
Do Not Let This Retirement Nightmare Happen

David Eifrig, American Consequences

You want to outlive your hard-earned nest egg. Otherwise, you could get yanked out of early retirement to become a Walmart greeter.

Retirement Savings By Age: How Do Yours Measure Up?

Paul Katzeff, Investor's

How Do Your Savings Compare To People's Your Age?

China Will Push Evergrande Under Rug: A. S-Yang

Christoph Gisiger, The Market

Anne Stevenson-Yang, China expert and founder of J Capital Research, comments on the crisis surrounding the teetering real estate colossus Evergrande, recent regulatory interventions against tech giants such as Alibaba and Tencent, and the overall economic state of the People's Republic.

If a Rising China Worried You, Declining One Will Terrify You

John Tamny, RCM

"The Oreo was my introduction to American food culture, and I loved the cookie instantly and fiercely - from the crinkling sound of the plastic packaging; to the frosting, sweeter than anything I'd ever tasted; to the impossibly dark, intricately embossed biscuits, which tasted only vaguely of chocolate." Those are the words of Tejal Rao, a food reporter for the New York Times. They're a reminder of what "America" signifies to the rest of the world. Rao's first taste of an Oreo was more than just biting into a cookie, for him it was "about consuming something American, something cool and rare...

Dallas Is Becoming Capitol of the Heartland

Joel Kotkin & Cullum Clark, Dallas News

Located on the Southern Plains, far from America's coasts and great river systems, the Dallas-Fort Worth metropolitan area epitomizes the new trends in...

Stock Buybacks Aren't the Economy Killers Dems Claim

Andrew Wilford, RCM

Few corporate activities receive more ire from the left than share repurchase programs, commonly known as stock buybacks. Senators Ron Wyden and Sherrod Brown recently attempted to capitalize on this progressive angst to fund a small part of Democrats' enormous $3.5 trillion legislative package by inserting a 2 percent excise tax on buybacks into the bill. While this will likely prove popular among the Democratic base, the dislike for buybacks is entirely unfounded.

When Quitting Your Job Feels Like the Only Option You Have

Laura Entis, Vox

From April to the end of July, nearly 16 million Americans quit their jobs. What does it mean for the jobs recovery?

With False Claims, Wash Post Sows Global Warming Fear

Vijay Jayaraj, RCM

Much of the media is reporting on what may be actual anxiety over climate change after ginning up fear of a climate apocalypse with false stories and exaggerated claims. "Activists ‘born into the climate crisis' face another challenge: Fear of the future," was the headline for a Sept. 16 Washington Post article. "Young people coming of age in an era of climate disasters are trying to channel anxiety about the planet flooding and burning," according to the writer. The article is probably accurate in reporting about a fear among some young people, but rather than noting that the...

The Oil Hub That Could Counter Iran on Strait of Hormuz

Simon Watkins, OilPrice

The threat of Iran blockading the Strait of Hormuz has increased since it completed the Jask hub, but a capacity expansion in the Fujairah oil hub could counter that

Dear Joe Manchin: Coal Isn't Your State's Future

Paul Krugman, New York Times

Coal's glory days ended during the Reagan era, and they aren't coming back.

What Cities Can Do with the Hotels No One Wants to Stay In

Henry Grabar, Slate

Tourists may not need these rooms right now, but another group does.

Congress Must Pass President Biden's Full Tax Package

Thomas Kahn, The Hill

Significantly reducing the size of the tax plan would lead to one of two bad outcomes.

August Residential: Multi-Family Does Heaving Lifting

Richard Moody, Regions

Will Evergrande Take Down China, World Markets?

Brad McMillan, Commonwealth

Is Evergrande just another corporate bankruptcy or something more? Commonwealth CIO Brad McMillan examines the risks for China and the world markets.

The Ins and Outs of Short Selling

Lee Bohl, Charles Schwab

Make sure you understand the risks of short selling before taking the plunge.

