
Cryptocurrencies Are Next Frontier for Surveillance State

Jacob Silverman, TNR

Countries are launching digital currencies to rival Bitcoin—and opening up new ways to snoop on their citizens in the process.

How I Dismissed Socialism, & Became a Libertarian

Meir Kohn, Cato Policy Report

The consequences of intervention are rarely what we expect or desire.

Biden Popularizes Progressive Policies with Boom

Paul Krugman, New York Times

The president's party is finally comfortable in its own skin.

America's Self-Defeating Retreat from Globalization

Adam Posen, Foreign Affairs

America's self-defeating economic retreat.

The Intensely Vicious Lockdown Paradigm Is Collapsing

Jeffrey Tucker, AIER

"What will replace lockdown ideology? We can hope it will be the realization that the old principles of public health served us well, as did the legal and moral principles of human rights and restrictions on the powers of government." ~ Jeffrey Tucker

Red States Still Rebounding Faster than Blue States

Editorial, Issues & Insights

Excerpt provided by the Committee to Unleash Prosperity. Sign up to receive a free subscription to the full weekday Unleash Prosperity Hotline newsletter by clicking here: The Hotline has reported…

How NYC's Next Mayor Can Lure Commuters Back

Nicole Gelinas, New York Post

Thanks to COVID, most New Yorkers are no longer captive to a five-day-a-week commute. How does the next mayor lure people back without choking the city on traffic? The pandemic altered Gothamites'…

How to Help the Unemployed Get New Jobs

Brent Orrell & Matthew Leger, USA Today

If projections of a slow services recovery come true, women and minorities may be scrambling for work in 2021 and beyond.

Robinhood's 'Free' Trades Can Be Very Expensive

Jim Campbell, RealClearMarkets

According to some media conjecture, Robinhood, which ostensibly offers "free" trading to retail investors, has ignited a populist movement democratizing the stock market and beating down the big bad hedge funds. The reality is darker. As the author of Madoff Talks - the first complete account of the Madoff story from one man's Ponzi scheme to the systemic failure of the regulators charged with protecting investors - even Madoff never abused his customers in the way Robinhood does. It is no doubt little understood by its customers, but Robinhood makes its money, not through charging...

Most Tax Efficient Retirement-Withdrawal Strategies

Emily Brandon, U.S. News

The retirement savings you have accumulated in a tax-deferred 401(k) or individual retirement account can't all be used for retirement because you still owe taxes on each distribution. The timing of your retirement account withdrawals can play a big role in how much tax you pay on your retirement savings.

ESG Movement Needs Help From the IMF, and World Bank

Bianca Taylor, The Hill

Organizing to protect the environment is commendable and needed, but a better understanding of the scope and complexity of the environmental crisis may yield more efficient results.

The LIFT Act Will Only Widen U.S. Digital Divide

Johnny Kampis, RealClearMarkets

The push for symmetrical broadband speeds in proposed federal legislation, the Leading Infrastructure for Tomorrow's (LIFT) America Act, will only hurt the quest for closing the digital divide in this country. The success of heavy-bandwidth platforms like Zoom during the COVID-19 pandemic shows that upload speeds do not need to approximate download speeds for a good experience for the end user of broadband services.

California Chases Away Industry

Bret Swanson, American Enterprise Institute

Even perhaps the internet industry it invented.

Yes, Stocks Are Still Cheap

Brian Wesbury & Robert Stein, First Trust Advisors

Growth or Value? You Can Have Both?

Pat O'Hare, Briefing.com

Residential Construction: Payback and Then Some

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

Will You Have Enough for Retirement?

Rob Williams, Charles Schwab

How to turn retirement savings into retirement income.

This Market Has Mania Characteristics

Jeffrey Kleintop, Charles Schwab

The specific set of conditions that have historically characterized the start of an investment bubble appear to be forming.

