
Coronavirus Has Turned President Trump Into a Socialist

Owen Ullmann, USA Today

President Donald Trump and his Republican allies are demonizing presumptive Democratic opponent Joe Biden as a left-wing socialist who would propel big government to take over our free enterprise system at the expense of our prosperity and freedom. When Biden was endorsed Monday by Sen. Bernie Sanders, who actually is a self-described democratic socialist, Trump campaign manager Brad Parscale called it “further proof that … Biden had to adopt most of Bernie’s agenda to be successful in the Democrat primaries.” Well, guess what? Trump has...

Support Trump As He Weighs Risks of Allowing Us to Work

Peggy Grande, Fox

We need to support the president in making the tough, correct decision to reopen our economy as soon as it is safe to do so.

Americans Hold the Key to Re-Opening the Economy

Christine Romans, CNNMoney

The way the president tells it, the American economy is like a light switch that he can simply flip on. He floated a full "beautiful" reopening by Easter Sunday. And when that deadline passed, he teased a "big bang" reopening at his discretion. He (falsely) says he has "total authority" to reopen the economy.

'Plans' to Re-open the Economy Will Blind Us. Choose Freedom

John Tamny, RCM

For fun, let's assume a mass declaration of freedom on local, state and national levels. If so, how many readers will immediately revert to the "old way" of doing things, including...

Trump Is Right About How to Re-Open Things

E. Donald Elliott, The American Spectator

"America" is a continent â?" actually two of them â?" but it is also a set of ideas, or, better...

Trump's C-19 Econ. Council: Disaster Before It Began

Matt Stieb, New York Magazine

The White House reportedly failed to tell business leaders they would be part of Trump's Opening Our Country Council to determine how to revive the economy stalled by the coronavirus.

Post-Pandemic, Here's How America Rises Again

Thomas Friedman, New York Times

Congress needs to invest with an eye on the nation's future.

Amiably Confused Thomas Friedman Offers His Latest

Conrad Black, New York Sun

Post-Pandemic, Stocks Could Really Stage Historic Rally

Nigam Arora, MarketWatch

There are seven reasons for that, including record federal and central-bank stimulus, unattractive investment alternatives such as bonds, and a reconfiguration of supply chains that will unleash a torrent of capital spending

Stocks Have Priced Some Major Damage, Now Look Ahead

Market Minder, Fisher

Mainstream data reports covering the social distancing era are still scant, but some niche, industry-specific indicators provide a handy real-time read.

The Cashless Lobby Cashing In On Coronavirus Crisis

Ross Clark, Spectator USA

With Tax Day Delay, Some Ways to Put Cash to Work

Paul Katzeff, Investor's Business

Industrial Production: Largest Decline Since 1946

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

Edmund Phelps on the Covid-19 Response

Allison Schrager, Manhattan Institute

Just Compensation for Taking of Jobs

Brian Wesbury & Robert Stein, First Trust Advisors

Important Lesson from Spanish Influenza

Reuven Brenner, Montreal Economic Institute

The reason for the Spanish flu having had such a disastrous impact was that the two enemy coalitions fighting in WWI kept the information about the spreading flu secret.

Large Gaps In the Economic Data Will Continue

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

Cities With Most Cost-Burdened Households

Brandon Medina, Construction Coverage

According to the most recent data from the U.S. Census Bureau, almost one-third of American households are considered cost-burdened, meaning they spend 30 perce

Earnings Preview: 2020

Pat O'Hare, Briefing.com

There Are Tradeoffs Btw. Disease Prevention, Collapse

Claus Wiemann Frølund, FEE

What's an Essential Service in a Pandemic? Post Office

Editorial, New York Times

From the census to the November election, the Postal Service is critical to American democracy.

Economic Recovery Starts with Lifting Up of Small Business.

Jason Pye, The Hill

The economic devastation caused by the coronavirus pandemic has l...

Apartment Renters Are Desperate for More Help

Yuliya Panfil & Tim Robustelli, CNN

Amid calls for social distancing and "shelter-in-place" orders, millions of Americans are now questioning how they will pay their rent or mortgage.

Trying the Basics of Capitalism As Path Back to Prosperity

Ralph Benko, Newsmax

Much-Needed Help On the Way for Airlines, Airports

Salena Zito, Washington Examiner

MOON TOWNSHIP, Pennsylvania â?" Help is on the way for airlines and airports, Secretary of Transportation Elaine Chao said. During the coronavirus pandemic, the suffering is obvious to anyone who walks into an airport like this one: Pittsburgh International Airport has seen passenger traffic in and out of the facility go from 26,000 people a day to fewer than 400 people boarding flights.

Meet Former NYT Reporter Challenging the C-19 Crisis Narrative

Adam Shaw, Fox

As daily life across America is upended by the coronavirus crisis -- with mass business closures plunging the economy into freefall -- one former New York Times reporter is sounding the alarm about what he believes are flawed models dictating the aggressive strategy.

What Will Help End the Madness

Michael Munger,American Institute for Economic Research

We Must Start Discussing Economic Re-Opening

Parissa Sedghi, Washington Examiner

In recent weeks, Washington has failed Main Street yet again with its heavy-handed, one-size-fits-all approach to stopping the coronavirus pandemic. Yes, of course we should listen to health experts and continue to engage in social distancing and other safe practices: It's our duty to our fellow Americans, especially the most vulnerable.

How Workers Are Coping with the Novel Coronavirus

Eoin McSweeney, CNNMoney

Workers are struggling with the economic impact of the coronavirus pandemic. Here are 16 of their stories.

Time Approaches for Trump To Act to Open Economy

Conrad Black, New York Sun

Does Trump Call Re-Opening Shots?

Peter Baker & Maggie Haberman, The New York Times

The president's insistence that only he can decide if the country should reopen for business was disputed by constitutional scholars and contrasted with his earlier message that it was not for the federal government to take the lead in fighting the virus.

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Captain Obvious Predicts The Future

Jeff Carter, Points and Figures

I am seeing more and more predictions about the future. Most are produced by Captain Obvious. For example, as a society, we will do more and more online. Duh. That trend was happening prior to the Wuhan Flu.

Death of a Value Investor

Nick Maggiulli, Of Dollars & Data

On the difficult path forward for value investors.

Financial Pandemic

John Cochrane, The Grumpy Economist

The headlines are on the disease, the shutdown, and the hoped-for safe reopening. It's time to pay some attention to the financial side of the current situation.

A Tale Of Two Bond Markets

James Picerno, The Capital Spectator

Long duration Treasuries have won big this year but junk bonds are hurting.

Our Pandemic Summer

Ed Yong, The Atlantic

The fight against the coronavirus won’t be over when the U.S. reopens. Here’s how the nation must prepare itself.

Will The US Economy Re-Open Prematurely?

Tyler Cowen, Marginal Revolution

What does premature mean anyway?

The Crisis Is Over But At A Terrible Cost

Scott Grannis, Calafia Beach Pundit

To date, the most consequential result of this novel coronavirus has come from the hand of government, thanks to multiple decrees from gover...
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