Bon Voyage, 747. You Truly Changed Everything

Sam Howe Verhovek, New York Times

How the 'Queen of the Skies' transformed air travel and our global community.


Horses to Trains: How Travel's Evolution Changed History

Stewart McLaurin, USAT

For more than two centuries, the evolution of travel has given presidents from FDR to Truman to Nixon a broader view of the world.


Questions Worth Pondering After Yet Another Hike

Market Minder, Fisher Investments

Stocks have defied conventional Fed wisdom lately.


China Will Become Authoritarian, Or It Will Be All Capitalist

Michael Munger, AIER

"To paraphrase Abraham Lincoln, the Chinese commercial state cannot stand divided against itself. China will not cease to exist, but it will cease to be divided. It will become all authoritarian, or...


Conservative WeChat Fears Belied by Past Conservative Truths

John Tamny, RCM

"WeChat is the most popular communications platform in the world for Chinese speakers." Those are the words of Johns Hopkins professor Seth Kaplan. This is important mainly because Kaplan contends...


We'll Need Oil for Decades, Plus OPEC Needs High Price

Simon Henderson, The Hill

The non-story of the week is — or rather, should have been — the OPEC+ meeting of the world's top oil exporters, who meet virtually on Feb. 1 and are expected to make no change in their...


Medicare for All Would Worsen Healthcare

John Fund & David Simon, National Review

We should heed the example of the U.K. and Canada, where single-payer is a disaster.


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