
Divided Government Will Doom the Economy

Annie Lowrey, The Atlantic

Is Divided Government Good for Economy?

Phillip Molnar, San Diego Union-Tribune

It appears the federal government will be split, which some investors say is a good thing.

Does Election Help or Hurt Prospects for Stimulus?

Ed Kilgore, Intelligencer

Biden's election eliminated any incentive Donald Trump had for a stimulus deal and a second stimulus check. What happens now depends on the two Georgia runoffs to determine Senate control, unless COVID-19 really spikes and the economy tanks.

Congress: Spend Now to Save Bars, Restaurants

Tim Carney, Washington Examiner

There is a time for every purpose under heaven. There's a time to save, a time to cut taxes, a time to play. Governors, mayors, and probably our president-elect believe it's time to shut down or curtail businesses, and so it is not time for Congress to worry about the deficit or the debt. Instead, it is time to spend big, in order to save main streets and the businesses on them.

Covid-19, Economy & Election Implications

Seth Berenzweig & John Tamny, Capitol Brief

Seth Berenzweig and John Tamny discuss the meaning of Election 2020, Covid-19 developments, and the U.S. economy.

The Economics of Government Debt at This Unique Moment

Jared Bernstein, WP

Low real interest rates in tandem with critical needs make this a good time to use fiscal policy to meet pressing economic needs.

Can Joe Biden Pick Up the Pieces of Global Trade?

Leticia Miranda, NBC News

When President-elect Joe Biden takes over the White House in January, he will face a global economy that has fundamentally shifted over the last four years.

The End to the Donald Trump Economic Recovery Is in Sight

John Tatom, The Hill

At the rate of decline of the unemployment rate since April, or since July, the economy will achieve normalcy by January.

Here's What Small Biz Fear Most about a Biden Presidency

Gene Marks, WT

Mr. Biden would like to raise individual, Social Security and capital gains taxes, reduce the small business pass through deduction, make it less tax-advantaged to sell business assets and increase the corporate tax rate.

Top 5 Financial Reg. Priorities for Biden Administration

Aaron Klein, Brookings

Aaron Klein outlines FinReg priorities for the new administration.

Why Pfizer Kept the Trump Administration at Arm’s Length

Brent Orrell, Bulwark

7 Biggest Shockers from Four Decades of Financial Planning

Allan Roth, FP

The more out-of-left-field the change, the more profound the lesson learned, our columnist has found in the corporate and individual practice realms.

CPI Version of Inflation Reverses Course In October

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

A Case Against the Bank of England's Bond Buying

Market Minder, Fisher Investments

As the Bank of England expands quantitative easing, we revisit the program's flaws.

A Lot Has Changed In the Past Week

Brad McMillan, Commonwealth Financial Network

What to Expect from the "Lame Duck" Congress

Michael Townsend, Charles Schwab

Debate over another round of coronavirus aid and economic stimulus likely will be at the top of the agenda for the post-election session.

A Bullish Spin On a Very Good Week for the Stock Market

Pat O'Hare, Briefing.com

Charitable Donations: The Basics of Giving

Hayden Adams, Charles Schwab

Helpful tax tips for your end-of-year charitable contributions, including stock donations.

Georgia On Our Minds. Most Bullish Power Split

Market Minder, Fisher Investments

As both Georgian Senate seats potentially head to a runoff, we explore the popular theory that a Democratic presidency and split Congress is the most bullish combo.

Forget Free Lunches. Free Ice Cream For Everyone!

Matthew Yglesias, Vox

With low interest rates and divided government, it's time for an ice cream party.

How Biden Can Get His Agenda Through Congress

Jonathan Chait, Intelligencer

Joe Biden's presidency will have trouble moving through a Senate that will be either split or Republican controlled. But if he agrees to a tax cut for the rich, Republicans will give him social spending on green energy or health care.

Why Biden Can Overcome Political Gridlock

Anatole Kaletsky, Project Syndicate

According to conventional wisdom, US President-elect Biden will find himself immediately paralyzed because Republicans will follow the same obstructionist playbook they used to sabotage Barack Obama's administration. But there are five new features of US political dynamics that this argument has overlooked.

Is It Finally Time for Value Stocks to Shine?

Dave Sekera, Morningstar

As the pathway to economic normalization in 2021 becomes clear, the market has begun to favor value stocks over growth stocks.

Why This Transition Is So Perilous for the Economy

Austan Goolsbee, NYT

The coronavirus crisis and the transition of 2020 have the clear potential to spiral out of control.

Another Housing Bubble? It Sure Looks That Way

Aaron Brown, MSN

Stocks may be expensive based on historical measures, but it's nothing compared to skyrocketing home values.

The Huge Price For Neglecting Climate Change & Free Trade

Tom Orlik, BBW

$36 trillion

Why Value Will Outperform In Biden's First 100 Days

Mark Hulbert, MarketWatch

Value historically has performed best after new presidents take office

How Much Longer Can Small Businesses Hang On?

Jeanne Sahadi, CNN Business

With no assurance that Congress will provide more stimulus soon, many business owners wonder how much longer they can hang on.

Bipartisanship Just Means More Bloated Budgets

Veronique de Rugy, Reason

Get ready for President-elect Biden to join forces with big spending Republicans.

How Pfizer Plans to Distribute Its Vaccine

Rebecca Robbins, New York Times

Success will hinge on an untested network of governments, companies and health workers.

How Quibi Imploded In Less Than Six Months

Julia Alexander & Zoe Schiffer, The Verge

The $2 billion streaming platform imploded less than six months after launch. Employees say they knew it would fail, but they were still shocked at how quickly it happened.

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Growth vs Value, Large vs Small

James Picerno, The Capital Spectator

The value factor has fallen on hard times in recent years, prompting debate about whether this risk premium can recover as technology-fueled growth stocks eat the world.

How The World's First Central Bank Failed

Claire Jones, Financial Times

The Bank of Amsterdam is to central banking history what Little Richard is to rock ‘n’ roll.

The Big Lessons From History

Morgan Housel, Collaborative Fund

There are two kinds of history to learn from.

The Glass is Half Full and Half Empty Right Now

Ben Carlson, AWOCS

Things could get way worse before they get way better.

Biden Stands Up For Japan

Scott Sumner, The Money Illusion

It’s time to rebuild our alliances.

The Fed Has A Credibility Problem

Alexander William Salter, AIER

The Fed is too involved in credit allocation and should stick to actual monetary policy.

China's Big Tech Crackdown

Daniel Tenreiro, National Review

The canceled Ant IPO may be a big mistake.
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