
Contra What Biden Thinks, Raising Taxes Would Hurt Economy

Erica York, The Hill

Joe Biden has some more ideas that would affect business.

Republicans Put Oil Industry Above Economic Growth

Eric Levitz, New York Magazine

At last week's presidential debate, Joe Biden said that the long-term goal of his climate policy is to "transition from the oil industry." Republicans attacked Biden â?" and thereby revealed that their party prioritizes the oil industry over growth.

Trump's Sold $118M of Property Since Taking Office

Chase Peterson-Withorn, Forbes

While other Trump Organization ventures have grabbed more headlines, the president's company has quietly struck more than 100 small dealsâ?"that all add up.

A Biden Presidency Will Revive U.S. Corporate Inversions

James Pinkerton, RCM

After three national debates—two presidential, one vice-presidential—in 2020, the divergence between the parties’ agendas on taxation is clear. That is, Donald Trump and Mike Pence want to maintain a pro-competitive tax policy for the U.S., while Joe Biden and Kamala Harris want to change that policy. To put the matter another way, the challengers wish to change tax policy in ways that would make America less competitive among the world’s nations. For the most part, the debates generally confirmed the economic platforms already put...

The Economy Really Is Worse in Blue States Right Now

Jordan Weissmann, Slate

Biden Country is suffering worse than Trump Country. Here are four theories why.

How Much Stocks Normally Rally 8 Days Before Election

William Watts, MarketWatch

S&P 500 rose 89% of the time since 1944: CFRA?s Stovall

Essential Financial Moves to Make Before the End of 2020

Robert Powell, USA Today

They’re called year-end planning strategies. But you certainly don’t want to wait until the last few days of the year to buff up your financial plan. Here are some strategies and tactics to consider taking now.

In Defense of Govern't Intervention In Social Media

Judith Miller, New York Daily News

The decision by Facebook and Twitter to block discussion of a New York Post story about Hunter Biden's emails during his work for a Ukrainian energy company has become a bigger story than the article itself.

Sketchy Mask Mandate Claims

Phillip Magness, American Institute for Economic Research

New coronavirus cases are spiking again as we head into the colder months. While this pattern likely reflects the long-anticipated seasonality of the disease, the lockdown-aligned American news media is currently peddling a different narrative. Not enough Americans are doing their duty to defeat the virus by wearing masks, we’re constantly hectored. To this end, the Washington Post ran a flashy visual display purporting to show that high-mask use states are faring better than the rest (conveniently omitting mention that many of those same states were the hardest hit...

After Always Being Wrong, WHO Now Telling Truth

Michael Fumento, Issues & Insights

Much of Europe is locking down again. Restaurants closing, bars closing, capacity limits in places like hotels and bars. Avoid your neighbor like the plague because, well, he may just have the plague. (Or what is being portrayed as such.) This in the wake of the World Health Organization's alleged "backflipping" about this most bizarre?

No Tech That Makes Smart People Dumb: Int. w/Fred Luddy

Rich Karlgaard, Forbes

On this episode of Forbes Scaling Up, we talk to Fred Luddy, the founder and chairman of ServiceNow. Luddy shares the secrets of hiring the right CEO at the right time, and how a data-entry clerk named Phyllis inspired his best idea.

All About Ant Group, the Next Big Technology IPO

Raymond Zhong, New York Times

The tech giant's coming share sale will be among the largest ever. But the company has made most of its impact in just one country: China.

Are the Polls Wrong Again?

Ryan Detrick & Nick Pergakis, LPL Financial Research

Some Reminders as Tax Year 2020 Winds Down

Market Minder, Fisher Investments

A rundown of tax information to help you organize your thoughts as this tax year nears its end.

Do Bonds Still Provide Investment Diversification?

Kathy Jones, Charles Schwab

Given current low yields, some investors wonder whether bonds can continue to provide diversification in a portfolio. Here's why those fears may be overblown.

This Week Brings the Initial Estimate of Q3 GDP

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

5G Momentum Surprises In a Good Way

Bret Swanson, American Enterprise Institute

Surprisingly successful spectrum policy.

Election Could Bring Sweeping Econ. Changes

Matthew Luzzetti, Deutsche Bank Group

Existing Home Sales Strong, But Not That Strong

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

Should You Build Emergency Fund, or Invest In Market?

