
Biden Agenda Would Greatly Discourage Work, Investment

Casey Mulligan, The Hill

The restrained version of Biden's agenda would reduce median household incomes by an estimated $1,700, rather than the $6,500 for the full agenda.

Biden Properly Hints at Ending U.S.'s Trade Wars

Bruce Yandle, Washington Examiner

America has been mired in debates over protectionism and other trade policies for several years now, and it hasn't shown many signs of slowing down. Will Joe Biden change things?

Joe Biden, New York Times, 'Dark' Winters, & 'Terrifying Surges'

John Tamny, RCM

“We have found that students are responding well to our voluntary, convenient, and free walk-up testing sites.” The latter is from a press release produced at Penn State University, and that was released this week to the New York Times. It seems Penn State, much like U.S. universities in all 50 states, has an aggressive coronavirus testing program as a way of keeping close track of the virus’s spread on campus. Please think about the fact that testing for the coronavirus in what is the world’s richest country is increasingly very convenient, and free. Please think...

Joe Biden Must Be a President for America's Workers

John Cassidy, The New Yorker

On Monday, Joe Biden, the President-elect, unveiled the members of his coronavirus task force and warned of a “dark winter” ahead. Even as encouraging news emerged about a potential vaccine, case numbers have continued to climb in alarming fashion.

Biden Gets Call, Investors Get Falling Uncertainty

Market Minder, Fisher Investments

The drama isn't over yet, but uncertainty is fallingâ?"bullish for stocks.

No Wave Is Good News for the Market

Brian Wesbury & Robert Stein, First Trust Advisors

Though Trump Aims to Litigate 2020, Investors Have Moved On

Matt Egan, CNN

The Trump campaign is waging a legal war over the 2020 presidential election results. Wall Street, on the other hand, is already moving on.

A Loss Would Be Good for Trump Bus.

Dan Alexander & Chase Peterson-Withorn, Forbes

Speeches, books and television await. So do more opportunities to receive taxpayer funds.

Biden Transition Full of Power Grabs

Brad Polumbo, Foundation for Economic Education

More Bad News for Lockdowners

Jeffrey Tucker, American Institute for Economic Research

On March 12, 2020, the memo went out from the pen of Carter Mecher, bioterrorism expert advising the Veterans Administration. It went out to public health officials and others from around the nation. Close the schools. Pull the trigger now. And it happened, and with it, civic freedoms we have long taken for granted – freedom to travel, operate businesses, go to the movies, even leave our homes – were taken away.

Exxon's Failure to Go Green Threatens Financial Future

Loren Steffy, Texas Monthly

In 1999, Enron CEO Jeff Skilling mocked ExxonMobil, the largest U.S. oil and gas company, calling it a “dinosaur.” Yet Exxon lumbered on, churning out steady profits, even after Enron collapsed in bankruptcy two years later and Skilling went to prison for fraud. But now, as the planet continues to heat up, COVID-19 has blasted into Exxon’s finances like some giant asteroid.

Non-Pharma Winners and Losers from Pfizer Vaccine

Michael Brush, MarketWatch

The 7 most important takeaways for investors

A Lot Has Changed In the Past Week

Brad McMillan, Commonwealth Financial Network

What to Expect from the "Lame Duck" Congress

Michael Townsend, Charles Schwab

Debate over another round of coronavirus aid and economic stimulus likely will be at the top of the agenda for the post-election session.

A Bullish Spin On a Very Good Week for the Stock Market

Pat O'Hare, Briefing.com

Charitable Donations: The Basics of Giving

Hayden Adams, Charles Schwab

Helpful tax tips for your end-of-year charitable contributions, including stock donations.

Georgia On Our Minds. Most Bullish Power Split

Market Minder, Fisher Investments

As both Georgian Senate seats potentially head to a runoff, we explore the popular theory that a Democratic presidency and split Congress is the most bullish combo.

How Can I Make Most of My Stock Options?

Carrie Schwab-Pomerantz, Charles Schwab

Stock options can give your compensation a significant boost, but they can also be confusing. Carrie Schwab-Pomerantz explains what you need to know.

The UK's New National Lockdown

Market Minder, Fisher Investments

Long-term investors benefit from considering a couple of key factors, in our view.

