
Biden, Climate Warriors Can't Face Costs of Going Green

David Harsanyi, NYP

In anticipation of the virtual Leaders Summit on Climate, a two-day global gathering of more than 40 world leaders, President Joe Biden declared that the United States had a "moral imperative" to a…

The China Shock and the Climate Shock

Paul Krugman, The New York Times

Change is inevitable, but can we cushion the impact on communities?

Biden's Policies Are Already Hurting Workers

Gene Marks, The Hill

A 2019 study from Oxford Economics finds that robots will replace up to 20 million factory jobs alone in the next 10 years.

America Should Stop Being So Opposed to Unions

Steven Greenhouse, CNN

If we ever hope to create an economy that assures that every worker has the respect they deserve and a fair share of our nation's prosperity, we need to make unionization elections fairer, give workers a bigger voice at work and fix our dangerous levels of inequality.

Biden's Trickle-Up Economics Is Just What America Needs

Neil Baron, The Hill

More than 40 years of 'trickle-down' failed to deliver; instead, it's led to negative or flat economic growth and higher unemployment.

Low-Skill Workers Aren't a Problem to Be Fixed

Annie Lowrey, The Atlantic

The label "low-skill" flattens workers to a single attribute, ignoring the capacities they have and devaluing the jobs they do.

As Inflation Rears Its Head, Should you Be Worried?

Helen Raleigh, Federalist

Since inflation is a process and not an end-state, it never seems too bad at the start. Unfortunately, Americans should prepare to buckle up for the future.

The Minimum Wage Is Always Zero

Zachary Faria, Washington Examiner

Democrats have been fighting to use their slim majority in Congress to impose a national $15 minimum wage. But the minimum wage wouldn't be $15 — it would be zero, as it always has been.

End Welfare as We Know It — for the Upper Middle Class

Reeves & Pulliam, WP

Dozens of special federal tax breaks overwhelmingly benefit the affluent.

Imagining Berkshire Hathaway after Buffett

Adam J. Mead, MarketWatch

The next CEO will need a plan to return cash to shareholders.

The Good News About the Insane Real Estate Market

Henry Grabar, Slate

Losing your umpteenth bidding war just might radicalize you.

How Wyoming Became Promised Land for Bitcoin

Chris Matthews, MarketWatch

Wyoming's economy is powered by some of the oldest industries in human history, including mining, agriculture and tourism. But in recent years the state has...

SPACs: What Are They, Are They Risky?

Liz Ann Sonders & Kevin Gordon, Schwab

Special purpose acquisition companies—also known as blank-check companies—have gained immense popularity since the beginning of 2020.

The Winners and Losers of the American Jobs Plan

Anu Gaggar, Commonwealth

Who will be the winners (and losers) of the American Jobs Plan? Commonwealth's Anu Gaggar makes her picks.

Existing Home Sales: Trend Is Rising, But How Long?

Richard Moody, Regions

How Can the American Rescue Plan Act Help?

Carrie Schwab-Pomerantz, Schwab

The American Rescue Plan Act includes much more than stimulus payments, especially if your children are minors.

What China's Growth Numbers Say About What's Ahead

Market Minder, Fisher

What the latest Chinese economic data reveal about what lies ahead.

California Chases Away Industry

Bret Swanson, American Enterprise Institute

Even perhaps the internet industry it invented.

Yes, Stocks Are Still Cheap

Brian Wesbury & Robert Stein, First Trust Advisors

We're Raising Our GDP & Inflation Forecasts

Preston Caldwell, Morningstar

We've increased our U.S. GDP growth forecast.

Now That Everyone Is Bullish, Be Cautious

Jeff Sommer, New York Times

The economy and the stock market have churned out spectacular numbers, and investor optimism is high. But don't forget to hedge your bets.

Mea Culpa: My Worst Forecasting Mistake

Stephen S. Roach, Project Syndicate

There were three seemingly strong reasons to predict last year that the US economy was headed for a double-dip recession. In the end, a confluence of three other reasons explains why that prediction turned out to be spectacularly wrong.

COVID-19 Industrial Policy Fails Again

Eric Boehm, Reason

A Connecticut company got a $138 million government contract in order to break America's supposed "dependence" on foreign-made syringes. It has yet to produce even a single one.

Taxes: Sticking It To The Rich Will Stab Us All

Allison Schrager, City Journal

Doubling the tax rate will burden all Americans, not just the wealthy.

Will This Clean Energy Boom Go Bust Like The Last One?

Julia Horowitz, CNN

Investors who back upstart companies are known for their optimism. But when it comes to the wall of money pouring into clean energy, their enthusiasm is tinged with concern.

What the Biden Administration May Mean for Taxes

Christine Benz, Morningstar

And when we should expect any changes.

Why Bitcoin Is So Bad for the Environment

Elizabeth Kolbert, The New Yorker

Cryptocurrency mining uses huge amounts of power—and can be as destructive as the real thing.

The Destructive Green Fantasy Of Bitcoin Fanatics

Jemima Kelly, FT Alphaville

Imagine bitcoin has no environmental problem — it's easy if you try.

Surely We Can Do Better Than Elon Musk

Nathan Robinson, Current Affairs

Getting past the cult of Genius and the bleakness of capitalist futurism.

Joe Biden Declares War on Tax Havens – in Europe

David Böcking, Der Spiegel

U.S. President Joe Biden is calling for a minimum corporate tax rate of 21 percent for companies. But countries like Ireland and Luxembourg have established a lucrative revenue stream through big breaks for multinationals. A number of EU countries could soon feel the pinch.

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Have We Reached Peak Bitcoin?

Daniel Jelski, Trotsky's Children

Have we reached peak bitcoin? Yes--I think we have, at least for this year. I feel very strange saying that, seeing as I've been an enthusia...

Is This Really Better Than Borrowing?

Tyler Cowen, Marginal Revolution

Some states would see capital gains rates over 50% under Biden's plan.

The Beardstown Ladies Are Still Investing

Zachary Crockett, The Hustle

In the 1990s, a group of elderly women from Beardstown, Illinois gained national fame for their stock returns. But there was a catch.

Two Underappreciated Forces Driving Markets Today

Ben Carlson, AWOCS

There are a number of factors that drive the markets that most investors pay attention to. Things like earnings, economic growth, interest rates, inflation, market trends and valuations.All these

Why Rates Are Going Higher

Bryce Coward, Knowledge Leaders Capital

10 year Treasury rates peaked at the end of March at 1.74% after having risen from low of just 0.56% back in the summer of 2020. Now, the rate stands at 1.57% even as economic data continues to come in smoking hot and policy remains easy.

Elon Musk's $150 Million Charity Spending Spree

Theodore Schleifer, Vox

Texas schools. A food bank. Now a climate-change prize. The Tesla founder discovers Big Philanthropy.
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