
Buffett's Long-Term Weapon: Shareholder Quality

Lawrence Cunningham, MarketWatch

Famed investor values long-term ?high quality? shareholders

ESG Could Take Toll on World's Largest Asset Manager

Rupert Darwall, City Journal

ESG investing is already taking a toll on state pension fundsâ?"now it might transform the world's largest private asset manager, too.

Why Are Investors Ignoring a Growing Crisis in Hong Kong?

Chris Matthews, MW

Slide in Chinese yuan may eventually wake markets up to risks in deteriorating U.S. - China relationship

The Rich Love India's Lockdown. For Poor It's Another Story.

Ruchir Sharma, NYT

Estimates show the lockdown is pushing tens of millions of Indians below the poverty line.

The Bodybuilder Behind Armed Effort To Re-Open Texas

Peter Holley, Texas Monthly

It was a breathtaking moment, the kind of standoff you might expect to have seen 150 years ago in this dusty corner of West Texas. On one side was a confrontational gang of fearsome-looking vigilantes, their faces concealed by masks, their bodies wrapped in bulky, military-style body armor. On the other side: members of the Ector County Sheriff’s Office, wearing cowboy hats and protective vests with rifles and pistols at the ready.

Congress Should Redefine Liability Rules In Covid-19 Era

Adam White, USA Today

The American economy thrives on trust. Customers normally don’t pause at each storefront, or employees at the time clock, trying to decide whether it’s physically safe to enter. Instead, we trust that businesses will be kept safe and clean – not simply because it’s the right thing to do but because laws will hold them responsible when they fall short of basic standards.

We Still Have Time to Be Sane & Sober About C-19

Michael Fumento, Issues & Insights

The reaction to the coronavirus pandemic has been excessive and, at times, irrational. Americans need to show calm, reasoned sanity as the pandemic nears its end.

Let's End the Myth About Social Security's Coming Bankruptcy

John Tamny, RCM

Before the heads of any readers explode, it should be made clear that what's about to be read is not a defense of Social Security. Social Security was always a terrible idea for countless...

Rising Incomes, Falling Spending: Strange C19 April

Josh Barro, New York Magazine

Millions lost their jobs, but those declines were more than offset by an enormous increase in government social benefits.

Intelsat: Tragedy of the Satellite Commons

Harold Furchtgott-Roth & Kirk Arner, RCM

Saddled with $15 billion of debt, the satellite operator Intelsat recently announced a Chapter 11 bankruptcy. To those who aren't telecom industry observers, this situation might seem...

Trump Can't Contain Glee Abt Badly Hurt Protesters

Karen Tumulty, Washington Post

What a president should be doing at this moment is trying to calm the country and bring it together, not fantasizing about how glorious it would be to witness bloodshed just outside his doorstep.

Only An Intellectual Could Defend Business-Crippling Riots

John Podhoretz, NYP

George Orwell's timeless admonition, "Some ideas are so stupid that only intellectuals believe them," has been given new life by the desperate efforts of pundits, scholars and Twitter blue-checks to defend the violence, looting, disorder and general monstrousness that have overtaken America's cities.

ISM Manufacturing & Jobs Report Bookend Busy Week

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

Data So Far Suggest We Will Eat in Restaurants

Allison Schrager, Manhattan Institute

While the increases have been small, data suggests that people are slowly returning to restaurants.

What's Wrong With the Market's Rebound?

Jeffrey Kleintop, Charles Schwab

Cyclicals typically lead the market higher when stocks rebound from a bear market and recessionâ?"but not this time.

A Tale of Two Stock Markets

Binky Chadha, Deutsche Bank Group

Lufthansa v. United: Tale of Two Capital Raises

Thomas Kirchner & Paul Hoffmeister, CP

Lufthansa's billion Euro government rescue stands in sharp contrast to the free market approach taken by U.S. airlines in raising the capital necessary to bridge the corona-lockdown. It also explains why the recovery of European stock markets lags the U.S. by substantial margins, illustrating what is going wrong in the Eurozone.

The Poor Countries Hurt Most By Oil-Price Shocks

Jerry Bowyer, Vident Financial

Q1 GDP: Bad Is Still Bad. Just More So...

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

How Virus Relief Went To Firms That Avoided US Taxes

Tom Bergin, Reuters

Last month Zagg Inc, a Utah-based company that makes mobile device accessories, received more than $9.4 million in cash from a U.S. government program that has provided emergency loans to millions of businesses hit by the coronavirus.

Should You Let Your Stocks Ride? Rebalance Or Not?

John Rekenthaler, Morningstar

The pros and cons of rebalancing.

Uncertainty, Part II

Howard Marks, Oaktree Capital Management

You can't predict the future. Get over it.

The Real Economic Opening We Need

John Taylor, Project Syndicate

Policymakers around the world already recognize that they need to find a way to reopen national economies safely and in accordance with policies to keep the COVID-19 pandemic under control. Yet not nearly enough has been done to encourage new markets that can operate even under conditions of economic lockdown.

What Happens When The COVID Aid Ends?

Ben Casselman, The New York Times

Emergency programs have cushioned the shutdown's impact on workers and businesses and lifted the economy, but may not outlast the coronavirus crisis.

Co-Working Spaces Day of Reckoning Has Arrived

Karl Tomusk, Wired

Expensive offices filled with perks have become ghost towns ?â?Â" and someone needs to foot the bill

US Declaration of (Cold) War

Ed Yardeni, Dr. Ed's Blog

Investors also should keep an eye on the battle brewing between the US and China.

Why Virus Stocks Are Driving Market Volatility

Jaimy Lee, MarketWatch

Individual investors are investing in virus stocks based on single headlines, while there has been a shift in how medical research is disseminated

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

We Are Hong Kong

Chris Patten, Project Syndicate

With his recent decision to impose a draconian new security law on Hong Kong, Chinese President Xi Jinping has ridden roughshod over the Joint Declaration and directly threatened the city's freedom. Defenders of liberal democracy must not stand idly by.

An Assault on American Capitalism

Jeff Carter, Points and Figures

This was no random event. It was organized. There was centralized control. If you think otherwise, you need to reframe how you are looking at it.

Our Grimdark Meathook Cyberpunk Now

Jon Evans, TechCrunch

Ten years ago, the joke was: “It’s weird how, once everyone started carrying phones with cameras all the time, UFOs stopped visiting, and the cops started beating everyone up.” It was darkly funny, then. Now it feels something more like despairing.

COVID-19 And Stocks' Rightful Owners

William Bernstein, Enterprising Investor

“In bear markets, stocks return to their rightful owners.”

Not That Simple: Planting Trees Won't Stop Climate Change

Ted Williams, Slate

Not only are planted trees not the carbon sinks you want, but tree planting frequently ends up doing more harm than good.

A One-of-a-Kind Market Environment

Ben Carlson, A Wealth Of Common Sense

Stuff that never happens in the market seems to be happening more frequently.

Corporate America Is Very, Very Bullish On Recovery

Matt Egan, CNN Business

Business leaders predict the United States will swiftly dig itself out of the deep downturn driven by the coronavirus pandemic.
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