
Buffett Should Have Listened to Buffett About Airlines

Josh Barro, New York Magazine

He was a long-time skeptic of the industry. Then he changed his mind. Now he's changed his mind again.

Buffett's Optimistic? Pessimistic? No, Realistic

Andrew Ross Sorkin, New York Times

Between the lines of "You can bet on America" were warnings not to be overconfident in predicting what the future might hold.

If High CEO Pay Troubles You, It's a Sign You're a Bad Investor

John Tamny, RCM

Here's a hypothetical for readers. If you had $10,000 to invest in one company, only for your investment to turn into $300,000, what would your reaction be? The question answers itself. Any...

Lack of Tort Reform Could Kneecap Any Post-Covid Recovery

James Copland, CJ

Washington must preclude a flood of tort claims that threaten to kneecap the economy even further.

C-19 & the Great Lockdown: Non-Biological Black Swan

Paul Roderick Gregory, RCM

We stand on the precipice of the greatest economic disaster since the Great Depression. It is associated with the exogenous shock of a novel Coronavirus that originated in Wuhan...

Speed Price Discovery: Restaurants Might Share 'Rent Risk'

Jonathan Russo, Worth

The entire physical, economic and mental health of our cities depend on restoring the vitality they once had?as fast as healthy practices allow.

When 116,000 Died In Pandemic

Jeffrey Tucker, American Institute for Economic Research

The year was 1957. Elvis’s new movie “Jailhouse Rock” was packing the theaters. The last episode of “I Love Lucy” aired on television. The show “West Side Story” held tryouts in Washington, D.C., and opened on Broadway in September. Ford’s new car the Edsel rolled off the assembly line. The Cold War with Russia was on and “In God We Trust” appeared on U.S. currency. The first Toys R Us store opened.

Stop and Consider the People Killed By Lockdown

Tim Carney, Washington Examiner

Counting and attributing deaths to the coronavirus is not easy. That's one reason it's useful to look at "excess deaths" to judge the toll and severity of this plague in various parts of the world.

Treasury Should Push Its Tax-Filing Deadline Past July 15th

Andrew Wilford, RCM

One part of the executive branch that deserves plaudits for its handling of a fluid and unprecedented situation is the Treasury Department. Since the onset of the coronavirus pandemic and the...

'Sell In May and Go Away' Is Relevant Warning Right Now

Mark Hulbert, MarketWatch

Dow?s weakness since last Halloween is a bad omen for the next six months

Some Retailers Are Quite Simply Too Broke to Go Bankrupt

Chris Isidore, CNN

Everything must go!

Elizabeth Warren and AOC Get Everything Wrong About M&A

Franklin Parker, RCM

Arthur Schopenhauer once quipped that if it were constantly repeated with great solemnity, nothing was too absurd for people to believe. After reading the preliminary Pandemic Anti-Monopoly...

What You Know Is Coming Can Still Shock You

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

Coronavirus: Let Facts Inform Reopening

Edward Pinto, American Enterprise Institute

Warren Buffett Contradicts Himself

William Smead, Smead Capital Management

Mkt. Returns of 'Best Places to Work'

Andrew Chamberlain & Zanele Munyikwa, Glassdoor

Post-Coronavirus Debt Could Explode

Brian Riedl, Manhattan Institute

The baseline deficit at the beginning of 2020 was $1 trillion. Covid-19 response bills could add more than $3 trillion to that estimate.

Time to Sell in May?

Ryan Detrick, LPL Financial Research

Record Decline In Spending Won't Last for Long

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

Arrogance, Not Ignorance, Kills Us

Peter Boettke, American Institute for Economic Research

Ignorance isn’t bliss. Ignorance is horrible. When the social reform movement in the late 19thand early 20th century emerged it took aim at five giants: want (poverty), ignorance (education), disease (public health), squalor (housing) and idleness (unemployment). From a social science point of view, heck from a humanitarian point of view, these do lead to misery and their eradication represents a worthy goal for any “Good Society.” As Adam Smith argued in The Wealth of Nations long ago, “No society can surely be flourishing and happy, of which the far...

Will There Be New Deal for New Great Depression?

Michelle Goldberg, New York Times

After the coronavirus, political transformation may be inevitable.

The Obnoxious Fallacy That Will Not Die: "We"

Richard Salsman, Capitalism Magazine

Where Should You Put Your Retirement Contributions?

Kenn Tacchino, MarketWatch

Don't overlook the humble â?" but powerful â?" HSA

Financial Markets Can't Remain on Life Support Indefinitely

Daniel Tenreiro, NRO

The Fed's unprecedented response to the COVID-19 crisis was merited by the bleak economic outlook, but it could amount to a Faustian bargain.

Don't Neglect Preparing Workers for Post-Pandemic World

Earl Anthony Wayne, Hill

It is far from clear how many pre-pandemic jobs will return and how many of them will be eliminated or reshaped.

Let Mkts. Handle Contract Tracing

Patrick Hedger & Kent Lassman, Washington Examiner

As state and local restrictions begin to relax, the essential questions for many people are remarkably similar to what we asked in March. What will work? How can I protect myself, my family, and others?

Coronavirus Meltdown Has Sparked Wave of Retirements

Brett Arends, MarketWatch

Many laid-off workers say they?re outta here for good, research shows

Four Investment Lessons From The Virus Crisis

Larry Swedroe, TEBI

All stock market crashes provide valuable investment lessons, and the latest one is no exception.

The Most Expensive Stock Market In Two Decades

Matt Egan, CNN Business

The coronavirus pandemic has exposed a gaping disconnect between unprecedented economic pain on Main Street and extreme optimism on Wall Street.

It's Just Another Manic Market

Ben Carlson, A Wealth Of Common Sense

In February the S&P 500 fell more than 8%. Not to be outdone, March was one of the worst months in market history, dropping more than 12%: Just to keep investors on their heels, April followed up one of the worst months in history with one of the best ever.

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Too Connected To Fail

Rusty Guinn, Epsilon Theory

There is a class of systemic risks which exist independent of scale. They are too connected to fail.

The Minimum Wage Is Now $25 Per Hour

Scott Grannis, Calafia Beach Pundit

Congress has effectively raised the minimum wage to $25/hr. by boosting weekly unemployment checks by $600/wk through the end of July.

This Pandemic Could Spark an Urban Exodus

Carly Stern, Ozy

Economic distress combined with long-term shifts to remote working could accelerate population movement away from big cities.

Warren Buffett's Peek Into the Financial Abyss

Richard Teitelbaum, Institutional Investor

Berkshire Hathaway's online annual meeting lacked analysts, a live audience and the venerable Charlie Munger, but the Oracle explained why he's holding tight to cash amidst the pandemic that even he doesn't understand.

The Dangerous Half Truth Of MMT

Willem H. Buiter, Project Syndicate

With governments searching for ways to manage the unprecedented economic fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic, the policy agenda implied by Modern Monetary Theory has become all the more appealing. Yet, insofar as MMT ignores the demand for money, it is a risky guide for policymakers.

What Low Rates Mean for Your Retirement Plan

Christine Benz, Morningstar

With cash and bond yields so low, the "safe" return of other nonportfolio assets is even more attractive.

Ready to Reopen? Not So Fast....

John Cochrane, The Grumpy Economist

I've been on the "reopen fast but smart" bandwagon for weeks. The reopening is coming. Are we ready? I'm afraid not.
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