A Better Economy Is Really Easy: Just Don't Lock Down

Benjamin Powell, AIER

European countries are imposing harsh lockdowns again as a second wave of COVID-19 spreads throughout Europe. It was a mistake last spring, when most U.S. states followed Europe’s lead in imposing lockdowns during the first wave, and it would be an even bigger mistake to copy the failed lockdowns again today. I was stunned when Italy imposed regional lockdowns in late February and a national lockdown on March 9. In short order, most other European countries did the same. Then, influenced by the sensational predictions from Neil Ferguson’s team at Imperial College...

Microsoft May Be Biggest Beneficiary of the New Macs

Daniel Newman, MarketWatch

Apple's transition from Intel to its new Arm-based silicon is almost certain to be a challenging transition. Microsoft, with the Surface, is aiming to build...

There's Quite Simply No Such Thing as Too Many Apple Events

Rishi Iyengar, CNN

Less than 24 hours before Election Day, Apple announced it would host its fourth major event of the year the following week.

The Best Ways to Save More for Retirement

Emily Brandon, U.S. News & World Report

SAVING FOR RETIREMENT doesn't have to be a chore. A few small changes can result in a much bigger retirement account balance, given enough time to compound.

What to Know About Buying a House With Student Debt

Tanisha Sykes, USA Today

One of the most important factors that lenders consider when evaluating you for a mortgage is your debt, including any student loans you must pay back. “Student loans can affect a consumer’s ability to get a mortgage because they are a liability that factors into your debt-to-income ratio,” says Adam Selita, CEO and co-founder of The Debt Relief Company in New York City.

Is 2020 Election Over, or Is There More Drama?

Buck Sexton, American Consequences

Inside the New York Times' Heated Reckoning with NYT

Reeves Wiedeman, New York

For the sake of the country â?" and the business model â?" the New York Times evolved during the Trump years: less dispassionate, more crusading. This has sparked a raw internal debate over the paper's mission and future.

Both Sides Abandon Workers

Jenin Younes, American Institute for Economic Research

About four years ago, on one of the many days I was lamenting the election of Donald Trump, a friend handed me a copy of Listen, Liberal: Or What Ever Happened to the Party of the People? by Thomas Frank. My friend remarked that he was less concerned about Trump becoming president than the circumstances that led to a former reality TV show host with authoritarian leanings attaining the highest office in the land.

Inflation Is Election Outcome Americans Can Count On

Michael Wilkerson, The Hill

As both citizens and investors, now is a good time to take care and take cover. While we should hope for the best, I suspect we haven't seen the worst of it yet.

One Clear Election Loser: The "Green New Deal"

Steven Milloy, Washington Examiner

Despite the mixed signals from the 2020 election, the exit polling indicated one clear loser: the Green New Deal.

Don't Count On Big Stimulus Plan In a Lame Duck Session

Sarah Hansen, Forbes

The next Covid-19 relief bill is likely to be smaller and it may not pass until next year.

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

The Calm Before the Exchange-Rate Storm?

Kenneth Rogoff, Project Syndicate

Core dollar exchange rates have so far been surprisingly stable during the pandemic, most likely because major central banks' policy interest rates are effectively frozen at or near zero. But although the current stasis could last awhile, it will not last forever.

Global Economy Teeters On Double Dip Recession

Ironman, Political Calculations

Unfortunately, the negative economic impact to the world from COVID-19 is not over yet.

Where We Stand On The Virus: Good News, Bad News

Alex Tabarrok, MR

Good news on vaccines but the virus is surging again.

Could the Bond Market Derail the Stock Market?

Ben Carlson, AWOCS

There are always risks in the financial markets, even when there is potentially good news.

Depriving the State of Its Healthy Resource

Casey Carlisle, UncleNap.com

6 November 2020 When an American joins the military, he displays at least two prominent personality traits: he cares about his family, friends, and even about Americans he's never met, and, in th

Wall Street's 20 Favorite Value Stocks

Philip van Doorn, MarketWatch

If you believe that value stocks will come into favor at the expense of growth stocks, start with this list of possibilities

The World Is Changing. Will Central Banks Change Too?

Balaz Koranyi, CSM

Global economic priorities and norms are shifting as climate change and social issues exacerbated by a pandemic change consumer habits. Central banks are rethinking their roles as they ponder why monetary policy is not working the way it once did.
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