
Climate Alarmism Is Pretext For Planned Economy

Rainer Zitelmann, The Examiner

Many so-called climate change activists are not really concerned about the climate and the environment. No, for them, these are merely instruments in the fight against capitalism.

There Will Never Be Ideal Time to Act on Global Warming

Eleanor Cummins, TNR

Greece's wildfires are a reminder that the failure to act is first a failure of imagination.

Why Terrorism Does Not Terrorize Stock Markets

Market Minder, Fisher Investments

Markets are a lot more resilient than many pundits give them credit for.

A Number of Reasons Why S&P Will Keep On Rising

Jeff Reeves, MarketWatch

Despite chatter of a stock-market top, there is no proof a correction is "overdue".

Ignore the Alarmism, No Government Could 'Cover Up' Virus

John Tamny, RCM

Markets shine a bright light on what's really happening in the world. Thankfully they do. It's probably best to start there. There's a tendency in modern times to bemoan "misinformation" from rabid politicians, or from an internet that allegedly frees us to solely see what we want to see, but the reality is different. What's not true will eventually be exposed as false, and what's true will eventually be revealed as just that.

Watch What Happens In Jackson If You Care About Money

Anneken Tappe, CNN

Wall Street is going to cling to every word spoken this week at the nerdiest of economic nerdfests.

Inflation Could Stay High Next Year, and That's OK

Peter Coy, New York Times

The Fed has boxed itself into a corner by predicting a rapid decline in inflation in 2022.

Decentralized Stablecoins: Real Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash

J.P. Koning, AIER

"Bitcoin still has a role to play as a globally popular speculative token. It's time for the decentralized stablecoins to take their place as the real peer-to-peer electronic cash systems." ~ J.P. Koning

Don't Hand $3.5 Trillion to What's Wasteful & Incompetent

Chris Edwards, Cato

A Business Owner's Defense of Biden's $3.5 Trillion Plan

Gene Marks, The Hill

Before you throw your hands up in disgust, please allow me, a small business owner who also opposes government expansion, to ease your concerns.

Poor People Will Be Hurt If Biden's Spending Is Neutered

Hayes Brown, MSNBC

They hide behind the steep price tag and hope nobody asks what programs they want cut.

Beware the Democrats' Big Tax Hike Plans In $3.5T Bill

Editorial, New York Post

House Democrats are now writing their version of the $3.5 trillion "human infrastructure" bill, detailing all the wish-list items they mean to ram through with zero Republican votes — including a h…

Farming Is Increasingly Irrelevant to the Economy

Frank Moraes, Commodity.com

Agriculture is more productive each year even as its share of the whole economy decreases. See the 15 states most dependent on agriculture.

Data Shows The Inflation Trend Is Peaking

James Picerno, The Capital Spectator

Even if inflation is peaking, pricing pressure could remain elevated for an extended period.

Anti-Competitive Tactics In The Drug Market

Michael Kades, ProMarket

Although not the sole cause of high prescription drug costs, abusive practices that distort competition contribute to the problem.

How Much House $350K Can Buy in Major U.S. Cities

Lindsay Grimm, ISN

The Inspection Support Network is the most trusted home inspection software solution. With an incomparable portfolio of easy-to-use tools, ISN enables inspectors to simplify, streamline, and grow their businesses.

Fed Being Tempted Into SIN

Brian Wesbury & Robert Stein, First Trust Advisors

Existing Home Sales. Inventory Up, But Not Fully

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

Are Financial Crises Predictable? Maybe...

Greg Obenshain, Verdad

Behavioral economists at Harvard say the answer might be "yes"

Democrats Divided Over Big Or Bigger Government

Peter Suderman, Reason

To spend a lot of money, or to spend a lot more money? That is the question.

The Death Of The Job?

Anna North, Vox

What if paid work were no longer the centerpiece of American life?

Pro-Growth Isn't Anti-Environment

Matthew C. Klein, The Overshoot

Rising human prosperity can be be ecologically sustainable. De-growth is anti-human.

Banks Are Buying Bonds But They'd Rather Lend

Matt Phillips, New York Times

Banks are awash in deposits, and their customers are taking out fewer loans. So they have little choice but to buy up government debt, even if it means skimpy profits.

The Promise of Digital Financial Data Sharing

OIivia White, Project Syndicate

Establishing and expanding digital financial data-sharing systems presents complex technical and regulatory challenges. But secure and trusted schemes also offer a large potential upside for consumers, financial institutions, and the economy.

6 Ways To Keep Your Investment Cool

Adam M. Grossman, HumbleDollar

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times...

Delta Will Slow, But Not Derail Economic Recovery

Vivekanand Jayakumar, The Hill

Once the virus spread peaks in the next few weeks and then gradually abates, it is likely that the economy will regain its momentum.

Workers Do Not Want Old Jobs on the Old Terms

Paul Krugman, New York Times

A pandemic lesson: You can say no to bad pay and conditions.

Vaccine Mandate Bans Are Legal, and Also Deadly

Steve Vladeck, MSNBC.com

"Freedom" doesn't mean the same thing for state and local elected officials, apparently.

Why the Cruel Vaxx Mandates Will Tear Us Apart

Karol Markowicz, New York Post

Restaurants have started asking patrons to see their vaccination cards along with IDs to dine inside.

Where's Biden's Econ. Post-Afghanistan? John Tamny Int.

Dan Proft, Dan Proft

Biden wants to raise taxes across the board. What are the odds now?

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Supply Chains Are A Mess. Why Is Trade Booming?

Claire Jones, FT Alphaville

At first glance, the economic headlines make for some mixed messages.

Propaganda: The New Media Algorithm

Leighton Woodhouse, Kerfuffle

The media's new business model is propaganda.

Inflation for Whom?

J. W. Mason, J. W. Mason

There is not, even in principle, a true inflation rate. Pick any basket of goods and measure their prices over time; that is an inflation rate.

Are We in a Melt-Up?

Nick Maggiulli, Of Dollars And Data

On the current market environment and whether stocks have risen too far too fast.

Why Don't We Prioritize Innovation?

Robin Hanson, Overcoming Bias

To get more growth we need to change our priorities.

Should House Prices be in the CPI?

Cullen Roche, Pragmatic Capitalism

The rapid rise in house prices has stirred up the old debate debate about how the BLS calculates housing's contribution to the CPI.

End of The Line For Uber: The Bezzle Ends

Cory Doctorow, Marker

Accounting tricks and tech gimmickry don't matter when the coffers are empty.
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