Sam Swenson, Motley Fool

Creating a financial plan involves a blend of evaluating your tolerance for risk, gauging your relevant time horizon, and developing personal goals. If we've learned anything over the past several months, it's that having cash available is not only preferred, but also an absolute necessity. At the same time, we're all faced with the challenge of saving for retirement – the longer you wait to begin investing, the more you'll need to save down the line to reach levels high enough to retire. With these competing priorities at hand, it's valuable to think about the different considerations...

Trump's Biggest Econ. Legacy Isn't About Numbers

Patricia Cohen, New York Times

The president has shifted the way both parties talk about trade, immigration and deficits â?" and despite dismal economic news, many voters still reward him for it.

Businesses & Rich Starting to Prepare for Higher Biden Taxes

Naomi Jagoda, Hill

Businesses and wealthy individuals are preparing for the potential for former Vice President Joe...

New York's Best Chance to Shed Rent Control for Normalcy

Editorial, New York Post

Rents are collapsing while vacancy rates soar citywide. This is clearly the time to finally free NYC from its unjust, destructive rent laws. That way, at least one good thing would come from this pestilence of a pandemic.

The Trustbuster's Fatal Conceit

Wayne Brough, American Institute for Economic Research

fter more than a yearlong investigation into America’s largest tech companies, Reps. Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.) and David Cicilline (D-R.I.) finally released the long-awaited House Judiciary’s Majority Staff Report on antitrust. Not surprisingly, the report calls for substantial new oversight and stringent antitrust enforcement by both the Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission. While offering few new empirical demonstrations of economic harm, it calls for remaking the nation’s antitrust laws out of whole cloth. This includes abandoning the...

Trump or Not, the Government's Case Against Google Is Good

Chris Sagers, Slate

Big Tech's antitrust reckoning could be yet another thing ruined by the president.

1.3M Households Could Owe $7.2 Billion In Unpaid Rent

Jonathan Ponciano, Forbes

The national eviction moratorium that currently allows residents to postpone rent payments expires on December 31, leaving millions of Americans with billions of dollars in unpaid rent, a Friday report from the Fed shows.

No One Used to Take on 60 Minutes. Trump Did.

Jason Rantz, American Consequences

President Donald Trump opened with a simple request to 60 Minutes: “Just be fair.” Leslie Stahl and CBS editors weren’t willing to comply, setting off a string of events that should alert media outlets their subjects won’t stand for dishonest framing anymore. CBS breathlessly reported that Trump cut his interview short after Stahl asked a “tough” question about his domestic priorities. The accompanying video shows Stahl belittling Trump’s assertion that his administration created the “greatest economy in American...

Google Is A Lot Of Things But It Isn't A Monopoly

Art Carden, AIER

Google may have become evil but it isn't a monopoly.

What Bubble In Stocks? Not In Emerging Markets

J.C. Parets, All Star Charts

EM stocks have been consolidating for 13 years.

It's a Fight for Survival for CA Gig Companies

Kate Conger, The New York Times

A group that also includes Lyft and DoorDash has spent nearly $200 million to support a California proposition that could save them from a new labor law.

'Zoom Towns' Are Proliferating In The West

Lilly Smith, Fast Company

And many cities aren't ready for the onslaught.

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

The Sky is Falling

Ashby Daniels, Retirement Field Guide

A rant about perma-bears.

Euthanasia Of The Middle Class?

Barkley Rosser, EconoSpeak

Thus we have this new irony of interest rates: lower ones hurt the poorer parts of the population while helping the wealthier parts of it.

China Leads Again

Stephen S. Roach, Project Syndicate

US President Donald Trump wears his recent experience with COVID-19 infection as some perverse badge of courage, rather than as a warning of what may lie ahead. And the adverse economic consequences of his administration's approach to the pandemic could not contrast more sharply with the robust recovery in China.

Two Universes

Lance Morrow, City Journal

The US is starting to feel like the Middle East.

401(k) and IRA Changes For 2021

Alessandra Malito, MarketWatch

Look out for these changes coming to your retirement accounts next year.

Educating Patriots

Robert Pondiscio, City Journal

In his "farewell" book, E. D. Hirsch, our foremost thinker on American schooling, sets his sights on fixing America itself.

How Trump Lost The Trade War

Jill Disis, CNN Business

US President Donald Trump started a trade war with China to fix what he's repeatedly blasted as an unfair relationship between the world's two largest economies.
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