
Don't Buy All the Hype About Future of 'Remote Work'

Michael Strain, National Review

Companies that are rushing to move their workforces remote are making a mistake.

Be Very Afraid: Gov't Says You Can Invest 401(k) In Pvt. Equity

Michael Hiltzik, LAT

The Trump administration sets up a private equity trap for unwary 401k investors.

What Happened to the Stock Buyback Explanation?

Market Minder, Fisher Investments

What stocks' rebound amid record-low buybacks means for investors.

Is Suze Orman Right That Traditional IRA Is Wrong?

Alessandra Malito, MarketWatch

Financial advisers weigh in on the personal finance guru's latest warning about individual retirement accounts, and how to use them

Why Don't Americans Trust Health Experts?

David Wallace-Wells, New York Magazine

The cost of the muddled messaging around the coronavirus and the necessity of face masks has is becoming terrifyingly clear in America.

C19: Some of the Many Things Experts Got Wrong

Michael Fumento, Just the News

From the start, the public health establishment has projected an air of certitude in its advice and policy prescriptions on COVID-19 belied by a record of error on many of the central questions.

Stop Whining About the 'Fairness' of Tech Job Concentration

Walter Block, RCM

Five major cities have been hogging up the lion's share of new hi-tech jobs. They are Boston, San Diego, San Francisco, Seattle and San Jose. They have accounted for, wait for it, 90% of new...

Can the Fed's Main Street Program Save Ailing Firms?

Paul Davidson, USA Today

A midsize manufacturer forced to shut down production for two months. A regional restaurant chain surviving on takeout service and sharply lower revenue. A hotel struggling to stay afloat until Americans start traveling again. Tens of thousands of midsize businesses left out of massive government rescue programs for small and large companies amid the COVID-19 pandemic are finally getting their lifeline.

A World Without Fed Would Be the Same As the World With It

John Tamny, RCM

Going back many, many centuries to China's Song dynasty (960-1279), the Confucians supported private money over what government would issue because "the market would compel private issuers of...

Lighthizer's Tariffs Could Dramatically Change Trade Politics

Marc Busch, The Hill

If Lighthizer were to get his tariff reset, U.S. exporters would increasingly be harassed by trade remedies abroad.

What Hasn't Been Done So Far To Save the Global Economy

Julia Horowitz, CNN

Central banks have unleashed trillions of dollars in stimulus, using their full recession toolkits to fight what could be the worst peacetime downturn in 100 years. Governments have followed suit with trillions of additional dollars. In the face of an uncertain future, what's left for policymakers to do?

Take Back the Streets from Automobile

Justin Gillis & Heather Thompson, New York Times

With people hunkered down at home, cities should act quickly to find a better balance between cars and pedestrians and cyclists.

There's a 'This Time Is Different' Quality to Gov't Waste

Jerry Bowyer, Vident Financial

What C-19 Mean for American Life Expectancy?

Allison Schrager, Manhattan Institute

A Look At Trump's Deregulatory Record

Wayne Crews, Competitive Enterprise Institute

I remembered wondering in 2017 whether the federal government would be larger or smaller after four years of Trump. The debt has now topped $25 trillion and the deficit alone will top $4 trillion, a figure that, incredibly, is higher than all federal outlays as recently as 2015. In the meantime, President Trump can and should use a meataxe on regulation unilaterally.

Residential Construction: A Subdued Turn Toward Normal

Richard Moody, Regions

Is the Fed Creating Tomorrow's Crisis Today?

Jerry Bowyer, Vident Financial

Should Smart Money Be Overweight NY Apartments?

Jerry Bowyer, Vident Financial

Trump's Views on C-19 Treatments Wiser Than You Think

Michael Keane, SSRN

Many academics are advocating for the strict adherence to randomized controlled trials (RCTs) in order to find treatments for CoViD-19. The prevailing orthodoxy

The Rebound Is Impressive But We're In A Deep Hole

Caroline Baum, MarketWatch

It's going to take many years of digging to get GDP back to its pre-pandemic level

The Single Best Predictor Of Future Stock Returns

Mark Hulbert, MarketWatch

Percentage of stock U.S. households own determines the market's 10-year return

There's Nothing New On Wall Street

Buttonwood, The Economist

Speculation is as old as the hills, but you can count on some variations

Re-Opening Is Too Little, Too Late For Restaurants

Christian Britschgi, Reason.com

Falling demand and strict social distancing requirements are leaving many restaurants with no path to profitability.

Robinhood Shows It's Never Been Better For Retail Traders

Howard Lindzon, HL

Robinhood is drawing a lot of attention these days. Success breeds scrutiny in the USA. More so than failure.

Racism And Income Inequality

Jeff Carter, Points and Figures

The Ten Commandments seem to work pretty well when you are thinking about how you should work with people.

China's Economic Crossroads

Kevin Rudd & Daniel Rosen, Project Syndicate

Given China's failure to follow through on the marketization policies that it announced seven years ago, it is reasonable to be suspicious of the government's latest reform push. Much will depend on what Chinese leaders fear more: disruptive change, or a creeping malaise of their own making.

The End of the American Century

Tom Engelhardt, The Nation

Marked by disease, endless wars, and a dying planet, the American empire is finally reaching its decline.

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

The Sweet Spot

David Hay, Evergreen Gavekal

Reputations are hard to shake, even those that are unfairly attributed. In my case, this was a function of my frequent warnings that stocks were overpriced for most of the second half of the former 10-year bull market.

How COVID Will Reshape Architecture

Kyle Chayka, The New Yorker

What kinds of space are we willing to live and work in now?

Powell's Potent Put Powering Stock Market Meltup

Ed Yardeni, Dr. Ed's Blog

From meltdown to meltup. The Greenspan Put, the Bernanke Put, and the Yellen Put all resulted from actions taken by the Fed under those three Fed chairs to give stock prices a boost when they seemed to need it to avert a meltdown.

Where the Endowment Model Goes Next

Alicia McElhaney, Institutional Investor

The Yale Model may not be the future for university endowments.

The Lystrosaurus

Rusty Guinn, Epsilon Theory

A bell is ringing....

The Air Conditioning Effect

Ben Carlson, A Wealth Of Common Sense

Of all amazing leaps forward in household technologies in the early-to-mid-1900s — automobiles, radios, televisions, refrigerators, washer/dryer, dishwasher, etc. — the most underrated might be air conditioning.

An Interview With Marc Andreesen

Sriram Krishan, The Observer Effect

Marc Andreessen on how he spends his time, learns, the 'build' essay and much more.
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