
Comparing Donald Trump and Joe Biden's Economic Policies

Deroy Murdock, Fox

Consistent with free-market principles, Trumponomics has enriched the poor much more than it has impoverished the rich.

Who’s Who in a President Joe Biden’s Economic World

Greg Robb, MarketWatch

Here is a list of economists and policymakers who could potentially play key policy roles in a Biden administration.

Bidenomics vs. MAGAnomics — Which Is Better?

Michael Hiltzik, Los Angeles Times

Biden wants more infrastructure and safety net investment. Trump wants to cut taxes. Which will aid the economy more?

Trump's Taxes Were Not a Flaw in the System

Veronique de Rugy, The New York Times

For a more equitable system, we need a simpler and fairer tax code.

GOP Isn't Serious about Social Media Regulation

James Pethokoukis, The Week

Official site of The Week Magazine, offering commentary and analysis of the day's breaking news and current events as well as arts, entertainment, people and gossip, and political cartoons.

Twitter, Facebook and Inconvenient Truths

Harold Furchtgott-Roth & Kirk Arner, RCM

Section 230 and cries of anti-conservative bias online are in the news again. In the immortal words of Yogi Berra, it’s déjà vu all over again. Only this time, things are a little different. Earlier this week, Twitter and Facebook took actions that prevented users from sharing a New York Post article containing allegations about Hunter Biden that are potentially damaging to the elder Biden’s presidential campaign. For its part, Facebook limited the story’s exposure on users’ News Feeds, subject to...

America’s Toxic Love Affair With Technology Progress

Tim Wu, The Atlantic

The Fed Could Save Us. But They're Stuck in the Seventies.

Claudia Sahm, NYT

(And, unfortunately, yes, they mostly are men.)

2020: The Silly Year of Disguises

Roger Koops, American Institute for Economic Research

2020 is a year of disguises. Some examples include computer models/modelers disguised as “science/scientists,” Tyrants/Dictators/Totalitarians disguised as “elected officials,” propaganda machines disguised as “news sources,” brainwashing disguised as “information,” censorship disguised as “public health safeguard,” panic and fear disguised as “social responsibility.” Even the virus itself has been disguised by humans as an “apocalypse.” But, the last part is not the doing of the virus, but the doings of a...

Would a Financial Transaction Tax Affect Your 401(k)?

Lia Mitchell, Morningstar

The potential tax would raise revenue without explicitly raising tax rates for lower- and middle-income households.

Have a Coke and Smile. Then Look at Your COLA, & Frown

Pat O'Hare, Briefing.com

The Coca-Cola company has had its share of great ad campaigns in its illustrious history. "Have a Coke and a Smile," which was introduced in 1979, is one of them. Your author was eight years old at the time, which is to say I was quite impressionable. I can't recall if my parents let me drink coke back then, but I sure did like Coca-Cola's "Mean" Joe Greene commercial.

Bringing the Book "Hillbilly Elegy" to Cinematic Life

David French, The Dispatch

Bringing Hillbilly Elegy to cinematic life.

Reforming New York City's Public Retirement System

John Hunt, Manhattan Institute

For years, the Manhattan Institute has warned about the unsustainability of New York City's public retirement system. "Pension contributions stand at a near-record 11% of the city's total budgetâ?"and 36% of payroll alone," wrote E. J. McMahon and Josh McGee in 2017. "They consume 17%...

Global Impact of a "Blue Wave" Election Outcome

Jeffrey Kleintop, Charles Schwab

The potential economic and market impacts a "Blue Wave" for the U.S. election could have on five key areas: taxes, labor, the environment, oil and trade.

Anticipating Tax Changes

Solomon Teller, Green Harvest Asset Management

What If the Bank of England Goes Negative?

Market Minder, Fisher Investments

Negative interest rates aren't a net benefit, in our view, but they aren't necessarily bearish, either.

Is Optimistic Market a Vulnerable One?

Brad McMillan, Commonwealth Financial Network

Handicapping the November 3rd Elections

Paul Hoffmeister, Camelot Portfolios

3rd Quarter Earnings Season To Be Relatively Good

Pat O'Hare, Briefing.com

Too Many Bulls: Why Market Weakness Will Persist

Mark Hulbert, MarketWatch

Market timers had been more bullish than at almost any other time since such data began being collected in 2000

Who's Who in Biden's Economic World

Greg Robb, MarketWatch

Here is a list of economists and policymakers who could potentially play key policy roles in a Biden administration.

'Right To Repair' Compromises Medical Device Cybersecurity

Henry Miller, I & I

Lawmakers have introduced a bill that would put patients and hospitals at greater risk.

A Biden Presidency Could End The U.S. Oil Boom

Dan Doyle, OilPrice.com

Should a Biden presidency prevail in the upcoming elections, the U.S. oil and gas industry will be facing regulatory headwinds that will far exceed the blow back it faced under the Obama administration

Central Banks: Who's Afraid Of Rules Based Policy?

John Taylor, Project Syndicate

In addition to introducing a massive policy response to the COVID-19 crisis, the US Federal Reserve this year has announced a fundamental change in its overall strategy. Yet in doing so, it has unnecessarily introduced more uncertainty into the policy mix, setting a bad example for the world's other major central banks.

Brexit: The Messiest Of Messy Divorces

Tim Bartz & Claus Hecking, Der Spiegel

Britain will be leaving the EU common market at the end of the year and there are still important issues to be hammered out. Both sides could be facing a disaster in the form of huge traffic jams, job losses and rising prices.

The Retirement Income Puzzle

John Rekenthaler, Morningstar

When outperforming your portfolio's withdrawal rate isn't enough.

The Need For True Equity in Equity Compensation

Carine Schneider, TechCrunch

I believe creating a broader picture of compensation is essential for startups, global conglomerates and every company in between.

Remedies For A Global Recession?

Editors, Christian Science Monitor

Economists wonder why the pandemic's economic effects are not as severe as they expected. Every global downturn has spawned new and practical solutions.

The Stock Market Tells Us Nothing About The Economy

Mark Hulbert, MarketWatch

The disconnect between the stock market and the economy increases as valuations become more stretched

Coronavirus And The Future of Financial Planning

Christine Benz, Morningstar

It's time to rethink what our financial goals can and should look like.

Lighthizer Blew Up Trade Policy. What Happens Next?

Lydia DePillis, ProPublica

Trump’s trade representative joined the administration with one mission: Bring factory jobs back from overseas. The results so far? Endless trade wars, alienated allies, and a manufacturing recession.

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

The Hottest Boom You Haven't Heard About

Eric Rosenbaum, CNBC

41 million used vehicles are sold each year in the U.S. and Covid-19 is accelerating their popularity in the auto market among both consumers and car dealers, but demand is driving up prices.

COVID Has Supercharged China's Export Machine

Hunter Clark, Liberty St. Economics

Hunter Clark takes a look at China's export performance for 2020, which has been stronger than expected owing to an export structure well-positioned for the COVID-19 crisis.

Shane Battier And John Maynard Keynes

Ben Carlson, A Wealth Of Common Sense

Process over outcome.

When A Cycle Isn't A Cycle

Cullen Roche, Pragmatic Capitalism

When the boom doesn't cause the bust.

Will Value Overtake Growth After The Election?

James Picerno, The Capital Spectator

Is value finally on the cusp of a rebound?

China Is Losing The Soft Power War

Scott Sumner, The Money Illusion

While China avoided losing its trade war with America, it is shooting itself in the foot when it comes to the war of ideas.

American Princelings

Helen Raleigh, City Journal

Hunter Biden and other children of political leaders are favored elites in the Chinese mode.
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