Resist Inflation Complacency

Brian Wesbury & Robert Stein, First Trust Advisors

Fear of Contagion In Air

Russell Redenbaugh & James Juliano, Kairos Capital Management

Municipal vs. Corporate Bonds: How to Choose

Cooper Howard & Collin Martin, CS

There are multiple factors to consider, including your tax rate.

Do Taxes Fund Government Spending?

Daniel Davies, Crooked Timber

You wouldn't have thought that this was a difficult or controversial question. But actually it's both.

I Just Retired. How Do I Recover From A Correction?

Melissa Sotudeh, U.S. News

The transition from earning and saving to living on a fixed income is a big change. In these uncharted waters, it's natural for retirees or pre-retirees to fear what a sudden market downturncan do to the nest egg they have spent decades building.

Does the U.S. Economy Still Require Booster Shots?

Peter Coy, New York Times

This week, the Federal Reserve may hint at an answer.

Why World Bank Must Continue Publishing 'Doing Business'

Daniel Runde, Hill

The "Doing Business" report is the most important contribution the World Bank has made to global development in the last 25 years.

Let's Please Drop the Senseless Travel Bans

Dan Hannan, Washington Examiner

What is the single dumbest government response to the coronavirus? There is, we can all agree, a crowded field competing for that distinction. But there is surely no policy so self-defeating, so needlessly harmful, so absurd in its own terms as the Biden administration's continuation of the travel…

Why the United States Isn't Ready Yet for Clean Energy

Madeline Marshall, Vox

Making clean energy isn't enough. We also have to move it.

He Pushed Uber Out of China, Then Grew Too Big for Beijing

Laura He, CNN

Cheng Wei built a world-class ride-hailing app that not even Uber could keep up with in China.

Congestion Pricing May Have Finally Made It To NY

Nicole Gelinas, New York Post

New Gov. Kathy Hochul encounters her first challenge as the MTA is set to introduce congestion pricing to Manhattan right as the Big Apple recovers from the pandemic, Nicole Gelinas writes.

Taxing Stock Buybacks Is Wrong Fix for Executive Pay

Roger Lowenstein, NYT

The supposed link between buybacks and inequality is unproven.

Stock Market Is Afraid Again. What It May Mean for You

Anneken Tappe, CNN

It's been a wobbly week on Wall Street and CNN Business' Fear and Greed Index is flashing "Fear."

NYC's Thriving Restaurants Show Us the Way Out

Steve Cuozzo, New York Post

In the face of great hiring challenges, supply shortages and COVID-19 fears, our eateries stood up and brought their industry back.

Attitudes Toward Rich In Seven Countries

Rainer Zitelmann, Washington Examiner

What do people in different countries think about the rich? An international survey set out to answer this very question.

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Wildcat Banks, Liberty Reserve, and Tether

Bennett Tomlin, Bennett's Blog

Understanding the role of wildcat banking in the United States is an important portal into the modern role of Tether in crypto.

Corrections Happen. Investing Is Hard.

Ben Carlson, A Wealth Of Common Sense

Corrections happen all the time. The reason is irrelevant.

Hold My Beer

Joachim Klement, Klement on Investing

CEOs aren't the kind of people that are commonly known for their humility.

Generation "Buy The Dip"

Charlie Bilello, Compound Advisors

"Buy the dip." This has been the mantra for an entire generation of investors. Why? Because we are creatures of habit, and during the last 12 years the best habit you could possibly have had as an investor was to stop worrying and simply "buy the dip."

Why Evergrande Isn't Lehman With Chinese Characteristics

Jamie Powell, FT

There are a lot of differences between Lehman and Evergrande.

Rationing, Anyone?

Richard Murphy, Naked Capitalism

Why rationing might be part of the future.

Burden-of-Proof Games

Paul Romer, Paul Romer

Suppose that a drug company is trying to get approval for a new pain medication that might have some serious negative side effects. How can the company keep regulators from finding any? Even if you have no training in statistics it is easy to understand that the sure-fire strategy is to focus attention on side effects that are rare. The smaller the number of events, the easier it is to dismiss the few that arise as chance outcomes. This same strategy for avoiding a discovery is being used now by people who want to keep us from finding that the protection from vaccines diminishes over time.
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