
Breyer's Eviction Dissent Would Turn POTUS to Dictator

Charles Cooke, NRO

This decision should have been 9–0. That it was not is a national disgrace.

No Good Time to Return to Pre-pandemic UI System

William Congdon, The Hill

With continued uncertainty around economic conditions and the direction of the pandemic, some experts have questioned whether it is premature to cut off unemployment insurance.

Biden's Debt-Driven Budget Risks a Crisis

Bruce Thompson, Washington Examiner

The $3.5 trillion budget plan working its way through Congress calls for record-breaking spending and tax increases. It offers trillion-dollar deficits for years to come.

A Presentation of "When Politicians Panicked" In COS

John Tamny, Mises Institute

Our topic is assessing the new post-Covid world. After more than a year of unprecedented state intervention in our private lives, have Americans accepted a g...

More on the Limits of Woke Capitalism

Veronique de Rugy, National Review

One of the many problems with demanding that companies act like social warriors is that it requires one to ignore the essence of what corporations are.

The Financial Cost of Being an Ant-vaxxer

Michelle Singletary, The Washington Post

With the surge of the delta variant, people who refuse to get vaccinated may face major financial consequences.

Ghost of Arthur Burns Haunts a Complacent Fed

Stephen Roach, MarketWatch

In the early 1970s, the Fed chairman insisted that inflationary trends were transitory and best ignored. An economist who was there worries that today's Fed...

Biden Should Retire Fed Chair Jay Powell

Robert Kuttner, The American Prospect

Today on TAP: Reappointment would be out of sync with Biden's excellent regulatory appointments

We're Burying Kids in Debt (Just Not the Way You Think)

Eleni Schirmer, NYT

Debt-financing public education has not only failed to provide schools with sufficient funds. It has also imposed long-term costs.

Turning $70k Retirement Fund into $264 Million

Allan Sloan, The Washington Post

Now a deputy for Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway, Ted Weschler was a little-known money manager when he started building what became a $264 million retirement account. Taking full advantage of an earlier employer's match was key.

How to Claim Social Security at the Right Time

Robert Powell, MarketWatch

Some people who take Social Security early are misinformed and impatient

Inside the Ecosystem of the Vaccine Card Black Market

Molly Osberg, TNR

The person you're trying to fool with that phony card is likely just an overtired bartender or HR administrator newly deputized into our chaotic public health infrastructure.

You Take My Breadth Away: Mkt's Underlying Deterioration

Liz Ann Sonders, CS

Last week, the S&P 500 was trading at an all-time high, but the underlying deterioration in breadth and non-confirmations by other indexes bears watching.

The ECB Created A Dutch Housing Shortage

Michiel Hoogeveen, Brussels Report

In the Netherlands, almost every millennial knows someone who has no other choice than to live with his or her parents. The Dutch housing shortage has made a house unaffordable.

Farming Is Increasingly Irrelevant to the Economy

Frank Moraes, Commodity.com

Agriculture is more productive each year even as its share of the whole economy decreases. See the 15 states most dependent on agriculture.

Data Shows The Inflation Trend Is Peaking

James Picerno, The Capital Spectator

Even if inflation is peaking, pricing pressure could remain elevated for an extended period.

Anti-Competitive Tactics In The Drug Market

Michael Kades, ProMarket

Although not the sole cause of high prescription drug costs, abusive practices that distort competition contribute to the problem.

How Much House $350K Can Buy in Major U.S. Cities

Lindsay Grimm, ISN

The Inspection Support Network is the most trusted home inspection software solution. With an incomparable portfolio of easy-to-use tools, ISN enables inspectors to simplify, streamline, and grow their businesses.

Fed Being Tempted Into SIN

Brian Wesbury & Robert Stein, First Trust Advisors

It's Time For The Fed To Rethink QE

Lawrence Summers, The Washington Post

The lessons of Vietnam and Afghanistan are true for economic policy: Sticking to the same approach without considering whether it still makes sense is a recipe for trouble.

Why Are The Dismal Scientists So...Dismal?

Jeanna Smialek, New York Times

For Wall Street, and the dismal science as a whole, trouble is around every corner even as the economy booms.

What Globalization Has Done To Inflation

Claire Jones, FT Alphaville

News, analysis and comment from the Financial Times, the worldʼs leading global business publication

Big D Is a Big Deal

Joel Kotkin & Cullum Clark, City Journal

Dallas–Fort Worth is becoming the de facto capital of America's Heartland.

It's Time To Rethink Air Conditioning

Rebecca Leber, Vox

The whole planet is getting hotter. Is AC really a solution?

America's Big Oil Problem

Clair Brown, Project Syndicate

For decades, Big Oil has wielded more power than US voters, but the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's latest report shows unequivocally why this must end. To keep our planet habitable, popular majorities in favor of climate action must come together and demand that their government do what is needed.

Tips For Late-Start Retirement Savers

Susan Dziubinski, Morningstar

Working longer can't be the only part of your plan.

Skin in the Game: Jerome Powell's Portfolio Incentives

Dylan Grice, The Market

All people are driven by incentives, including senior officials at the most powerful central banks. A look at Jerome Powell's portfolio shows what incentives might drive the chairman of the Federal Reserve.

Ultimate Stock-Pickers: Top 10 High-Conviction Buys

Eric Compton, Morningstar

Several funds see value in technology, energy, and communication services.

All-Electric Future Comes At A Huge Cost

Tsvetana Paraskova, OilPrice.com

The global push to "electrify everything" is facing a number of challenges, and it will come at a high cost to both consumers and governments alike

Verizon's Critical Race Capitalism

Christopher F. Rufo, City Journal

Verizon teaches employees that America is fundamentally racist and promotes "defunding the police."

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Can-do Petroleum vs. Can't Do Renewables

Steve Overholt, Master Resource

When I heard Joe Biden say in a presidential debate that he wants to "transition away" from petroleum by 2050, I wished I were there to respond. Here's what I would have said: "We have to make things, Joe!"

Do You Really Need to Save That Much for Retirement?

Amy Arnott, MStar

We take a closer look at popular retirement savings estimates.

Price Rules Everything Around Me

Nick Maggiulli, Of Dollars And Data

Why prices are more important than fundamentals most of the time.

Rural America is Gearing Up For a Generation of Change

Austin Vernon, Eth

Rural America is about to undergo a huge change.

Labor Supply Is Behaving Strangely

Tyler Cowen, Marginal Revolution

What if they gave a job and nobody came?

Why You Should Be Optimistic Right Now

Kevin Kelly, Warp News

Kevin Kelly is the founder of Wired Magazine and author of several books, among them The Inevitable. For Warp News he presents his case for optimism.

Supply Chains Are A Mess. Why Is Trade Booming?

Claire Jones, FT Alphaville

At first glance, the economic headlines make for some mixed messages.
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