
Despite a Record Run, Portfolio Managers Remain Bullish

Lee Jackson, 24/7 Wall St

Here are six reasons many top hedge fund and mutual fund portfolio managers remain surprisingly positive despite the wild roller-coaster ride in the stock market over the past few months.

Stocks Are Soaring. So Is Misery Across the U.S.

Paul Krugman, The New York Times

Optimism about Apple's future profits won't pay this month's rent.

Can Fed Chairman Powell Manage Subways of NYC?

Paul Atkinson, New York Sun

Emergency Federal Reserve actions don’t always repeat — but they certainly rhyme. Back in April I highlighted in this space that New York City was waiting in line during the pandemic to receive whatever assistance it might cajole from the Federal Reserve. On Tuesday, Bloomberg reported that the Fed has agreed to purchase $451 million in notes floated by New York’s Metropolitan Transportation Authority, operator of the city’s subways and commuter trains, at an effective interest rate of 1.92%. Meanwhile Wall Street banks who need to weigh market risk...

Why Owning Stocks Is Single Best Way to Get Rich

Stephen McBride, RiskHedge

The world's richest man just made history. Amazon (AMZN) founder Jeff Bezos set a new record when his net worth jumped by $13 billion in one day.

Why a Financial Transactions Tax Would Harm the Little Guy

Kirsten Wegner, RCM

With the resurgence of COVID-19 in many states across the country, millions of people out of work, and a pivotal political election quickly approaching, Americans are faced with unprecedented uncertainty about the road ahead. One thing Americans should never have to question, however, is the peace of mind of being able to access their long-term savings. Whether they are saving for their children’s college education, retirement or other life milestones, investors deserve to know that their capital is protected and is available at a moment’s notice. To ensure the security of these...

Biden Has Nothing to Fear But Fear of Deficits Itself

Eric Levitz, New York Magazine

Joe Biden has outlined plans for a $2 trillion green stimulus to help the nation recover from the Covid-19 recession. But one of his top advisers, Ted Kaufman, just argued that Trump's profligacy has left only "limited" space for new spending.

A Look at Economic Data Is a Look at the Past

Joseph Calhoun, Alhambra Investments

One of the advantages we enjoy here at Alhambra is the opportunity to interact with a lot of investors. We talk to hundreds of individual investors on a monthly basis, giving us a front-row seat to?

Book Review: Viv Groskop's Excellent 'Au Revoir, Tristesse'

John Tamny, Forbes

A book about happiness that can be gained from French literature is on its own a major source of laughs, and yes, happiness.

An Optimistic Call to Return to Pre-Covid Dynamism

Travis Steffens, RealClearMarkets

Back in the “Before Time” – which is what some people call those misty, almost forgotten days pre-pandemic – President Trump delivered an upbeat, 2020 State of the Union Address. As recent presidents are wont to do, he singled out some special guests sitting with the first lady in the House chamber gallery. One was my dear friend and close associate Tony Rankin, an African-American veteran whose life had spiraled into a vortex of joblessness, lost home, lost family, drugs, and alcohol. That is, until one night when he sauntered out of his cheap motel room, made his way...

Pandemic Jobless Assistance Necessary for U.S. Health

Audrey Provenzano, The Hill

Experts project that in this economic downturn, some 17 million people may be unable to purchase sufficient food for their household.

Hiring of Postmaster Louis DeJoy Looks Even Sketchier Now

Aaron Mak, Slate

The Trump donor's qualifications and vetting were both highly unusual, according to new congressional testimony.

Why So Few Black Execs in America?

Jessica Guynn & Brent Schrotenboer, USA Today

After decades of silence, these companies spoke out against racism. But less than 2% of top executives at the 50 largest companies are Black.

Bond Real Yields: What's Happening Beneath Surface

Kathy Jones, Charles Schwab

Real yields have dropped into negative territory as inflation expectations rise.

5 Charts To See With Stocks At New Highs

Ryan Detrick, LPL Financial Research

Market Blog "Better late than never." It took a while, but the S&P 500 Index finally made a new all-time high, coming all the way back from the vicious 34% bear market in less than six months.?

