
Coronavirus, & the Media's Lies, Damned Lies, and 'Statistics'

Edward Pinto, RCM

"US has more known cases of coronavirus than any other country" - CNN Reading breathless headlines such as this, one would never know that the on a cases per million population...

Govt Shouldn't Save Everyone During the Crisis

Krishna Kumar & Shanthi Nataraj, CNN

There is a danger that policies designed to help businesses weather the current health crisis could lead to defaults on loans or require further government intervention, sowing the seeds of a larger financial crisis in the future.

The Cost of 'Extreme Isolation' Could Prove Rather Enormous

Scott Atlas, The Hill

The near-total isolation of everyone and the lockdown on most health care unrelated to COVID-19 must end because it is harmful to eradicating the disease, and its costs, including actual loss of life, could become enormous.

Why Fed Was Part of Government Most Ready for This Crisis

Josh Barro, New York

The Federal Reserve was better prepared for the coronavirus pandemic than other institutions, thanks in large part to the lessons it learned during the financial crisis.

Entrepreneurs Will Endure Politicians, Innovate Around Them

John Tamny, RCM

"Like the great wars of the 20th century, some analysts and historians think the current crisis could fuel a new era of big government in which public officials control more of the levers of...

Why Aren't Americans Suing Their Way Out of Lockdown?

Robert Wright, AIER

While presumed experts in Washington look for data that will justify reopening the economy, the third branch of government, the judiciary, has hardly been mentioned in the crisis to date but could play a key role in breaking any political stalemate.

OPEC Deal Is 'Too Little Too Late', and Will Surely Fail

Nick Cunningham, OilPrice.com

After several days of negotiations, OPEC pulled off a historic production cut of around 10 million barrels, but the deal failed to lift oil prices on Monday

Trump Wants to Save Oil More Than American Jobs

Paul Krugman, New York Times

Billions for oil, nothing for nurses and teachers.

Don't Harm Consumers With Artificial Oil Prices

Drew Johnson, Washington Examiner

Oil prices are plummeting -- partly due to falling global demand caused by the coronavirus, but mainly due to a price war launched by Saudi Arabia and Russia.

The U.S. Needs a Plan to Quickly Re-Open Economy

Noah Wall, RealClearMarkets

It's time for us to begin the process of reopening the economy. Nearly 17 million Americans?or 11 percent of the U.S. labor force?have filed for unemployment benefits in the last...

Divining the Long-Term Implications of Covid-19

Marcelo Perez, Alhambra Investments

With volatility in the stock market ebbing somewhat or at least going in a more comfortable direction â?" 1000 point up-days feel a lot better than 1000 point down-days â?" it seems a good time to star?

Use Past Corrections to See That the Best Defense Is Offense

Eric Nelson, Servo

During extreme market moves and worrisome headlines, many investors make big mistakes by abandoning their plans and selling stocks to avoid further losses. But a look back at history finds the best defense is a good offense.

Important Lesson from Spanish Influenza

Reuven Brenner, Montreal Economic Institute

The reason for the Spanish flu having had such a disastrous impact was that the two enemy coalitions fighting in WWI kept the information about the spreading flu secret.

Large Gaps In the Economic Data Will Continue

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

Cities With Most Cost-Burdened Households

Brandon Medina, Construction Coverage

According to the most recent data from the U.S. Census Bureau, almost one-third of American households are considered cost-burdened, meaning they spend 30 perce

Earnings Preview: 2020

Pat O'Hare, Briefing.com

This Past Month Has Been a Great Experiment

David Henderson, Hoover Institution

With all the mistakes by government, one thing that's working really well is the free market.

The Federal Reserve's Finest Hour

Brett Ryan, Deutsche Bank Group

States With the Most Healthcare Workers Per Capita

Jeff Smith, Self

It Would Be Smart For Government to Not Meddle In Oil Mkt.

Benjamin Zycher, RCM

The crude oil sector now is confronted by a sharp decline in demand conditions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and an increase in production attendant upon the price feud between Russia and Saudi...

A Plan for Politicians to Reopen the U.S. Economy

Jonathon Trugman, New York Post

It's time to plan for a grand reopening of the American economy, and we need to execute it in a safe, methodical and robust way.

To 'Stimulate,' We Must Liberate

David Henderson, American Institute for Economic Research

We Need to Think Bigger and Differently From 2008

Michael Bright, Issues & Insights

This downturn is not of our own making, but it could be much deeper than 12 years ago.

Coronavirus Is Showing Us Which Entrepreneurs Matter

David Sax, New York Times

The owners of hair salons, bike shops and delis are stepping up to help their communities, all while wondering if they'll make it.

What Made Our Economy Great Will Be Needed to Revive It

Sam Adolphsen, The Hill

When the microbes settle, and when we test, and treat, and help, and save, and make COVID-19 a story of our past, our country needs to reembrace the principles upon which we were foundedâ?"the ones that made America great, and the ones that will make us great again.

AOC's Socialism Isn't the Answer to the Covid Question

Justin Haskins, Fox News

Whenever the socialism Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez calls for is attempted, destruction, economic chaos and misery inevitably follow.

Thoughts on Ways for New York to Recover Post-Covid

Nicole Gelinas, City Journal

What New York can do to ensure a sturdy recovery from Covid-19

Let Airlines Go Bankrupt, Help Their Employees

Irwin M. Stelzer, Washington Examiner

There is no question that our airlines provide a network that moves people, goods, and mail around the country and overseas â?" essential to a prosperous and growing economy. Surely, it is in the national interest to see that they continue to operate. But that goal can be accomplished without bailing them out of the predicament they have created for themselves by returning 96% of their free cash over the past decade to shareholders rather than shoring up their balance sheets and preparing for the rainy day that has now arrived.

Lessons from Crises Past

George P. Shultz & Michael Boskin & John Taylor, Proj. Syndicate

Government policies restricting the operation of markets usually do more harm than good. Even in times of crisis, such as the current coronavirus pandemic, policymakers should do everything possible to keep markets working and private incentives strong.

Every Business Is Essential to Its Founder, and Its Employees

Noah Wall, RCM

To flatten the COVID-19 curve, state governments have shut down the operation of thousands?maybe millions?of small businesses across the United States. Similar to a federal government...

What Next? (Two Big Questions)

Morgan Housel, Collaborative Fund

Desire for economic forecasts surges right when our ability to accurately forecast plunges.

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Wealthy Preppers Riding Out The Storm In Style

Sarah Begley, Medium

Cold war bunkers are out. Subterranean communes are in.

11 Ideas To Avoid An Economic Depression

Matthew Yglesias, Vox

Unemployment is higher than it's been since the Great Depression. Here are 11 steps that could help fix it.

Remote Working: The Coming Mental Health Crisis

Joshua Eferighe, Ozy

Freelance and remote work has its benefits. But it has downsides too.

Amazon, Powerful Before COVID-19, Dominant After

Jason Del Rey, Re/code

The global health crisis has forced 250,000 US stores closed, clearing the way to Amazon's dominance.

The End of the Beginning of the Oil Price War

Paul Ausick, 24/7 Wall St.

This is only a cease fire.

A Global COVID-19 Exit Strategy

Ngaire Woods & Rajaie Batniji, Project Syndicate

The COVID-19 pandemic poses an unprecedented threat to both public health and the global economy. Only by ditching nationalist rhetoric and policies, and embracing stronger international cooperation, can governments protect the people they claim to represent.

Can This Depression Yield Another Great Generation?

Scott A. Bell, I Heart Wall Street

It was the generation who went through the Great Depression that became the Greatest.
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