
Congress Hauls Jeff Bezos to Hill to Explain Bus. Basics

Jessica Melugin, Examiner

Alongside his fellow Big Tech CEOs, Jeff Bezos will appear before the House Judiciary Committee next Monday to testify about Amazon Marketplace's business practices with its third-party sellers. The occasion will make for entertaining political theater, but the expected line of inquiry is mostly without merit.

U.S. Workers and Businesses Need a Payroll Tax Break

Adam Brandon, USA Today

While much of the American workforce remains at home, there are still many out there working hard to keep the lights on. America can’t afford to continue providing massive unemployment payments to some, while leaving Americans who continue to work high and dry. The least we can do for these Americans is give them a payroll tax cut. Stimulus payments have been horribly mismanaged, but a payroll tax cut would provide direct relief to hard-working Americans and businesses.

GOP War on Jobless Aid Is Disastrous for Economy

Michael Hiltzik, Los Angeles Times

True populists wouldn't be punishing workers by cutting their unemployment benefits

If He's Decent, Steven Rattner Will Apologize to Judy Shelton

John Tamny, Forbes

For Rattner to lump this brilliant and kind person in with the ?gold bug? nuts is the equivalent of Shelton watching a Bernie Sanders speech, then presuming the Democrat in Rattner shares all of his views.

The Retirement Savings 'Coach' You Already Know

Elizabeth Harris, New York Times

Workers who have learned how to manage their finances and sock away some money are teaching colleagues and friends.

Never Been a Time When Immigration Didn't Lift U.S. Economy

Bilal Baloch , MW

Many H-1B visa recipients become long-term contributors to the U.S.

Sec'y Pompeo Misses a Human Rights Opportunity

Roger Pilon & Aaron Rhodes, RCM

A year ago, when Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced the creation of a Commission on Unalienable Rights to advise him on how America's human rights policy could be re-centered on the...

ESG Investing Is Unsustainable

Robert Wright, American Institute for Economic Research

The latest investment fad is ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance), a type of “socially conscious” investor screen and investment fund category that grew out of SRI (socially responsible investing). Although presumably as novel as the coronavirus that causes COVID-19, long dead people like Armen Alchian, Milton Friedman, Julian Simon, and the Founding Fathers would have seen right through it.

Consider the Economic Implications of Biden's Net Zero Plan

Rupert Darwall, Hill

Biden has made a massive political bet on net zero and created an opportunity for President Trump to make a contrasting pitch to blue-collar and rural America.

How the Downturn Affect Social Security & Retirement

Katie Brockman, Motley Fool

It's official: The country is in a recession. The coronavirus pandemic has wreaked havoc on the U.S. economy, and with the number of COVID-19 cases rising quickly, it seems that this pandemic is far from over. Nearly half (46%) of Americans believe it will take at least two years for the economy to recover from the pandemic, according to a survey from Country Financial, but nobody knows exactly how long this recession will last. Whether you're nearing retirement or still have several years left in your career, there are a few ways the current recession could affect your...

How Long Can New Orleans Really Survive Sans Live Music?

Henry Grabar, Slate

The pandemic strikes at the heart of the city: its culture.

Why Did Rich Green Groups Get Covid-19 Relief Funds?

Daniel Turner, Fox News

Instead of helping Americans who need support the most, a significant portion of the PPP money is being used to fuel political agendas.

How Do You Rate Financial Know-How?

Carrie Schwab-Pomerantz, Charles Schwab

Can you successfully answer five basic financial literacy questions? Test yourself. Then join Carrie Schwab-Pomerantz in her push for financial education.

Manufacturing Is In the Midst of a Recovery

Jerry Bowyer, Vident Financial

The Market Reaction to Expiring COVID-19 Programs

Jeffrey Kleintop, Charles Schwab

If not extended or replaced, the fading support for the unemployed raises the risk of weakening economic momentum, turning the V-shaped recovery into a W.

Is ESG a Factor?

John West & Ari Polychronopoulos, Research Affiliates

Applying the definition of factor robustness established by our Research Affiliates colleagues in their 2016 award-winning paper, we determine that ESG is not a factor. Nevertheless, the importance of ESG as an investing strategy is undeniable. We explore how greater clarity around defining ESG can quicken the pace of ESG integration in equity portfolios.

How Does SECURE Impact Saving After 70?

Carrie Schwab-Pomerantz, Charles Schwab

Is it smart to save for retirement past age 70 if you're still working? Absolutelyâ?"especially with the new SECURE Act, says Carrie Schwab-Pomerantz.

Existing Home Sales: A Long Road Back

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

We're As Cautious Today As We Were In April

Jeff Erber, Grey Owl Capital Management

If Buffett Were A Fund Manager You'd Fire Him

Larry Swedroe, Advisor Perspectives

How would Buffett be viewed if, instead of being the chairman of Berkshire Hathaway, he ran an open-end mutual fund by the same name?

Stress Is Bad for Investing. What To Do When It Never Ends

Christopher Schelling, II

Research shows that both short-term and chronic stress can negatively impact investment decisions. But there are ways to avoid making bad choices under duress.

Reasons To Be Skeptical of the "Eviction Tsunami"

Christian Britschgi, Reason

Democrats in Congress are floating plans for billions more in rental assistance, and a blanket nationwide moratorium on evictions to forestall a potential housing crisis during the pandemic.

Big Data Produces Health-Tech Snake Oil

Leeza Osipenko, Project Syndicate

Armed with big-data analytics, machine learning, and other novel methods, US Big Tech firms are getting into the health-care game, promising vast improvements in health outcomes and efficiency. What could possibly go wrong?

Investors Need To Learn Some Poker Skills

Joe Nocera, MSN

A writer explores how playing cards taught her to discipline her thinking and focus more on process than outcomes.

The World's Wealth Is Looking Increasingly Unnatural

Staff, The Economist

As natural wealth is used up, economies will rely more on human capital

Cancel The New York Times

Richard Samuelson, Claremont Review of Books

If we really wish to remove names associated with slavery, one obvious candidate is New York City itself.

Why Are Copper And Gold Both Going Up?

Staff, The Economist

An uncertain and uneven recovery explains their skyward leap

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

The Dollar Is The Key To The Next Bull Market

Louis-Vincent Gave, Evergreen Gavekal

Charles [Gave] never tires of reminding us that “reading the financial press is bad for your financial health.” Underpinning his belief isn’t just the old adage that “if it’s in the press, it’s in the price,” but also the reality that financial journalists are quick to declare any rising market, a “bubble.”

Does The Election Matter For The Markets?

Sergei Klebnikov, Forbes

Biden versus Trump. Some speculate that the future of the republic hinges on the outcome of the next election. But for smart investors it doesn't really matter who wins.

A Roth IRA For Every Baby in America

Ben Carlson, A Wealth Of Common Sense

Let’s say the government put $5,000 into a Roth IRA invested exclusively in the U.S. stock market for every American at birth that they couldn’t touch until age 21. Realistic? No. Expensive? Yes, but just go with it.

Wall Street's Crypto Cold War

Leah McGrath Goodman, Institutional Investor

Hedge fund legends Paul Tudor Jones and Jim Simons are going one way on cryptocurrencies. The United States government is going another.

The Space Force Has a Horse. Of Course It Does.

Eric Boehm, Reason

The horses used to belong to the Air Force, which makes only slightly more sense.

The Economy Is Going To Need A Lot of Support

Matthew Yglesias, Vox

The economy could need trillions in support over a period of years.

The Myth of Democratized Investing

Barry Ritholtz, The Big Picture

It is still the wealthy that own the vast majority of investment assets.
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