
California Comes Back, and So Will I When Housing Prices Dip

Rob Long, NRO

And so will I, when the real-estate prices dip.

Janet Yellen's Proposal To Revolutionize Corporate Tax

Ryan Cooper, The Week

How to make big multinationals pay their fair share in every country

Janet Yellen Is Serious, and That Is What's So Sad

John Tamny, RealClearMarkets

What's the most common "people" sight in any public place, anywhere? At this point in our evolution the answer is easy: hunched over individuals tapping away on smartphones. It doesn't matter one bit if the locale is rich or poor. The gadgets are everywhere. The other day at the library your writer spied a homeless man, surrounded by presumably all of his worldly possessions. Those possessions included a amartphone. He had it hooked up to a power source outside the library's main entrance.

Joe Biden Can Go Bigger and Not 'Pay for It' the Old Way

Stephanie Kelton, NYT

By focusing on how much revenue they hope to raise from tax increases on the well-off, Democrats risk limiting the scope of their ambitions.

I'm a Capitalist, President Biden, & You're Not

Cal Thomas, The Washington Times

Back in the day when "Saturday Night Live" was funny, Chevy Chase would open the "Weekend Update" segment by saying, "I'm Chevy Chase … and you're not."

Pre-Reagan, Gov't Went Big. Joe Biden Wants to Revive Big

Paul Brandus, MW

Channeling FDR, the president aims to help average Joes who have been left out of America's ascent.

Will Biden's Tidal Wave of Tax Increases Drown You?

Editorial, Issues & Insights

Apart from its conspicuous waste, the president's $2.3 trillion infrastructure bill will saddle you with higher taxes for decades to come.

New York's Leaders Aim To Make Awful Taxes Worse

Steven Malanga, City Journal

Progressive legislators want to make the nation's heaviest tax burden heavier still.

YouTube Censors Gov. DeSantis & His Science Advisors

Jeffrey Tucker, AIER

"The pulling of the roundtable video comes a day after the total humiliation of 60 Minutes in many stories that defended the governor. Its deletion of the most viewed version online denies viewers the opportunity to observe DeSantis's impressive knowledge on the subject of the coronavirus and...

Corporate America Not Welcoming Ex-Trumps

Tory Newmyer, The Washington Post

Major companies aren't offering former Trump Cabinet officials lucrative positions serving on their boards, as the toxicity of the former president's brand chokes off traditional money-making opportunities for senior alums of his administration.

Corporations Have to Stop Dodging Taxes

Chris Musser & Ioana Petrescu, The Hill

Corporations dodge nearly $200 billion in federal tax obligatio

Social Security Secrets That Lead to Bigger Checks

Christy Bieber, Motley Fool

They can help you boost your retirement income.

Clarence Thomas Asks Central Texh Qs

Bret Swanson, American Enterprise Institute

Picking Up the Labor Market Pace, But Far To Go

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

Economic Data Springing Higher, But Stay Level-Headed

Market Minder, Fisher

The latest data are fueling rather rosy expectations for the US economy. Take it with a big grain of salt.

3 Reasons to Reject Biden's Tax Harmonization

Dan Mitchell, International Liberty

Way back in 2007, I narrated this video to explain why tax competition is very desirable because politicians are likely to overtax and overspend ("Goldfish Government") if they think ta…

4 Efficient Investing Questions

Solomon Teller, Green Harvest Asset Management

Jobs Are Booming

Brian Wesbury & Robert Stein, First Trust Advisors

Raising Our Economic Forecasts Again

Ryan Detrick, LPL Financial Research

Monday, April 5, 2021 Top Story Raising Forecasts…Again

33 Undervalued Stocks for the Second Quarter

Susan Dziubinski, Morningstar

Here are our analysts' top ideas in each sector for the coming quarter.

The Cronyism Of Biden's Infrastructure Plan

Peter Suderman, Reason

When everything's infrastructure, nothing is.

Out of the Pandemic, Chances for Another Future

Eilene Zimmerman, NY Times

When life is disrupted by crisis, some people see opportunities — for change, action, introspection — they might not otherwise.

Will the Economic Boom of 2021 Last?

Jim O'Neill, Project Syndicate

After last year's economic collapse, the prospects for a strong cyclical recovery have always been strong. And judging by a series of must-watch high-frequency indicators, the long-awaited boom has arrived and seems likely to continue building – at least in the near term.

Update: How Households Are Using Stimulus Checks

Olivier Armantier, NY Fed

In October, we reported on how households used their first economic impact payments, which they started to receive in mid-April 2020 as part of the CARES Act, and how they expected to use a second stimulus payment. In this post, we exploit new survey data to examine how households used the second round of stimulus checks, abd we investigate how they plan to use the third round.

Dividends For March: Robust Recovery Continues

Ironman, Political Calculations

Going by the number of dividend cuts announced during the month, the U.S. stock market continued to show signs of a robust recovery in March 2021.

An Open Letter to Janet Yellen

John Cochrane, The Grumpy Economist

What the heck is going on? Surely you know this is nonsense?

Why You Shouldn't Pick Individual Stocks

Nick Maggiulli, Of Dollars And Data

On the existential dilemma of stock picking.

The Four Crucial Truths About Saving for Retirement

Paul Merriman, MarketWatch

Patience, luck and how much you put away all play a role

Dishonest Tax Analysis from the New York Times

Dan Mitchell, International Liberty

There are two big policy debates about business profits. The first is whether profits are good or evil. I pick the former. Profits are something to applaud, assuming they are earned honestly (i.e.,…

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Getting Back To Pre-COVID GDP Levels

Macromon, Global Macro Monitor

How much does it take to get US GDP back to its pre-COVID level?

Will We Even Need Vaccine Passports?

Joel Zinberg, City Journal

An idea whose time may never come

What Is Mad Money?

Keonhee Kim., Morningstar

Speculative investments may have a place in a portfolio, but only in small doses at the fringes.

Is the Great Stagnation Over?

Ronald Bailey, Reason

Yes. Get ready for the Roaring Twenties.

Tax Avoidance Gets the World's Attention

Editors, The Christian Science Monitor

A group of wealthy nations set a goal to agree on a minimum corporate tax rate. With the pandemic busting budgets, the world needs more integrity in tax collection.

If Manufacturing Booms, Will Stocks?

Compound Advisors, Compound Advisors

US manufacturing is booming. In a report released last week, the ISM Manufacturing Index moved up to 64.7, its highest level since 1983. Many are saying that's great news for the stock market because higher manufacturing activity is evidence of a stronger economy.

What's Booming? Prices

Scott Grannis, Calafia Beach Pundit

Monetary policy is easy and so is fiscal policy.
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