seeing More Demand

Richard Moody, Regions

The U.S. Economy Is Sending Confusing Signals

Ben Casselman, New York Times

The ebbing of the pandemic has brought price increases, supply bottlenecks and labor shortages. Key indicators will show whether it's just a stage.

Biden Should Dump This Trump Era Trade Policy Now

Catherine Rampell, WaPo

If there were plenty of reasons to avoid these tariffs three years ago, there are even more reasons to scrap them today.

A Curse Worse than Cash

Kenneth Rogoff, Project Syndicate

Although prominent cryptocurrency advocates are politically connected and have democratized their base, regulators simply cannot sit on their hands forever. Malicious ransomware attacks targeting growing numbers of firms and individuals could prove to be the tipping point.

How Amazon Is Dominating Cloud Computing

Daniel Lippman, Politico

Amazon Web Services is snapping up former government officials who can help them gain access to lucrative federal contracts.

Europe Is a Corporate Also-Ran. Can It Recover?

Staff, The Economist

American and Chinese businesses have left their European counterparts in the dust | Briefing

How COVID Changed Boomers' Retirement Plans

Laurent Belsie, CSM

For many Americans, one result of pandemic career upheaval is that retirement has come sooner than planned – while others no longer feel ready.

Biden's Budget Is Even More Expensive Than It Looks

Peter Suderman, Reason

The White House chose not to include cost estimates for a number of big-ticket health care policies—while still expressing support for them.

Your Father's Stock Market is Never Coming Back

Joshua Brown, Fortune

Younger generations are reshaping the rules and conventions of investing. Older investors can't afford to dismiss them.

Even Democrats Are Balking At Biden's Big Budget

Veronique de Rugy, Reason

The spending plan demonstrates an unwillingness to govern and a preference for pandering to special interests.

Don't Let Wuhan Leak Distract You

P.J. O'Rourke, John Tamny, American Consequences

The Wuhan-lab leak theory refocuses the pandemic narrative, scapegoating China while letting Fauci and Congress shirk responsibility.

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

But I Don't Wanna Go Back To Work...

Tim Kreider, The Atlantic

I have gotten acclimated to a different existence.

Commodities Are Booming. Commodity ETFs Are Not.

Drew Voros, ETF.COM

Maybe commodities aren't suited to ETFs.

The Problem With Proxies

John Cochrane, The Grumpy Economist

As an economist, I always look first to see what's wrong in the rules of the game if I don't like the outcome.

Dividends by the Numbers for May 2021

Ironman, Political Calculations

May 2021 continued the strong environment of the last few months for the U.S. stock market's dividend payers.

Benjamin Graham Must Be Spinning In His Grave

Jamie Powell, FT Alphaville

Gamestop and AMC are the two biggest holdings in the Russell 2000 Value index.

The World's 25 Richest Millennial Billionaires

Avery Koop, Visual Capitalist

There are over 2700 billionaires in the world, but how many are millennials? This visual breaks down the richest millennial billionaires.

Are We Better Off? Yes, But It Could Be Even Better

Noah Smith, Noahpinion

Yes. But not as much as we ought to be.
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