Home Sales: Best Ever, But Still Not Good?

Jerry Bowyer, Vident Financial

Residential Construction: Supply Still the Issue

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

ERISA and ESG Investing

Bernard Sharfman, The FinReg Blog

5 Takeaways from Earnings Season

Jeffrey Buchbinder & Ryan Detrick, LPL Financial

The Good and Bad In the Jobless Numbers

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

Mea Culpa: Maybe Asset Bubbles Do Exist

John Rekenthaler, Morningstar

At long last, asset-price inflation may have finally arrived.

A Strategy To Outsmart The S&P 500 Bubble

Brett Arends, MarketWatch

Play U.S. stock rebound the cheaper way

America's New Debt Bomb

Todd G. Buchholz, Project Syndicate

Like in World War II, the United States is piling on debt to confront a whole-of-society crisis, raising the question of who will foot the bill in the long term. But, unlike the post-war era, the underlying conditions for robust economic recovery today are less than favorable, placing an even greater onus on wise policymaking.

Why Pax Americana is Here to Stay

Imran Said, Quillette

America still has a lot going for it.

A Plan To Get Our Lives Back

Robinson Meyer & Alexis C. Madrigal, The Atlantic

The U.S. has never had enough coronavirus tests. Now a group of epidemiologists, economists, and dreamers is plotting a new strategy to defeat the virus, even before a vaccine is found.

Wealth Taxes Make Us Poorer

Veronique de Rugy, Reason.com

A new study finds that taxes on wealth reduce long-run GDP by 2.7 percent.

Wall Street's Worst Election Nightmare

Matt Egan, CNN Business

President Donald Trump has already declared the 2020 election the "most rigged" in American history. His opponent, former Vice President Joe Biden, has warned that Trump might not leave the White House willingly. Trump hasn't even confirmed he would accept unfavorable election results should he lose.

The Big Coronavirus Indoor Retrofit

James B. Meigs, City Journal

The battle to defeat Covid-19 is being fought indoors.

Preposterous Notion That TikTok's a Security Threat

Ivan Eland, Independent Institute

President Trump, in his frenzy to blame China for almost everything to get re-elected, unilaterally issued an executive order, without due process, to ban from the United States for security reasons in 45 days, TikTok, a Chinese-owned app used by primarily young people to transmit funny dance videos. (Trump also banned a popular Chinese messaging app WeChat.)

China Does It To the U.S. Why a TikTok Ban Is Overdue

Tim Wu, The New York Times

Critics say we shouldn't abandon the ideal of an open internet. But there is such a thing as being a sucker.

Trump Immigrant Rules Would Have Kept Techs Like Me Out

Alfred Chuang, CNN

My dream as a child growing up in Hong Kong was to study in America, but my initial F1 student visa was rejected. The immigration officer asked me a trick question: Would I stay in the US and get practice experience after my studies? I said yes.

Dems Propose Taking Over Large Swaths of Economy

Adam Brandon, Fox Business

The Democratic Party is moving further and further left.

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Facebook Delenda Est

Ben Hunt, Epsilon Theory

Facebook must be destroyed.

The Deep Value ETF Report

James Picerno, The Capital Spectator

The coronavirus blowback and the crowd’s ongoing preference for high-flying growth investments aren’t doing any favors for value investing strategies.

Statistics Are Bloodless Things

Ben Carlson, A Wealth Of Common Sense

There are still millions of people whose lives have been disrupted through no fault of their own.

Is The Stock Market More Important Than UE Benefits?

Andrea Riquier, MarketWatch

There is a difference between what's good for "the economy" and what's good for ordinary Americans

Refinancing While Black

Diana Olick, NBCNews

Mortgage rates are at or near historic lows during the coronavirus pandemic and recession, but Black homeowners trying to purchase or refinance their homes are hitting roadblocks.

Ultimate Stock-Pickers' Top 10 High-Conviction Purchases

Nupur Balain, MStar

Several funds see value in basic materials and communication services

The Value of a Dollar in Every State

Mike Sauter, 24/7 Wall St.

A dollar buys more in poor states.
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