Why the Future Looks Bright For The Bulls

Ryan Detrick, LPL Financial Research

Market Blog Wednesday, April 14, 2021 "I look to the future because that's where I'm going to spend the rest of my life." George Burns

Death of Wall Street's Most Notorious Swindler

Dan Ferris, American Consequences

In the wake of Bernie Madoff's death, Dan Ferris charts the legendary Wall Street grifter's $19 billion Ponzi scheme and its repercussions.

It's Not Big Business 'Woketivism,' It's Just Good Business

Jamal Simmons, Hill

Corporate leaders are standing up for democracy to avoid facing the wrath of consumers, investors and historical judgment.

Policy Arguments Against Min.Wage

John Phelan, Foundation for Economic Education

As Paul Krugman explained, "So what are the effects of increasing minimum wages? Any Econ 101 student can tell you the answer: The higher wage reduces the quantity of labor demanded, and hence leads to unemployment."

Making a Case Against Lockdowns: John Tamny Int.

Daniel Kennelly, City Journal

An interview with Tamny about his book, When Politicians Panicked.

America Needs Biden's Bold, Futuristic Infrastructure Plan

Brad Smith, USAT

We need to talk together — across the political aisle and between the public and private sectors.

Lockdowns Perilously Ignore the Genius of Natural Order

Ethan Yang, AIER

"The use of lockdown policies has shown us once again the dangers of overestimating the capabilities of state power and disregarding the importance of naturally occurring institutions in society. To attempt to bend these institutions with the force of lockdowns is to attempt to bend human nature...

They Want to Raise New York Taxes By Repealing SALT

Editorial, New York Post

Various Democrats (and some Republicans) in Congress threaten to vote against President Joe Biden's infrastructure package unless it repeals the SALT cap. It's all the more reason to keep the cap. …

Hog Barons Are Bringing Ruin to the Heartland

Charlie Mitchell & Austin Frerick, Vox

Iowa's largest hog producer courted power and turned farming into a numbers game. Businesses like it are increasingly the norm.

Just So Far Biden Has Proposed $8 Trillion In Spending

Editorial, New York Post

Eight trillion dollars. That's how much President Joe Biden has proposed in new spending — in just the 2½ months since taking office. It's an absurd figure, equal to more than a third of America's …

The Dems Want To Subsidize Rich, Make You Pay

Travis Nix, Washington Examiner

With slim majorities in the House and Senate, Democratic lawmakers have a prime opportunity to get their pet projects passed thanks to President Joe Biden's $2 trillion "infrastructure plan." And it's an opportunity that Rep. Tom Suozzi of New York isn't passing up. He's threatening to vote against…

Make Tax-Dodging Companies Pay for Biden Spending

Editorial, New York Times

The corporate income tax has been gutted. Raising rates and cracking down on evasion are sensible ways to come up with trillions of dollars.

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

The Curious Case of First Union Capital

Angelo Calvello, Institutional Investor

Is the mysterious maker of the 'Unicorn Trading System' what it claims to be?

How Weed Salvaged the Lost Year

Liz Wolfe, Reason

2020 was nobody's idea of a good year, but the ability to smoke pot in my own backyard, mostly free from fear of arrest, majorly redeemed it.

At Least Show the Full Chart

Michael Harris, Price Action Lab

Don't cherry pick the start date to make your point.

A Year Ago Oil Prices Went Negative. The Glut Is Gone.

Matt Egan, CNN

Panic gripped the energy market last spring as a frightening realization dawned on oil traders: The world was rapidly running out of space to store excess crude.

Investors Buy (On Margin) As Insiders Sell

Jason Goepfert, SentimenTrader

The 1-year growth in margin debt hit a 20-year high in March as smart money corporate insiders see a sudden spike in selling.

Productivity After the Pandemic

Laura Tyson & Jan Mischke, Project Syndicate

After years of disappointing productivity growth, the COVID-19 pandemic has shaken something loose, with surveys of business executives showing most reporting increased investments in technology. The danger now is that the pandemic-era acceleration of automation and digitalization impedes growth in labor income and consumption.

Biden's Infrastructure Bill Is a Bad Bet

Allison Schrager, City Journal

If history is any guide, the result will be lower growth and more risk.
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